Ever kissed a Republican/ Democrat?


His even if unwanted
Aug 15, 2023
So obviously things can get fraught and are getting fraught, and no doubt will get more fraught.
So sometimes it’s worth remembering that behind that sexy smile, there may be views that seem infuriating, incredulous, insane - but would you let that stop you fucking them?
Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
Personally - yes I have, though not recently
Though if cyber counts, have done far more recently ha
Wouldn’t let it stop me; though depends if simply conservative, or also a Trump apologist
Kiss a Republican? You gotta be kidding me. I don't even talk to them!

What if your fantasy person wanted to fuck you senseless, had you beneath them, grinding, and happened to mention they’re a Republican?
So obviously things can get fraught and are getting fraught, and no doubt will get more fraught.
So sometimes it’s worth remembering that behind that sexy smile, there may be views that seem infuriating, incredulous, insane - but would you let that stop you fucking them?
Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
I have and would, though it is frustrating hearing someone blindly follow a party.

When it comes to relationships and sex, their politics aren't my priority
I haven’t knowingly played with someone not on my side of the political spectrum, but I have had numerous friends to the right of me here. I don’t think I have consciously avoided getting something going because of politics, it’s just worked out the way it’s worked out. Lit, to me, is an escape from stuff like politics, and not to Beetlejuice someone, but I have said being obsessed about politics here is pathetic
I have only ever kissed three American women... it was the early 2000s and their political affiliation never came up... so... maybe?🤷
Major premise: I have been both a Democrat and Republican at different points in my life.

Minor premise: I have (as directed) fucked myself

Conclusion: Yes, yes I have
Rarely do I ask my slam pieces about politics but when I do its usually to make sure they’re pro-choice. Me and Trump have that in common so fucknit.
So obviously things can get fraught and are getting fraught, and no doubt will get more fraught.
So sometimes it’s worth remembering that behind that sexy smile, there may be views that seem infuriating, incredulous, insane - but would you let that stop you fucking them?
Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
I’m pretty sure all the guys I’ve kissed have been Dems. The smug “alpha male” act of a lot of conservative guys is a major turn-off.
Of course, because there's a big difference between making out with someone who has another political philosophy vs. making out with someone who's a cheerleader for an openly-racist misogynist.

It's like kissing someone taller/shorter than you are vs. kissing someone with active herpes blisters. 🙂
Of course, because there's a big difference between making out with someone who has another political philosophy vs. making out with someone who's a cheerleader for an openly-racist misogynist.

It's like kissing someone taller/shorter than you are vs. kissing someone with active herpes blisters. 🙂

Yes! 🙌👆
So sometimes it’s worth remembering that behind that sexy smile, there may be views that seem infuriating, incredulous, insane - but would you let that stop you fucking them?
Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
Absolutely, yes, it stops me having anything to do with them.

I have no time at all for the other side and I guess between 2016 and 2020, I filtered out pretty much everyone who I was formerly friends with who were Democrats or left and just dropped the social connections. Never bothered to explain why, just dropped them from my social media and didn't accept any invites / calls, whatever. Same at work, if someone comes out as openly left / D, I interact with them purely at a professional level, work related conversation only, and don't interact with them socially at any level. I generally find them toxic and their views are annoying, they take offense easily, and it's just not worth the risk of interacting.
Absolutely, yes, it stops me having anything to do with them.

I have no time at all for the other side and I guess between 2016 and 2020, I filtered out pretty much everyone who I was formerly friends with who were Democrats or left and just dropped the social connections. Never bothered to explain why, just dropped them from my social media and didn't accept any invites / calls, whatever. Same at work, if someone comes out as openly left / D, I interact with them purely at a professional level, work related conversation only, and don't interact with them socially at any level. I generally find them toxic and their views are annoying, they take offense easily, and it's just not worth the risk of interacting.

Disagreeing with your views is toxic… I see

Something tells me we’re not missing out on much