**Election Wager 2018: RoryN versus...[open enrollment]**

Not surprisingly, the rest of the deplorables wouldn't back up their incessant "Dems won't win the House" talk by joining this wager. Just remember that they never put their money where their mouths are - even when there's no real money in the game. :kiss:

Like that Richard Gere line in An Officer and a Gentlemen, Lit Deplorables "got no place to go" if they were to give up their Lit identities for any length of time.

I mean, can you imagine "Ann" giving up any of his Ann-alts or BB giving up his string of alts? They got no place to go. Their entire identity depends on the GB.
I mean, can you imagine "Ann" giving up any of his Ann-alts or BB giving up his string of alts?

Yup. This forum is the only identity they have, or want to have.

Not an uncommon position when one sucks at life. :cool:
I'm excited. If I win, I get a shot at decent government. If I lose, I get a shot at getting over my crippling Lit addiction.

Life is full of opportunity.
Tomorrow is the day!

So, CandiCame, lovecraft68 and myself are the ones in on this wager.

lovecraft68 is only in because I called him out. He's already begun his hiatus (he's been gone for almost a week); he knows he'll lose. No nuts. Be ready for the "I couldn't care less" follow-up post from Comic Book Guy. :cool:

Not surprisingly, the rest of the deplorables wouldn't back up their incessant "Dems won't win the House" talk by joining this wager. Just remember that they never put their money where their mouths are - even when there's no real money in the game. :kiss:

Huh. I thought you'd have a bigger turnout, R-dog.
Little bit disappointed.
I'm frankly surprised I got even one on the other side.

But, again, he really had no choice. :cool:

We shoulda had a pig roast. If you want republicans to show up for something, you roast a hog.

Which I knew. I should have brought it up earlier. My bad. But remember for next time.
It's still a bit before 7:25 AM, EST.

I have my own wager.

If Democrats win either the House, Senate, or both, [whoever accepts my wager] doesn't post in Literotica forums for half-a-year: < midnight, UT, 1 January 2019 to midnight, UT, 1 July 2019.

If Republicans keep both the House and Senate, I won't post in Literotica forums for a year-and-a-half: < midnight, UT, 1 January 2019 to midnight, UT, 1 July 2020.

One has to have posted 1000 times here in the Literotica forums already to qualify. RoryN and those taking his wager are ineligible for this wager (lest they be bound to anything in this post).
It's past 4 PM EST.

Here in Canada, when it's election time, the polls are generally open from 8 AM to 8 PM.

Assuming that's the case in the US—or at least most of it—we're 2/3rds passed the point where polls are open in the ET zone,

and for those in the PT zone, they're passed the 5/12ths point where polls are open there.
My election day

Prediction is

Even after the election

Regardless of the results

Ole RORY will still be

[size=+1]Congratulations CandiCame and RoryN for putting your +20 000-post-accounts on the line.[/size]

Actually, you can quit Lit any time you want to. You can just walk out of the house, go to your favorite haunts and to places you've never been before, merge with the realities and subtleties of life, and leave the virtual cesspool behind.
Actually, you can quit Lit any time you want to. You can just walk out of the house, go to your favorite haunts and to places you've never been before, merge with the realities and subtleties of life, and leave the virtual cesspool behind.

Yeah and I can put down this cigarette or just walk out of a casino, right? That's how that works.

I don't LIKE the drugs, but the drugs like me.
Marylin was wrong. You like the drugs.
How I'm kinda doing it.

My 2nd post on this thread will be my 1900th and will in the year 2019.

My next post on this thread will be my 4001st, and will occur in the 203rd decade.


I need to get that extension that literally turns the internet off.

Also, I have a real hard time not doing like 3 things at once, like, real talk I have an anxiety disorder that makes it really hard to just sit down and focus on something, so I need like... external help not to do about 5 things at the same time. My productivity stays high but I don't know how because literally I can't. I can't focus. And I can't not do it. I should have never come back.

BUT it has got me writing again. So... that makes it ok.

