

Deviant Lesbo!
Apr 21, 2001
I have been having this reoccuring dream, and everytime I dream it damnnnnnnn it's hotter....

The dream itself involves one particularly hot participant, so the hot factor is there from the start....lol....But it also includes some things sexually, that I have never done and really never thought about doing....I guess my sub concious is telling me something lol....

Do you ever listen to what your dreams tell you???
It depends what my dream told me. LOL

Mine are usually symbolic, having to do with broad life directions. When I'm stressed, I dream violent, disturbing dreams. Or ones of abandonment. My dreams do speak to me. If I listen.
April said:
It depends what my dream told me. LOL

Mine are usually symbolic, having to do with broad life directions. When I'm stressed, I dream violent, disturbing dreams. Or ones of abandonment. My dreams do speak to me. If I listen.

Well I am liking more and more what this particular is dream is telling me lol........;)
Good Morning, Sugar Lips!:kiss:

I am one of those who are a firm believer in dreams. I've read and studied a lot about dreams, and the messages I believe we are given through them.

So yes, I listen to what my dreams tell me. I remember a great deal of my dreams and through the years have made it a habit to keep my dream journal near my bedside. You know, to write as much detail about them while they are still fresh on the mind.
Trust your instincts, or intuition, or inner voice, or whatever you call what speaks to you.
Hmmmm Listening intently lol....

The hot factor is there, most definately, but this dream is more about discovery....Discovery of myself, of the object of my affection, hmmmmm giving and receiving....Total surrender....
So, take a piece of paper, fold it in half, and on one side write down the details you recall from the dream, on the other side write a grocery list.

Then get to it, woman.
Good morning, lips:kiss:

I've been having this hot dream myself:D

She's laying on the bed with her head over the edge...her hands are tied over her head...I'm right in her ear...telling her how hot, sexy and desirable she is...She's writhing and moaning...(here's the kicker, april:D )...YOU are using those wonderful lips to send her over the edge:p :D
erosman said:
Good morning, lips:kiss:

I've been having this hot dream myself:D

She's laying on the bed with her head over the edge...her hands are tied over her head...I'm right in her ear...telling her how hot, sexy and desirable she is...She's writhing and moaning...(here's the kicker, april:D )...YOU are using those wonderful lips to send her over the edge:p :D

hehe....Mr.erosman that defiantely sounds like a dream I could get into......;)
your sub conscious...

Listening to the voice in your head is very important
Unless you are awake and it is saying kill anyone with a bad haircut

I agree with Lukky
Make those dreams a reality and have fun with it

And take photos to chronicle this wondrous journey
Re: your sub conscious...

just pet said:
Listening to the voice in your head is very important
Unless you are awake and it is saying kill anyone with a bad haircut

I agree with Lukky
Make those dreams a reality and have fun with it

And take photos to chronicle this wondrous journey

Yes, just pet making them a reality is my goal....But we have been having fun with this particular obsession of mine lol....:D
Sweetie, you've GOT to give us a LOT more details.

C'mon now, who sticks what where and how hard? Enquiring minds want to know!
sigh said:
Sweetie, you've GOT to give us a LOT more details.

C'mon now, who sticks what where and how hard? Enquiring minds want to know!

hehe, those I will pass on in PM if you are interested......;)

If dreams are opposite to life ,if I dream of sex does that mean I am not getting any?
april-wine said:

Do you ever listen to what your dreams tell you???

Luckily no, or I'd be in jail a long time ago.

My dreams are usually nightmares.
Re: Re: Dreaming......

shyybabe said:
Luckily no, or I'd be in jail a long time ago.

My dreams are usually nightmares.

:eek: Making a note NOT to end up in shybabe's nightmare.....
Re: Re: Re: Dreaming......

april-wine said:
:eek: Making a note NOT to end up in shybabe's nightmare.....

Well if you were in my dreams they would definitely not be nightmares. ;) There is only one person that causes me the nightmares and unfortunately will till one of us is no longer breathing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dreaming......

shyybabe said:
Well if you were in my dreams they would definitely not be nightmares. ;) There is only one person that causes me the nightmares and unfortunately will till one of us is no longer breathing.

:D I will invade your dreams tonight......;)