dom/me's devotion

bunny bondage

just cruisin' through
Oct 4, 2002
i just wanted to know what kind of ideal realtionship would you have with a sub. how would you view them? as a pet? a lover? a slave? a friend? all of the above? would they serve you day and night or pursue their own lives and devote free time to you? would you seek to guide them in life or simply act as a partner? how many of you would have mentor aspects to the relationships? would you involve D/s in every aspect of their life, such as punishing them for being late to work? i know that there will be different answers from everyone, and i wanna hear them all! and please feel free to elaborate rather than just sticking to the questions!

oh, and p.s., thanks to richard for the idea for the thread!
In case some of the dom/mes missed this thread, I'm bumping it 'cause I am curious to read the responses.
There is another aspect.

The Dom/me who views their sub, when submitting, purely as a possession.

Yes, I hope to hear more!


I have posted my views on this subject in several previous threads.

I also have posted that I do not like to repeat myself, so if you want to know what I think, do a search on Ebonyfire and read what I posted.
bunny bondage said:
i just wanted to know what kind of ideal realtionship would you have with a sub.
> How would you view them?
As a slave who is 100% my property to do with as I please during sex play
which might occupy a lot of the time. As a friend and equal partner the rest
of the time.

> would they serve you day and night
No, only during sex play.

> or pursue their own lives
They would pursue their own lives.

> and devote free time to you?
Yes, within reason.

> would you involve D/s in every aspect of their life, such as punishing
> them for being late to work?
Not really but when it comes to punishment any excuse will do.

I would want them to be affectionate, loving and loyal at all times. Plus
all the things most people would want in a relationship like enthusiastic,
cheerful, energetic, etc.
Re: Well,

Ebonyfire said:
I have posted my views on this subject in several previous threads.

I also have posted that I do not like to repeat myself, so if you want to know what I think, do a search on Ebonyfire and read what I posted.

oh, sorry, Eb! i didn't know this had been covered before! sorry!
Oooh, my head hurts even imagining what would happen if I searched for "Ebonyfire." I mean, I do like to read, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing! Lady is the Queen of Posts.
Re: Re: Well,

bunny bondage said:
oh, sorry, Eb! i didn't know this had been covered before! sorry!

Not the thread specifically. But we have asked some of the same things. It is bound to happen.

I think that there are enough people here who are either new or who have not felt like posting in the past who will step up and offer their views.

It will be good to see what they have to say. I just am lazy, and if anyone cares to know what I have to say, they just can do the search. It saves me a lot of typing. Carry on, I enjoy reading what others have to say.

Alright, just because I am lazy, the rest of you do not have to be. Answer the woman's questions!
How would you view them?

As My property, friend, playmate and lover.
Equal in rights and emotions. My slave in service.

Would they serve you day and night or pursue their own lives and devote free time to you?

Within reason, yes.
A submissive may have life away from O/our life together as long as he remembers the One who owns him.

Would you seek to guide them in life or simply act as a partner?

Bit of both, I think.
As I was older than My boy, I have insights that he may not have had. Talking and sharing views of life and the world is part of a partnership, I think.

Would you involve D/s in every aspect of their life, such as punishing them for being late to work?

Yes, I would.
Although, I am an understanding Mistress. His submission to me does not end when he stepped out the door in the morning. He submitted to Me in all things, at all times.

Helena :rose:
bunny bondage said:
i just wanted to know what kind of ideal realtionship would you have with a sub. how would you view them? as a pet? a lover? a slave? a friend? all of the above? would they serve you day and night or pursue their own lives and devote free time to you? would you seek to guide them in life or simply act as a partner? how many of you would have mentor aspects to the relationships? would you involve D/s in every aspect of their life, such as punishing them for being late to work? i know that there will be different answers from everyone, and i wanna hear them all! and please feel free to elaborate rather than just sticking to the questions!

oh, and p.s., thanks to richard for the idea for the thread!
My slave is My pet, My servant, My sex toy, My friend and My lifetime partner, My sub is My pet, My servant, My sex toy, My friend and My new adventure.
I do not choose toys to be lovers although as the relationship developes a love developes through respect and affection.
My slave serves Me night and day as he is My 24/7 live in collared boy. My submissive serves Me completely night and day when he is able to spend his 3 or 4 days in a row in My city at My home.
I guide them both in life but of course it is impossible to guide the sub in the same depth as the slave since the living conditions are totally different.
In My home we breath D/s and live it from the moment we rise til we close our eyes at night.
I mentor and train other submissives and Dominants, in the presence of My toys or with their assistance. They are My extensions.
I mentor and train outside of their vision but never behind their backs.
Re: Re: dom/me's devotion

Shadowsdream said:
I mentor and train outside of their vision but never behind their backs.

