Does anyone get tired of the self serving threads here besides me

Nov 22, 2002
I have never seen so much self serving stuff in my life. Im sorry and maybe I shouldn't be saying it........I know this is a happy feel good place and activity.....but Jesus Christ.

If your bummed just say so...people will try to prop you up.
If you have had a bad week people will understand and try and make you feel better.
If you want to be noticed just post stuff....This "Notice Me Disease" is really annoying.

I dunno man sheeesh.........
Immigration from the Playground is up 23% according to Ishmael.
So *sniff* I guess I should rethink starting that thread talking about how horrible my evening was y'day, eh? ;)
No thats fine Kitty......But posting as an unreg to do it and then having people fall all over you would be silly.......then coming in and thanking everyone for their support as yourself.....ugh....Im embarrassing.

And this thread isn't a cry for attention its just me screaming my distain for the way some would seek attention, and a kind word.

If I want to be noticed I will stick to being witty (If I even am) and posting creative responses.

If I am bummed and want advice or consolation you will all know it........I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. But I wont try and trick you into playing with me........

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"I have never seen so much self serving stuff in my life."

Hello Mr. Jedi-sigs-are-so-gay, every thread is self serving. Including this one.
I don't like those self-serve bulk food never know where the hands before you have been.
I've had a truly awful week. The second worst in my entire life. But what I really want to know is: How often should we rotate our tires?
So should we run our ideas by you prior to posting them or simply order your mannuel. There is a mannuel right?
Every other oil change, or 6,000 miles.

Wait, was that me trying to prop you up? God, I would hate to piss Kill off on his own thread.
I like the bulk food section, Mia! That's where they hide all the COOL stuff!

I understand why you don't like them, though. Do you feel better now?
Maybe mannuel can tell Dix how to properly eat a taco.:D


Spelling buddy (known to be self serving at times) says It is Manual
Killswitch said:
Maybe mannuel can tell Dix how to properly eat a taco.:D


Spelling buddy (known to be self serving at times) says It is Manual

(psst! over here...helpful hint. It's pointless to correct Sunny's spelling. Check out her title and you'll see why.)
sunstruck has been watching those self serving emmanuelle in space movies. I can tell from her spelling.
Nora said:
(psst! over here...helpful hint. It's pointless to correct Sunny's spelling. Check out her title and you'll see why.)

Besides being self serving...Spelling Buddy is really anal.

pssst over here....I love it;)
Re: Re: Does anyone get tired of the self serving threads here besides me

Never said:
"I have never seen so much self serving stuff in my life."

Hello Mr. Jedi-sigs-are-so-gay, every thread is self serving. Including this one.

Yeah, dammit
Killswitch said:
Besides being self serving...Spelling Buddy is really anal.

pssst over here....I love it;)

Grr! Don't make Punctuation Buddy go medieval on your ass! There are only 3 dots in an ellipsis!


2nd friendly tip of the day: Just don't open threads that don't interest you.
OK OK....Star Wars Sigs Rule!!!!!! The movies were the finest cinematic creations of all time!:rolleyes:

I should have known better than to rip Star Wars.....People that like that stuff are far more dedicated to defending it, than I am at ripping it to shreds:eek:

Nora said:
Grr! Don't make Punctuation Buddy go medieval on your ass! There are only 3 dots in an ellipsis!


2nd friendly tip of the day: Just don't open threads that don't interest you.

3rd tip: Don't keep posting to them!