<<<< Election Day Thread (Tuesday, November 6, 2018) >>>>

Looks like the Democrats won the national House popular vote by about 9 percentage points, and the national Senate popular vote by even more. Gerrymandering and the structure of the Senate somewhat mask the extent of the American peoples' preference.
ugh. Why are we still doing this on paper? This shit should be automated and we should be able to see the results, vote for vote in real time.
ugh. Why are we still doing this on paper? This shit should be automated and we should be able to see the results, vote for vote in real time.

Not everyone can vote in person. I know across the state they were feeding absentee ballots into the machines if they had the time to do so. Unfortunately, we are far from online voting. Especially in this climate for faux voter fraud fanatics.
Looks like the Democrats won the national House popular vote by about 9 percentage points, and the national Senate popular vote by even more. Gerrymandering and the structure of the Senate somewhat mask the extent of the American peoples' preference.

Did they go home? The stat sheet seems to have stopped updating. Like... it's 1:30am so that's cool if they did. I was just wondering if that was a thing.

I'm doing British understatement tonight, fitting as I am drinking scotch.

The 9 point popular vote margin in the House, by the way, is a bigger margin than either of the two most famous Republican "waves," in 1994 and 2010.

Also: I'm not sure about ME-2, but the Maine governor's mansion went blue, and the Maine Senate flipped blue, which could be a big deal for abortion rights in the state if Susan Collins somehow made a mistake and Kavanaugh ends up casting the deciding vote to overturn Roe. Collins, who the Dems have inexplicably mostly left alone all this time, ought to be hearing footsteps.
The David Vitter Award goes to ... the two GOP congressmen under indictment who have been reelected.
Apparently I live in a county of complete and total jackasses. The di(R)tbags appear to have clicked straight ( c(R)ooked ) ticket without regard for experience, knowledge or ability of the candidates.
ugh. Why are we still doing this on paper? This shit should be automated and we should be able to see the results, vote for vote in real time.

Toronto, Ontario, and Canadian elections are all done on paper and we generally get the results before midnight. I hear in Germany computer voting is banned as a violation of civil rights.
Looks like the Democrats won the national House popular vote by about 9 percentage points, and the national Senate popular vote by even more. Gerrymandering and the structure of the Senate somewhat mask the extent of the American peoples' preference.

No Blue Wave for a midterm Republicans did well

They were expected to lose house

I am concerned that wackos like Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff will be charing committes
Too much power held by California Kooks especially if Pelosi is Speaker
There was a seismic shift in Texas last night

Yes, Rafael Cruz won, allowing him to draw a federal salary as he decamps to Iowa to begin his 2020 presidential campaign.

But here in Texas, both Pete Sessions and John Culberson lost.

Pete Sessions was the Congressman from the Dallas suburbs who chaired the House Rules Committee. He had served for 22 years.

John Culberson was the Congressman from the Houston northern suburbs. He was a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee. He had served for 18 years.

I did not think I would see my deep-red district EVAR oust Culberson. Culberson was so smug about his re-election he basically said "fuck those people with pre-existing conditions. They deserve to die". I was glad to see that bite him on the ass.
one word:

term limits


That's two words.

But it needs to apply to every elected office at every level of government nationwide.

And no salary or pension for any elected position. Only a closely supervised expense account.
The Pentagon today announced the abrupt cancellation of "Operation Faithful Patriot".

Now that the midterm elections are over, there is no need for troops to grandstand at the border.

I still thought SNL's "Operation Eagle With A Long Dong" was more appropriate.

We live in a time when soldiers are used as political props.
The Pentagon today announced the abrupt cancellation of "Operation Faithful Patriot".

Now that the midterm elections are over, there is no need for troops to grandstand at the border.

I still thought SNL's "Operation Eagle With A Long Dong" was more appropriate.

We live in a time when soldiers are used as political props.


Last I checked re-naming an operation wasn't the same as an RTB order.
one word:

term limits


Not if they're lifetime limits. We need experienced pols running things. We could have a system where you serve one term in Congress, then have to wait out the next term before you run again.
And no salary or pension for any elected position. Only a closely supervised expense account.

One of the greatest advances in modern democracy was when Britain voted to pay salaries to MPs, so that serving in Parliament would no longer be a practical option only for the independently wealthy.
yeah, they just dropped the name.

You are correct. They're still going to lollygag and loaf at the border, waitin' on that "disease caravan".

Gen. Mattis says it was a "mistake" to give the troop movement "operation status" to begin with...of course he also said it wasn't a "stunt".

The Pentagon pushed back HARD yesterday against Trump's insistence that troops begin building concentration camps to hold the evildoers, seems that's outside the scope of permitted military activity. Who knew?
Not if they're lifetime limits. We need experienced pols running things. We could have a system where you serve one term in Congress, then have to wait out the next term before you run again.


Why not just have an election every few years and let the people decide if they want to keep their elected officials or not?

Too much freedom and democracy for you? :D
Because we need experienced pols running things.

Bullshit. Your average DMV worker has a better idea of how government works than any of the disphits in congress.

That would go against the idea of term limits.

I agree...if people like their reps then they should be allowed to keep them, elections are term limits.

I hope "outsider" status has no appeal to anyone after Trump.

You've lost your fucking mind if you're hanging your hopes on that fantasy. ;)