Does Bill Ayers believe Obama should be tried at the Hague for war crimes?

Wait, Bill Ayers is now a respected member of the community? I get so confused since the Anti-Obama rhetoric seems to literally change the rules as soon as anybody gets a firm grasp on them.
Thank you Eyer! I AM so confused. It feels like just yesterday Bill Ayers was a terrorist worthy of no more respect than Osama Bin Ladin and now all of a sudden he's relevant and important. It's hard for me to keep up with my tiny tiny brain. I am logically retarded you know.
"logically" was so unnecessary...

That's not what Koala says. He sys that's the most important part that I point out that I am logically retarded. Can you explain to me the funny rules of your new game please? I am far too stupid to keep up.
I think I might have figured it out. This is important because it was posted by Bill Eyers