Does Abortion Lower Crime Rates?


Loves Spam
Feb 18, 2012
This was one of the primary themes of Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review, in which Montgomery Mulford wrote that “I am of the belief that the acceptance of birth control by society, and its frank teaching, can help diminish criminal activity!”

This theme still resonates strongly with many people today. The best-known study of the abortion-crime connection was performed by John J. Donohue III and Steven D. Levitt in 2001. In Harvard University’s Quarterly Journal of Economics, they concluded that “Legalized abortion contributed significantly to recent crime reductions. … Legalized abortion appears to account for as much as 50 percent of the recent drop in crime.” The authors noted, “Crime began to fall roughly 18 years after abortion legalization,” and that the social benefit of this decrease in crime is about $30 billion annually.2
Donohue and Levitt wrote that, since 1991 ― 18 years after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion ― murder rates have fallen faster than at any time since the end of Prohibition in 1933. They added that the five states that legalized abortion earlier than 1973 [New York, California, Washington, Hawaii and Alaska] also experienced earlier declines in crime. Finally, they found that states with especially high abortion rates in the 1970s and 1980s had equally dramatic crime reductions in the 1990s.3

Levitt went on to co-author the 2005 bestseller Freakonomics, in which he reiterated his thesis that the legalization of abortion is responsible for half of the recent drop in violent crime.

Prominent pro‑abortion groups and leaders immediately seized on the results of the Donohue‑Levitt study and used them as justification for promoting and funding the practice of abortion. For example, Canadian abortionist Henry Morgentaler, in an op‑ed piece heartlessly entitled “It’s Better for Us that They Died,” declared moral vindication and grumbled that he had been saying for decades that abortion would reduce crime.4
Gee, lets suffocate every child the day after its born, then there won't be ANY crime in a few decades. :rolleyes:
Prominent pro‑abortion groups and leaders immediately seized on the results of the Donohue‑Levitt study and used them as justification for promoting and funding the practice of abortion. For example, Canadian abortionist Henry Morgentaler, in an op‑ed piece heartlessly entitled “It’s Better for Us that They Died,” declared moral vindication and grumbled that he had been saying for decades that abortion would reduce crime.4

If you buy into the idea that many criminals come from broken or impovrished homes then it would follow that crime rates would eventually go down as ther would be fewer high risk individuals being born.

"Every child a wanted child" means, hopefully, that all children born are welcome and cared for.
Most of the people targeted for abortions are poor, uneducated, and live in high-crime areas.

Abortion was legalized for the sole purpose of eliminating undesired groups of people based on socio-economic, genetic, intellectual, and biological factors.

It's called eugenics.
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Most of the people targeted for abortions are poor, uneducated, and live in high-crime areas.

Abortion was legalized for the sole purpose of eliminating undesired groups of people based on socio-economic, genetic, intellectual, and biological factors.

It's called eugenics.

There is also a "womans control of her own body" angle here. A woman who is pregnant gets to decide whether or not to continue to delivery.
Read Freakonomics, the authors (an economist and investigative journalist) go into this in great depth.
Most of the people targeted for abortions are poor, uneducated, and live in high-crime areas.

Abortion was legalized for the sole purpose of eliminating undesired groups of people based on socio-economic, genetic, intellectual, and biological factors.

It's called eugenics.

There was a guy on the POTUS Sirius XM channel recently who was talking about the politics of people who get abortions. The research he cited showed that women who get abortions are pretty evenly split across the political spectrum. Baslically conservatives get abortions all the time, they just lie about it.
There was a guy on the POTUS Sirius XM channel recently who was talking about the politics of people who get abortions. The research he cited showed that women who get abortions are pretty evenly split across the political spectrum. Baslically conservatives get abortions all the time, they just lie about it.

How does he know?
I changed my mind about abortion when I learned that feral Democrats get most of them.
I think it is engagement in Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Did other applicable talents go down 50% too?

Artists, entertainers, community workers?

And poverty rates. Were they also significantly lowered? Additionally if the thesis is that unwanted children equal crime and poverty, was the measure sans white-collar crime? Did not conceal and carry laws also expand during this same time period? How many crimes during this time did not go unreported because they were in the illegal population? I think such a black and white analysis goes straight to the issue of bias and intended outcome. There is far too much of that under Social Justice Academic standards...
I think it is engagement in Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Did other applicable talents go down 50% too?

Artists, entertainers, community workers?

And poverty rates. Were they also significantly lowered? Additionally if the thesis is that unwanted children equal crime and poverty, was the measure sans white-collar crime? Did not conceal and carry laws also expand during this same time period? How many crimes during this time did not go unreported because they were in the illegal population? I think such a black and white analysis goes straight to the issue of bias and intended outcome. There is far too much of that under Social Justice Academic standards...

