Does anybody like the holy grail as much as i do.


Really Really Experienced
Nov 4, 2001
Im just wonderin if anybody liked Monty Pythons quest for the Holy Grail as much as me.
big4life99 said:
Im just wonderin if anybody liked Monty Pythons quest for the Holy Grail as much as me.

Ohh, there's some lovely filth down here. Yes, I do love the Holy Grail. Unfortunately, Zoot, this is not the posting area to speak of such things, so after awhile, this post will be moved to a more appropriate site. Bad, naughty Zoot, you will pay for your transgressions with a spanking from BlessedBe. :D
Re: Re: Re: Does anybody like the holy grail as much as i do.

waverlysgirl said:
Aye. Yellowbeard would probably be more your speed.

Umm...I don't think so.
It does belong here because i want to meet someone who likes this movie its my favorite. Ive had enough of women with no sense of humor.

Thanks for your replys though i really appreciate it.

Good Evening.
Monty Python.....

...what a hoot! I loved the Holy Grail and then there was Life of Brian....I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheecks!...I need to watch that agina soon I could use a good laugh!:kiss:
To be technical, we'd need to know how much you like it to see if we like it as much. A yardstick of likability, if you will.

Anyway, I :heart: it. ;)
big4life99 said:
It does belong here because i want to meet someone who likes this movie its my favorite. Ive had enough of women with no sense of humor.

Thanks for your replys though i really appreciate it.

Good Evening.
I do think if yer mother was a hamster and yer father smelt o' elderberry yer chances would go waaaaaay up....with the right crowd *Chuckle*:D ;)
Holy Grail - Hunters And Collectors

Woke up this morning,
from the strangest dream
I was in the biggest army,
The world has ever seen
We were marching as one,
on the road to the holy grail

Started out,
Seeking fortune and glory
It's a short song, but it's a
Hell of a story, when you
Spend your lifetime trying to get
Your hands on the Holy Grail

Bud have you heard of the Great Crusade?
We ran into millions, and nobody got paid
Yeah, we razed four corners of the globe,
For the Holy Grail.

All the locals scattered,
They were hiding in the snow
We were so far from home,
So how were we to know,
There'd be nothing left to plunder
When we stumbled on the Holy Grail?

We were foolish beings
But we were dying like flies
And those big black birds,
they were circling in the sky,
And you know what they say, yeah,
Nobody deserves to die.

Oh I,
I've been searching for an easy way
to escape the cold light of day
I've been high, and I've been low
But I've got nowhere else to go
There's nowhere else to go

I followed orders
God knows where I'd be
But I woke up alone,
all my wounds were clean
I'm still here
I'm still a fool for the Holy Grail
Oh yeah,
I'm a fool for the Holy Grail

oh and the movie is damn good too :D
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries! I wave my private parts at your aunties!!!!"

That line cracks me up every time!! :D Petra
there are some who call me...... tim....

I fart in your general direction, silly arthur king and your knigits