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The first draft of a future European Union constitution has run into sharp criticism, just hours after its release.
The UK Government was one of the first to call for changes to the draft, raising concerns about use of the word "federal" and suggestions that the EU would have powers to control foreign and economic policy.
"This is a one-way street to an EU state," Reuters news agency quoted Danish MEP Jens-Peter Bonde as saying.
"This track will lead us to a deeper level of integration than in the United States."
The 16 articles include the following :
9: The constitution shall have primacy over the law of the member states
13: The union shall co-ordinate the economic policies of the member states
14: Member states shall support the union's common foreign and security policy and shall refrain from action contrary to the union's interests or likely to undermine its effectiveness.
The BBC's William Horsley says the draft reflects the wish of Germany and some other states for the EU to act much more like a single state with a single government.