Fewer Niggaz = less crime.
How does he know?

Whatever research he was citing said that 27% of women who get abortions are Catholic and 15% are Evangalicals. His point was that when taken as a group, women who get abortions are basically just a cross-section of America. Evangelicals for example get abortions at a rate that's less than the general population, but not by all that much...
There was a guy on the POTUS Sirius XM channel recently who was talking about the politics of people who get abortions. The research he cited showed that women who get abortions are pretty evenly split across the political spectrum. Baslically conservatives get abortions all the time, they just lie about it.

Ask any conservative woman, and chances are she'll tell you... "The Only Moral Abortion Is MY Abortion"

I can personally attest to that....this past election season, at least three of my female conservative friends posted anti-abortion "punish the bitch" propaganda on their facebook walls. I know for a fact that each of them had had an abortion. "Do as I say, not as I did" is the coin of the conservative realm.

You see that mindset here as well, with virtually every hard-core rightwinger over 60 getting some sort of government assistance while preaching the Gospel of Bootstrappy Ayn Rand.
I've never heard this argument of lower crime rates being used by individual women or men to bolster their pro-choice beliefs. I'm not saying that none ever have but I think it's a very small piece of the pro-choice community's beliefs. In all the previous threads on abortion in this forum, for example, has anyone ever made this claim? If so, how many times is it used in comparison to the simple belief that women should have control of their own bodies?

It's a small, small part of the pro-choice argument. It never entered my mind at all in making a decision on this issue.
It is generally strongly alluded to; that these unwanted children will cost us too much money, as a society, because they will all become impoverished drug and alcohol abusers.

Unlike wanted children who never fall prey to such things.

;) ;)
Whatever research he was citing said that 27% of women who get abortions are Catholic and 15% are Evangalicals. His point was that when taken as a group, women who get abortions are basically just a cross-section of America. Evangelicals for example get abortions at a rate that's less than the general population, but not by all that much...

It seems to cut across all lines and does seem aimed at any demographic in particular. I recall that in the original debate this generally was not an issue.
It is generally strongly alluded to; that these unwanted children will cost us too much money, as a society, because they will all become impoverished drug and alcohol abusers.

Unlike wanted children who never fall prey to such things.

;) ;)

You have a point. Still, in all honesty, I'd never heard of these studies about lower crime rates 18 years after Roe vs Wade until today.
You have a point. Still, in all honesty, I'd never heard of these studies about lower crime rates 18 years after Roe vs Wade until today.


Great documentary, I gotta get the book.

Economist Steven D. Levitt and journalist Stephen J. Dubner host an anthology of documentaries that examines how people react to opportunities to gain, wittingly or otherwise. The subjects include the possible role a person's name has for their success in life, why there is so much cheating in an honor bound sport like sumo wrestling, what helped reduce crime in the USA in the 1990s onward and we follow an school experiment to see if cash prizes can encourage struggling students to improve academically.
You have a point. Still, in all honesty, I'd never heard of these studies about lower crime rates 18 years after Roe vs Wade until today.

Probably because they are not very good studies based upon an unsound premise as I posited in my opening post; I think we had a conclusion reached and a study designed to confirm it.

Also there may be a shifting nature in they kinds and types of crime where, let's say, Tony Soprano no longer has to hijack a truck when he can hijack your identity...

;) ;)
Probably because they are not very good studies based upon an unsound premise as I posited in my opening post; I think we had a conclusion reached and a study designed to confirm it.

Also there may be a shifting nature in they kinds and types of crime where, let's say, Tony Soprano no longer has to hijack a truck when he can hijack your identity...

;) ;)

"not very good studies" in AJ-speak means "studies that do not conform to my preconceived political agenda".

There is something of a cottage industry devoted to trying to disprove the Freakonomics/Donohue-Levitt Hypothesis, led by the intellectually dishonest John Lott.

Like our Gooklord, they HAVE to "disprove" this study, because abortion "kills babbies".

I invite people to read the details here (Abortion and Crime: Who Should You Believe?) and decide for yourself if their arguments are honest.
You have a point. Still, in all honesty, I'd never heard of these studies about lower crime rates 18 years after Roe vs Wade until today.

For a start you would need a considerable numbers of years to establish any credible basis of argument as the lack of population (abortions) would need time to reach (theoretical) criminal age and ideally well past it. The overall effect, or lack of, can only be really measured over decades.

I have never heard of these studies either but I have not been looking for them
So it's not about whether or not a fetus is it's own person or the freedom for a woman to do with her body as she wants, it's about future crime. Real fucking nice.
We should totally get the precogs in on this.
Fuck people are stupid.