ever get bored/ho hummy with BDSM?


Literotica Guru
May 17, 2002
i mean like you are hungry but don't know what you want so you go without anything type of thing? Nothing appeals to you or it's just been there done that got the T-shirt same'ole same'ole

that's just how i have been feeling lately. just plain blah about the whole thing. i open my toy box pick through it, look at everything, touch everything, pull this and that out but nothing sounds like fun at the moment so it all goes back in, the lock gets clicked and i go watch TV

ever goes through this?
lilredwolph said:
i mean like you are hungry but don't know what you want so you go without anything type of thing? Nothing appeals to you or it's just been there done that got the T-shirt same'ole same'ole

that's just how i have been feeling lately. just plain blah about the whole thing. i open my toy box pick through it, look at everything, touch everything, pull this and that out but nothing sounds like fun at the moment so it all goes back in, the lock gets clicked and i go watch TV

ever goes through this?

Nope, can't say that I have. The reason is I do not have subs underfoot day in and day out. So I do not get exhausted enough to be bored with it.

When feeling ho hum...

yes, I can get that way about alot of things.

Sometimes I also think... D/s, what a crazy fantasy - how can one base thier lives in this? Or rather, how has it come to be so important in my life?

It always passes, but, I am only going on a few years of serious consciousness and acceptance.
No... I never get bored. In fact, for me it is just the opposite... I never get enough. Because Himself has been ill recently, we have had less opportunity to play and it just makes me that much more hungry for Him and everything that goes into our play.

Re: When feeling ho hum...

lark sparrow said:
It always passes, but, I am only going on a few years of serious consciousness and acceptance.

thats kind of what i was wondering "have i just been in it to long? where can i go from here? hang by my nipples from a 10 ' pole while singing showtunes and being spanked by 12 little people w/ badminton racquets and bad hair cuts? "
Yep, right now as a matter of fact. It seems like with anything in my life, no matter what I have at the moment, I always end up wanting bigger better faster more.

With BDSM lately, I've gone as big and better as I can get before crossing lines I'm not willing to cross, so what's left? I find nilla sex boring, and now BDSM is getting old too...where does that leave me?
Re: Re: When feeling ho hum...

lilredwolph said:
thats kind of what i was wondering "have i just been in it to long? where can i go from here? hang by my nipples from a 10 ' pole while singing showtunes and being spanked by 12 little people w/ badminton racquets and bad hair cuts? "

*laughs* that's an interesting one....i wonder if anyone has a fantasy like that....*blinks* i'd like to find out....

do you have a partner? cause from the toybox thing it seems like you're alone at the time...there's always not-quite-public-but-sorta-risky sex...did that make sense?
Cirrus said:
Yep, right now as a matter of fact. It seems like with anything in my life, no matter what I have at the moment, I always end up wanting bigger better faster more.

With BDSM lately, I've gone as big and better as I can get before crossing lines I'm not willing to cross, so what's left? I find nilla sex boring, and now BDSM is getting old too...where does that leave me?

abstinence? but that's boring...i stand by my sorta public sex thing...heehee
i have been known to cross even uncrossable lines just to get the spark and burn back - but now the lines are a matter of being illegal

my ho hum isn't due to "bigger better faster more" i feel it's more due to 21 years knee deep in the trenches
lilredwolph said:
i have been known to cross even uncrossable lines just to get the spark and burn back - but now the lines are a matter of being illegal

my ho hum isn't due to "bigger better faster more" i feel it's more due to 21 years knee deep in the trenches

ooh...what kind of illegal?
lilredwolph said:
<shaking head & biting tongue> whats the point... why did i even bother...

I understand what you are talking about. I go through the ho-hums too, occassionally. I think that is why my sex life is not strictly a traditional relationship or D/s all the time. For me, it is a balancing act of the two. But never can I be the dominate party.

*edited for clarification

has this ever happened to you before?

If so, what did you do to correct the problem last time?

If it's the first time, maybe you just need to take a little breather from it all. Or maybe you need to just go out and explore, meet new people, see where it leads ya.

I understand your situation. I happens to me from time to time. Taking a break usually works for me. It can happen with anything, not just BDSM. But if it's something you really love, you will find away to get your interest back.

good luck and hope it work out for you.

oh! i have an idea...ever tried adding another person to the picture? That always makes things interesting...although you've prolly tried it so you'd know that...heh. *thinks* Ok, i'm out of ideas. Goodluck!
I am bumping this one up, cause I feel it relates to what I have been feeling lately.

I have been dealing with my vanilla a lot lately, and I have not been spending too much time with my subs.

I guess I am at an ho hum level after all.

I am also tired of being petitioned by wannabe, cowards, and fakes. So many submissives just seem to want to waste My valuable time.

I am not talking about those who ask me questions and seek knowledge. I am talking about those who want a Domme to make their fantasies come true.

To them I say rent a movie.
i follow that completely Eb, i have gotten back into toy designing and making but still have no spark to play.

i tired quickly of Dom's (said laughingly) that just wanted to spank a bad girl, i just don't have the patients for games and nonsence.
lilredwolph said:
i follow that completely Eb, i have gotten back into toy designing and making but still have no spark to play.

i tired quickly of Dom's (said laughingly) that just wanted to spank a bad girl, i just don't have the patients for games and nonsence.

Yep sometimes you just have to call a halt to bullshit.
Ho hum s&m vs. d/s

Sometimes I don't "feel" like any kind of play, nothing sounds exciting...but I have never yet not wanted to be in "sub" role, perhaps kneeling at my Dominant's feet, or head on his knee while he pets me and watches TV, or whatever. So yes, I understand feeling ho hum about s&m, but I've never yet felt ho hum about D/s...am I making any sense here?

Interesting thread, Eb, thanks for the bump!

- justina
could it be because of something unrelated to BDSM altogether? like other issues in life at the moment?

another possibility is just a decrease in libido. it happens to most people at some points in their life. some medications or hormonal changes can trigger this.
AvaAdore said:
could it be because of something unrelated to BDSM altogether? like other issues in life at the moment?

another possibility is just a decrease in libido. it happens to most people at some points in their life. some medications or hormonal changes can trigger this.

I have posted a lot about the fact that my sexuality is not tied to D/s at all.

To me, sex is sex. The issue ( for me) is not sex. It is the boredom if dealing with fakes, wannabes and so-called players.

Dommes can get bored very easily when faced with time wasters.

lilredwolph said:
i mean like you are hungry but don't know what you want so you go without anything type of thing? Nothing appeals to you or it's just been there done that got the T-shirt same'ole same'ole

that's just how i have been feeling lately. just plain blah about the whole thing. i open my toy box pick through it, look at everything, touch everything, pull this and that out but nothing sounds like fun at the moment so it all goes back in, the lock gets clicked and i go watch TV

ever goes through this?

No. I never get bored. After having been in a nilla marriage, I now find that my appetite for BDSM has increased greatly. It is a hunger that needs to be constantly fed.
I did not realize how much I missed it.
I think relationships tend to change with time.

Lately, we have spent a lot of time doing some public stuff, and using more mental aspects of D/s.

It tends to keep things fresh and new.

Besides trying new things is fun!