does anyone still think obamacare is free?


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
this is a shit plan from a shit leader. rates are going up for small biz and allowing the government to take health care over, well put a fork in the pig as its done...
this is a shit plan from a shit leader. rates are going up for small biz and allowing the government to take health care over, well put a fork in the pig as its done...

Did anyone except a complete retard..............oh wait!

Everything is going to be alright.

The DOW is over 15k!

Rich people are rejoicing!
this is a shit plan from a shit leader. rates are going up for small biz and allowing the government to take health care over, well put a fork in the pig as its done...

We won't get lucky enough for a government take over. We've got to many tards like you.
this is a shit plan from a shit leader. rates are going up for small biz and allowing the government to take health care over, well put a fork in the pig as its done...

Who pays for your healthcare?
the best things in life are free, but you can give them to the birds an' bees, I want moooooney THAT's what I want!
Conservatives accuse Obamacare of being way too expensive and also being free at the same time.
Conservatives accuse Obamacare of being way too expensive and also being free at the same time.

just obama playing robbin in da hood, punish those that dare to be sucessful (aka not obama supporters) taking from those that chose to work and be successful and to hand it to obama supporters (aka the welfare people)

government is never the solution, after all, this is where you work! government is always the problem
Go Obama Go!. Government is often the solution, but you have to name the problem first.
just obama playing robbin in da hood, punish those that dare to be sucessful (aka not obama supporters) taking from those that chose to work and be successful and to hand it to obama supporters (aka the welfare people)

government is never the solution, after all, this is where you work! government is always the problem

What about those pics?
Go Obama Go!. Government is often the solution, but you have to name the problem first.

yeah but you are not very smart. therefore you can't see the waste and bloat of government. also, since you don't pay property taxes, well you don't take a hit from uncle obama robbing you
yeah but you are not very smart. therefore you can't see the waste and bloat of government. also, since you don't pay property taxes, well you don't take a hit from uncle obama robbing you

Yes I do, and I'm thankful the kids I hire at my business can already read and write. There is bloat in everything, and you pay for it in everything. If you can point to something specific fine. We can discuss specifics but just "look they haz bloat" isn't good enough.
Yes I do, and I'm thankful the kids I hire at my business can already read and write. There is bloat in everything, and you pay for it in everything. If you can point to something specific fine. We can discuss specifics but just "look they haz bloat" isn't good enough.

how many employees do you have ? Are making sure no one has more than 30 hours a week? Wait. Never mind they can't actually figure out to do that with out a political backlash. It has been put off until after the next election. Maybe it will taste better then. Or not
how many employees do you have ? Are making sure no one has more than 30 hours a week? Wait. Never mind they can't actually figure out to do that with out a political backlash. It has been put off until after the next election. Maybe it will taste better then. Or not

Sean is talking shit, he has no job and no company
Actually I'm not Jen. If you look hard enough I've advertised my company on here in the past.

how many employees do you have ? Are making sure no one has more than 30 hours a week? Wait. Never mind they can't actually figure out to do that with out a political backlash. It has been put off until after the next election. Maybe it will taste better then. Or not

12, everybody averages 40+ hours a week.
just obama playing robbin in da hood, punish those that dare to be sucessful (aka not obama supporters) taking from those that chose to work and be successful and to hand it to obama supporters (aka the welfare people)

government is never the solution, after all, this is where you work! government is always the problem

No, government is the solution to getting people access to health care. Lack of government is what gave us the health care crisis in the first place.

Take away government and people would be dying in the streets.
No, government is the solution to getting people access to health care. Lack of government is what gave us the health care crisis in the first place.

Take away government and people would be dying in the streets.

no, its stealing from those that work and another welfare program

costs will not go down, they never go down when "government" is on the job
no, its stealing from those that work and another welfare program

costs will not go down, they never go down when "government" is on the job

Seniors would pay re-fucking-diculous costs if they had to pay their health care on their own out of pocket. Medicare came along and paid for 80% of costs plus prescription drugs. They would become broke and be homeless and die in the streets. Literally.

In Jen math is an 80%+ reduction in cost not a decrease?
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