Ever have one of those moments?

one time.. I was writing a paper for school. I think I was in 9th grade or so. I couldn't remember how to spell the word "use". I couldn't ask anyone.. because I risked looking like an idiot. I spent three hours looking it up in the dictionary.

For some god damn reason U-s-e would not come to me. I looked in the E's and in the I's and even in the Y's.. never thinking about the U's.

The more I post, the more stupid little words trip me up. The other day, I wanted to spell "been" - "bin".

Thank God I have the online dictionary bookmarked.
i did the same thing only with a measurement. i was cooking something not long ago and wanted to make only half of the recipe. did well until i got to something that called for a third of a cup. could not for the life of me figure out what a half of a third was. tried to use algebra. you know, where you invert and multiply or some such. that didn't work. then i put it into the calculator and didn't have any idea what the answer meant in fractions. finally just filled the measuring cup to one third and poured out half of what was there. 1/6th didn't pop into my head until late the next afternoon.