<<<< Election Day Thread (Tuesday, November 6, 2018) >>>>

I'm not even looking until morning. Or mourning as the case may be.
If the Dems make gains, the idiot main$tream media and the Deplorables would still somehow spin it as a Repug victory. That's how they roll.

The gross hog racist manchild would be so jovial at all the spin.

Voter suppression, gerrymandering, intimidation, and brainwashing=the Repug way to win.
Well, I'm fucking pissed.

I'm in district 1.

I knew it was gonna happen. Fuckers in this district can't fucking read. Can't tell the difference between two completely different names. I'm gonna stand out here and chainsmoke for a little bit because I gotta calm my goddamn nerves.

Edit: Oh that right for crime victims thing passed. Good for that chick with the dead husband.
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Looks like the prediction i pulled out of my arse holds. Kiiiinda. Dems take house with comfortable but not huge numbers. As predicted. Reps keep senate, but might gain 1-2 seats more than I thought. Possibly more of that bluey wavey thing on state level.

Eh. Time to snooze. Have fun with weeks of little recounts all over the nation.
Republicans: Gerrimandering isn't a thing! We don't have real fucked up looking districts in order to make it look like there are more republicans!

Map of Ky:


Yeah this is totally a grid.
MSNBC calls the House for a Democratic majority just a couple minutes ago.
C’mon, Walker, drown you pond scum.



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Democratic chairman of The Weighs and Means Committee has aleady announced they will be requesting the IRS to produce Trump’s Tax Returns (there’s statutory authority for it, apparently).

I think they should have kept their trap shut and actually strategized with the other new chairpersons and Dem leadership about what and how to go after.
i'm gonna just guess that the results are going to hold and assume that we will soon have legal weed in michigan and democratic governor. sadly, i have no clue if we're going to successfully tell kate upton's dipshit uncle to fuck off, but there's still hope.

also, the other ballot proposals are looking good, so yay (ish)!
Democratic chairman of The Weighs and Means Committee has aleady announced they will be requesting the IRS to produce Trump’s Tax Returns (there’s statutory authority for it, apparently).

Cuz that's what's REALLY important :rolleyes:
Florida confirms its status as the armpit of the nation.

Americans are still dumb and racist.

Get ready for PUBLIC HEARINGS on Trump corruption, with Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler in control bwa ha hah ha.
Analysis. Other will have theirs, but only mine is correct:

1. The trends we saw in 2016 have hardened if not accelerated: the GOP is getting killed in the suburbs that used to turn out big numbers for Nixon and Reagan, but the Democrats are still having trouble winning any major statewide race where there's a significant rural population. That's going to make retaking the Senate quite difficult, especially since the main thing rural voters seem not to like about Democrats — namely, who they are — is not something the Dems can really help.

2. The Republicans increasing their Senate margin (they did NOT win a majority of Senate races tonight, which some people seem to be ignoring) is a signal that if the economy stays relatively strong, Trump will go into the presidential race with no worse than a 50-50 shot of being reelected. But his margin for error is awfully narrow because he doesn't even give lip service to anyone outside his base.

3. Trump probably helped drive up turnout among his biggest fanboys. But again, we see that's not a majority of the American people.

4. The Democrats dramatically bolstered their bench with all the wins at the governor level. That will also pay dividends in 2020 as well as with redistricting.

5. However, the ability of Republicans to continue controlling the gerrymander in Florida and Ohio is going to pay off for them clear through to 2030, and eventually help them win back the House.

6. It's amazing that less than two weeks ago, a Trump fanatic in Florida was discovered to have mailed bombs to a dozen well-known liberals, which had the result of ... pulling Florida Republicans to come-from-behind wins? As if I needed another reminder that the place is fucking hopeless and can get swallowed up by the Atlantic any day now.

7. Not that my home is much better. When a careerist stiff like Mike DeWine can win as the rest of the Midwest was going blue, it may be time to give up on Ohio as a "swing state," sad to say. We're the new Missouri.

8. Medicaid expansion continues to be a hit anywhere voters have their say on it.

9. Some Democrats seem a little depressed because a lot of their more interesting candidates lost; had they won, a decent night would have been a great night. Losing so many high-profile contests by a point or two is demoralizing. The other guys could use some character-building defeats for once.

10. But the country is in better shape today than it was 24 hours ago. The free ride for the Crook-in-Chief is over.
Analysis. Other will have theirs, but only mine is correct:

1. The trends we saw in 2016 have hardened if not accelerated: the GOP is getting killed in the suburbs that used to turn out big numbers for Nixon and Reagan, but the Democrats are still having trouble winning any major statewide race where there's a significant rural population. That's going to make retaking the Senate quite difficult, especially since the main thing rural voters seem not to like about Democrats — namely, who they are — is not something the Dems can really help.

Yea it's who they are.

Control freak bigots....that's the biggest problem with (D)'s.

And I suppose asking them to mind their own fucking business and GAWD forbid they judge people on the content of the character (that's white supremacist Nazi shit right there) instead of skin color.

Nope.....can't have any of that.
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Republicans: Gerrimandering isn't a thing! We don't have real fucked up looking districts in order to make it look like there are more republicans!

Map of Ky:


Yeah this is totally a grid.
Every 10 years, districts are reapportioned by the party in charge of the House. Say goodbye to those districts...turn around is fair play. Bend over republicans....your ass is gonna be sore
Every 10 years, districts are reapportioned by the party in charge of the House. Say goodbye to those districts...turn around is fair play. Bend over republicans....your ass is gonna be sore

Republicans weren't super happy with this one. All our representatives got into a big-ass redneck brawl, like an actual barfight out of a cowboy movie, and when the dust cleared, this was the map and no one knew where it came from or who had drawn it.

Literally. That was the story. No one took responsibility for this clusterfuck.

Look at Louisville up there all by itself just banging on the door begging for Ohio to let it in. How the fuck did that happen? No one knows!

Hahahahaha we're so fucking red and almost every local race kicked my ass. Candi's breaking out the vodka and sitting down to do some work I gotta get done tonight. I know it's midnight.