Extraterrestrials. Who needs 'em!?

Dec 30, 2001
Come on! Am I right people!?

Little green fuckers. All "cool" and shit, with their ESP and their flying saucers! Going around anal prob...ok we'll leave that part out. But I mean come on! What's with those big ol' crazy, beetie eyes, running around with those anntanea flailing around everywhere.

Whose with me!?

I drew the line with them when the crop circles started appearing in my corn
Yeah I like them because they are different.

Heckthat is why I come to lit because people are different.

You have to respect diversity your racist!
Re: Not the corn in your shit I hope.

I thought the same thing. :D

Originally posted by Lazarus1280
Yeah I like them because they are different.

Heckthat is why I come to lit because people are different.

You have to respect diversity your racist!

I don't have to respect dick! If they're gonna mosey on over to my planet, (yeah, I bought it from some red dude with horns last week for a promisary note...or some shit like that), and not even bring me some pickle loaf, they can toss off. I don't go wandering around the galaxy without bearing gifts. That's just plain rude I tell ya!

And respect diversity!? I'll have you know that each one of my personalities gets along perfectly well with one another! No we don't! SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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They're actually ice cream vendors. Just ask Raw Humor about their probe.
Re: Re: Not the corn in your shit I hope.

JaymesBlond007 said:

And resect diversity!? I'll have you know that each one of my personalities gets along perfectly well with one another! No we don't! SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Wondering which personality, I last talked to. ;-)

Btw~ the whole topic about diversity sounds so familiar.
Come on people! this is your chance!

Lets bash us some little green people. Why the hell not? I mean they're not like us, right? Hell, as far as we know they don't even have genitellia! If it's not a man then I don't have to respect it. And if it's not woman, then that makes it ok to disrespect it, right? I'm giving you the opportunity to completely disregard the feelings of another, that in no way thinks or look like you! Shit...I bet those filthy Martians don't even have feelings. Only us special humans have feelings, right? RIGHT!?
Re: Re: Not the corn in your shit I hope.

JaymesBlond007 said:

And respect diversity!? I'll have you know that each one of my personalities gets along perfectly well with one another!

Coooooooool... two of him that enjoys diversity....

Ok, So the first one I'll bend over forwards and the other over backwards... :p :kiss:
Originally posted by THOughts
Coooooooool... two of him that enjoys diversity....

Ok, So the first one I'll bend over forwards and the other over backwards...

I'll take it like a man. :kiss:
(and nice ass, btw)



Now look at this stupid looking looser! He's just asking to be made fun of. What mother on Earth could love such a hideously ugly mug like that? I bet he doesn't even know what Valentine's Day is! Do you think he celebrates The Day of Defender of
Motherland, Kwanzaa, Exodus, or Hanukkah ? Fuck no!

Let's just make fun of him, then fuck his glowin' ass up...
Re: Re: Extraterrestrials. Who needs 'em!?

Dixon Carter Lee said:
"Who's". You've lost your ability to spell. Have you been abducted and experimented on? If so, can I write the screenplay?

I have dibs on this already DCL. I'm the sf writer...
Re: Re: Who's

Dixon Carter Lee said:
"Who's". You've lost your ability to spell. Have you been abducted and experimented on? If so, can I write the screenplay?