It's not just this message board, it's a LOT of them. And microblogging platforms, in general. I need to have a constant stream of new shit to look at or I go crazy.
Nice victory for the Dems, taking the House, thus, cauterizing the bleeding caused by the rethugs and manchild. Now he is unable to dismantle the investigation since the Dems took the House.

It is wonderful to see so many young Democrats doing their thing, especially my girl, Ocasio.

But, YO, what the fuck is up with OHIO? What is going on with that state? Is it because so many young folks are leaving that state in droves, leaving the (more than likely) older bigots to dwell in the pits?

Dumb witch and so the spinning starts...

Sarah Sanders: "Huge victory" for Trump, "He's happy. We had a great night."
Sarah Sanders proclaims ‘huge victory for the president’ after Republicans lose House control

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Again, the Republicans retain the House for eight more weeks. Stay tuned and don't be surprised what they still do in that time.
Again, the Republicans retain the House for eight more weeks. Stay tuned and don't be surprised what they still do in that time.

Keith, I never got to tell you this, but I really like that cover. Like it looks Amazon ready. Not really the topic of this thread but do you use a graphic designer or do you do that shit yourself? Are those stock guys or do you take the pics? I'm sorry this is really off topic. Might should have sent a pm. Tiniest bit a little drunk right now.
Nice victory for the Dems, taking the House, thus, cauterizing the bleeding caused by the rethugs and manchild. Now he is unable to dismantle the investigation since the Dems took the House.

It is wonderful to see so many young Democrats doing their thing, especially my girl, Ocasio.

But, YO, what the fuck is up with OHIO? What is going on with that state? Is it because so many young folks are leaving that state in droves, leaving the (more than likely) older bigots to dwell in the pits?

Yeah, I'm proud of the kids too. They did come out in droves. I have a brother who just voted for the first time. I hate that nobody he voted for won, but I'm glad he got out. Youth turnout is usually really low.
Keith, I never got to tell you this, but I really like that cover. Like it looks Amazon ready. Not really the topic of this thread but do you use a graphic designer or do you do that shit yourself? Are those stock guys or do you take the pics? I'm sorry this is really off topic. Might should have sent a pm. Tiniest bit a little drunk right now.

My publisher does the covers--with whatever input I want to provide on design or images (I had picked these images). I use actual book covers, usually my latest release, as my avatar. I had four old ones with Halloween themes that I ran for the month before Halloween. This one is run to mark the elections (it's one of four in the same series that basically use the same overall design and images of characters running through the whole series). In a couple of days, I'll change this to a published book that I'll next post to Literotica.

Most of the cover images are stock photos, although my publisher does his own photos for some. Since I use a publisher, the publisher is covering all of the production costs, including cover creation.
Nice victory for the Dems, taking the House, thus, cauterizing the bleeding caused by the rethugs and manchild. Now he is unable to dismantle the investigation since the Dems took the House.

It is wonderful to see so many young Democrats doing their thing, especially my girl, Ocasio.

But, YO, what the fuck is up with OHIO? What is going on with that state? Is it because so many young folks are leaving that state in droves, leaving the (more than likely) older bigots to dwell in the pits?

Dumb witch and so the spinning starts...

Sarah Sanders: "Huge victory" for Trump, "He's happy. We had a great night."
Sarah Sanders proclaims ‘huge victory for the president’ after Republicans lose House control


Meh, up is down, black is white, in is out, losing is winning. No surprise there.
My publisher does the covers--with whatever input I want to provide on design or images (I had picked these images). I use actual book covers, usually my latest release, as my avatar. I had four old ones with Halloween themes that I ran for the month before Halloween. This one is run to mark the elections (it's one of four in the same series that basically use the same overall design and images of characters running through the whole series). In a couple of days, I'll change this to a published book that I'll next post to Literotica.

Most of the cover images are stock photos, although my publisher does his own photos for some. Since I use a publisher, the publisher is covering all of the production costs, including cover creation.

Oh shit so you're like, COMPLETELY out of my league then.

That's shit to think about in like... years. For me.