England becomes the fourteenth state to approve same-sex marriage

There's no marriage anymore. Straight people are already boycotting it.

It will become a gay ghetto institution so to speak. Its called Straight Flight. We don't want to be associated with it anymore. Enjoy.
There's no marriage anymore. Straight people are already boycotting it.

It will become a gay ghetto institution so to speak. Its called Straight Flight. We don't want to be associated with it anymore. Enjoy.

That's their choice.
There's no marriage anymore. Straight people are already boycotting it.

It will become a gay ghetto institution so to speak. Its called Straight Flight. We don't want to be associated with it anymore. Enjoy.

AP July 2013

Reports indicate that because nothing at all changed for them with the recent supreme court decisions, straights are divorcing at record rates and young straight people are refusing to marry or even date people of the opposite sex. When asked, a 20 year old straight woman stated, "If the queers are permitted to marry in 12 of the states, those of us who are straight in the other 38 states and 3 territories feel that getting married is a waste of time."

Another disgruntled straight stated, " We had exclusive straight access to over 1100 privileges and now that exclusivity no longer is guaranteed, so we won't bother with marriage, I'm staying single because if a queer can make medical decisions for their partner, my medical decisions for my husband won't mean anything.

Local republican politicians introduced a bill to force homosexuals who marry to place asterisks behind their names in order to distinguish between their marriages and real marriages.
There's no marriage anymore. Straight people are already boycotting it.

It will become a gay ghetto institution so to speak. Its called Straight Flight. We don't want to be associated with it anymore. Enjoy.

Don't worry. I've been married three times(all three times to a woman), my first wife is on her fourth marriage, and my second wife is on her third. That's a total of eight, depending on how you count, so the sanctity of marriage is still intact.
There's no marriage anymore. Straight people are already boycotting it.

It will become a gay ghetto institution so to speak. Its called Straight Flight. We don't want to be associated with it anymore. Enjoy.

You filing for divorce? If you do, you're desanctifying marriage. If you don't, you're a hypocrite. Which is it?
You filing for divorce? If you do, you're desanctifying marriage. If you don't, you're a hypocrite. Which is it?

I was opposed to no-fault divorce when marriage existed. I thought it shouldn't be permitted. Its a moot point now that marriage no longer exists.
The new state has it all figured out.

Except how to get water for the agriculture industry. They might have to sign a contract with Colorado to make that happen. I am sure they will get a good deal.
I'm glad I moved to a county that doesn't give a shit what the rest of the state(s) thinks. Basically, folks around here want the rest of the world to STFU and leave them alone. They're cool w/being behind the times.
Well, of course, the public-school system being what it is, there are no English ass-virgins. Traditionally, that is. Coeducation might have changed matters slightly. Or not.

I'd argue that it was removal of routine buggery from the school curriculum that caused the fall of the British Empire.