**Election Wager 2018: RoryN versus...[open enrollment]**

I need to get that extension that literally turns the internet off.

Also, I have a real hard time not doing like 3 things at once, like, real talk I have an anxiety disorder that makes it really hard to just sit down and focus on something, so I need like... external help not to do about 5 things at the same time. My productivity stays high but I don't know how because literally I can't. I can't focus. And I can't not do it. I should have never come back.

BUT it has got me writing again. So... that makes it ok.

It's not just this message board, it's a LOT of them. And microblogging platforms, in general. I need to have a constant stream of new shit to look at or I go crazy.

Sounds like a serious jones, amigo.

I keep mine under control by working on farm projects almost every day. Also, once a year I go out on wilderness hikes where I cut off all communications with the outside world for 7 to 10 days. That really helps to set priorities.

I learned that I cannot sit still to meditate. I have to be in motion, so physical work or hiking or yoga works to clear the deck.