I really like this statement.

Re: Re: Re: Re: dom/me's devotion

Shadowsdream said:
~~grin~~ its that BDSM honesty clause!

I like it because I say the same thing, but differently. I make sure that any sub who comes to Me knows that I will be talking and interacting with other male submissives. There is will no dishonesty about what will occur.
thanks everyone, i'm really gaining insight! i've done a lot of reading trying to get inside the head of a dom/me, but it finally occured to me that i had access to tons of dominants right here!

and i've finally gotta say it. Eb, "Domme Quixote" is just SO clever! that always makes me grin!
bunny bondage said:
thanks everyone, i'm really gaining insight! i've done a lot of reading trying to get inside the head of a dom/me, but it finally occured to me that i had access to tons of dominants right here!

and i've finally gotta say it. Eb, "Domme Quixote" is just SO clever! that always makes me grin!

why thanks bb:D
bunny bondage said:
i just wanted to know what kind of ideal realtionship would you have with a sub. how would you view them? as a pet? a lover? a slave? a friend? all of the above? would they serve you day and night or pursue their own lives and devote free time to you? would you seek to guide them in life or simply act as a partner? how many of you would have mentor aspects to the relationships? would you involve D/s in every aspect of their life, such as punishing them for being late to work? i know that there will be different answers from everyone, and i wanna hear them all! and please feel free to elaborate rather than just sticking to the questions!

oh, and p.s., thanks to richard for the idea for the thread!

What did I do this time?

All of the above would be perfect.

To me a collared submissive is first and formost a person .... for me of the female type .........

They are the most valuiable thing I own .. and I treat them with that value

They need to keep there minds, bodies and spirit fresh .... whatever that take for them.....

But what do I know .....
NemoAlia said:
Oooh, my head hurts even imagining what would happen if I searched for "Ebonyfire." I mean, I do like to read, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing! Lady is the Queen of Posts.

I have never figured out how to use the search feature here effectively so I do not mind new threads coving old subjects ... besides someone new here may bring a fresh prespective that we all can learn from ......
Richard49 said:
I have never figured out how to use the search feature here effectively so I do not mind new threads coving old subjects ... besides someone new here may bring a fresh prespective that we all can learn from ......

I believe I said that I do not like repeating myself. I said nothing about others.
My slave is my lover, consenting to a set of rules and a vision of herself and myself that makes her powerless but highly sexualized when we desire the conditions to be so; she is only a slave because of my sexual desire to have her in that way, and because she enjoys that place in my life.

If none of the above were true we'd still be best friends, and intimately close. But it is true, and we can't analyze it any further than that. We might never have sex again, but we'd still be best friends.
bunny bondage said:
i just wanted to know what kind of ideal realtionship would you have with a sub.
Bunny I would be very interested to know your answers to your own
questions. What kind of ideal relationship would you have with a dom ?

For all the subs who have contributed or read this thread I would like
to know what kind of ideal relationship would you have with a dom ?
my ideal relationship would involve me being in the role of a pet. loved, cherished, controlled, guided, nurtured. it would be involved in every aspect of my life, though i would still have time for my own life, my friends. a balance between my social time and time with Him. the role of D/s would be involved in everything, not just sex. scolded for skipping class, rewarded for good grades - that kind of thing. He acts as a mentor, working to expand my horizons and education in life. this is kind of the life i am lucky enough to be currently leading, and i'm just pleased as punch. i wished for this for so long, and He is giving me everything i need. encouragment, affection, guidence, emotional fufillment through bdsm. it is a full time thing, something not questioned or talked about, just understood (finally) and it's just the way we relate to each other. i'd love to be more thorough, but i've got to go to my astronomy lab in ten minutes, and there's oodles more threads i wanna check before i leave!
bunny bondage said:
my ideal relationship would involve me being in the role of a pet. loved, cherished, controlled, guided, nurtured.
Hi Bunny

I found what you said very interesting. A lot of it would not have
occurred to me because I'm too independently minded. However when I
read your words it makes perfect sense to me and I can see the appeal
for both parties. I think that if you remove the sex and the BDSM parts
from your description then it describes a fairly ideal child/parent
relationship. In the right context this is a very powerful and positive

I'm glad you have someone who is fulfilling your ideal relationship.
I hope this continues to go well. Incidentally how old is he ?

So you do astronomy lab. You are full of pleasant surprises. What else
do you study at college ?