Do you respond to comments?


Really Experienced
May 31, 2021
I don't get many comments on my stories yet, and I value the ones I get. Sometimes I am tempted to respond (only in a positive way). But I don't see many authors responding to comments, and perhaps it is bad form. I also got one direct message from a reader once, and I of course was happy to respond to that, but comments feel different.

Do you respond to comments? Or no?
Usually no. But I have before once or twice, if there was a direct question from someone who actually signed their name.

I did recently post a set of background material for my SF series, and that spurred a couple of specific questions that I did reply to. But that's a special case.

Normally I leave the comments alone. My view is that they don't need to read anything more from me: they just have. I've said my piece, with the story.
I don't get many comments on my stories yet, and I value the ones I get. Sometimes I am tempted to respond (only in a positive way). But I don't see many authors responding to comments, and perhaps it is bad form. I also got one direct message from a reader once, and I of course was happy to respond to that, but comments feel different.

Do you respond to comments? Or no?
Rarely. I don't expect replies to be seen by the commenter very often. I'll reply if it it seems like other readers might appreciate it, and I'll especially reply if it's an alternative to deleting a comment. For instance, someone commented on a story to the effect that everyone who liked it was wrong; he was the boy who saw the Emperor for what he was, etc, etc. I just replied that he had a high regard for his own opinion. In another case the readers actually had a bit of a conversation between themselves through the comments, and I joined in.
Not the ones on the story comments section. I do respond to feedback that has an e-mail I can respond to.
First, at this point now that lit took away the ability to title a comment, whoever you're replying to has no idea you're replying to them, but before that change my mentality was I'm not going to look like I'm padding the comment stat by filling it with my own responses.

But there is no right of wrong here, you do what you feel good with, we're all just saying what we choose to do.
Only the ones that leave feedback via email. Otherwise, commenting on comments is a trap you won't get out of unscathed.
Only the ones that leave feedback via email. Otherwise, commenting on comments is a trap you won't get out of unscathed.
In the last week I had two feedbacks that asked me a direct question....and no e-mail to respond to. I don't get it.
I respond to comments sent privately unless they are just trolling me (doesn't happen often). I have, from time to time, responded to direct questions put in comments appended to the story itself. I did so yesterday. A book is mentioned in a story and I was asked if it was a real book. It is, by me, but is still in the marketplace. I said it eventually would be submitted for free read at Literotica. (And, yes, I sometimes do include references to my own books in a story.)
It might not be logical, but I think of stories posted at Literotica the same way as if they were published by a print publisher. Meaning, readers will have their opinions, and there is no way you can respond to them. The story must speak for itself. The very act of publishing a written work, especially a sexually explicit one, is like opening your kimono to the world. You just have to take your lumps.
I'll reply if someone has asked a direct question.

If someone sprouts a bit of stupidity, or moans, "But I didn't like it when xxx," I might offer them their money back, or say, "Well, obviously you wanted a different story, not the one I wrote."
Now and then, in the comment feed. I've actually had back-and-forth conversations with some readers looking to explore the world I was writing.

In private feedback? I've had several fairly regular conversations.
If someone asks me a direct question, or if it appears something needs clarifying, I'll usually answer with another comment on the story. I don't respond to every comment, and I normally ignore any comments that are just plain silly or weird.
I don't reply to negative comments, anymore. I have replied to positive ones, if I thought they needed a reply. And have had a couple where the person shows back up to see and then reply to my reply.

We have so little interaction with our readers that I like to be there for the good ones as much as possible. Too many are embarrassed by what we do here I guess, or just want to clean up and move onto the next thing, but more comments and replying to them could make this more of a community.
I think that the only times I've responded to comments on the forum is either when I've explained a mistake I've made or corrected an assumption that a reader has made.
As a rule, no. There's no threading, so no notification back to poster. I have on rare occasions posted a 'reply', but that was more for new readers. One was in response to "ending seemed sudden" to point to a follow up story. Whether the OP ever saw that, no idea. Like I said, it was more for new readers who happened by.

The couple of times I tried to respond to named users they had messaging disabled. I've responded to direct messages, but that's different.
I don't get many comments on my stories yet, and I value the ones I get. Sometimes I am tempted to respond (only in a positive way). But I don't see many authors responding to comments, and perhaps it is bad form. I also got one direct message from a reader once, and I of course was happy to respond to that, but comments feel different.

Do you respond to comments? Or no?
Depends on the comment. If someone says something nice, and they usually do even if they don't like something about what I wrote, I'll thank them for doing so. If it's more like graffiti (think "First!") I'll delete it. Anything else I will leave alone.
Not invariably, but quite often, yes. If somebody has gone to the trouble of writing a nice comment, then I think it’s but good manners to say thanks.
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Comments are a mixed bag of reactions. Responding in self-defense is risky to be drawn into a conflict where they think you are the character. In fact, many commenters seem to think every story of mine is somehow autobiographical. I have slowed my responses to public comments due to that fact. If they compliment me on the story or my writing, I often respond, "thank you." If they respond as if I'm the character, I generally ignore it.
Considering most comments I get either fall into the "More (please)" or "waah, I got triggered" categories, there's not much to reply to in any meaningful way. And since I have better things to do with the remains of my sanity than waste it on arguing with confrontational readers, I've started to delete comments, especially those crying over a lack of content warning.

People, read the fucking tags. If I put "bisexual" or "gay male" into the list, you have had all the warning that there might be bi or gay content coming. Either read past it or leave the story alone, I'm most certainly not putting a gun to anyone's head and demand they read my stuff.
People, read the fucking tags. If I put "bisexual" or "gay male" into the list, you have had all the warning that there might be bi or gay content coming. Either read past it or leave the story alone, I'm most certainly not putting a gun to anyone's head and demand they read my stuff.
Tag it, then add a one line warning as the first line in the text, sitting alone so it's reasonable to read it, and still the first comment is inevitably a complaint.

It's almost like they seek out the things they dislike.
Tag it, then add a one line warning as the first line in the text, sitting alone so it's reasonable to read it, and still the first comment is inevitably a complaint.

It's almost like they seek out the things they dislike.
WARNING: If you consider same-sex sex as icky, read no further!

The rest of the story.

First response, "What the fuck kind of person writes this shit?"
I send a thank you and response by PM to most comments from those logged in or by PM or email to those who sent private comments. A negative comment will receive a "thank you for reading and for letting me know your thoughts" since they sometimes have a point.

I rarely respond by comment to comments left on the board though occasionally I'll leave an explanation for later readers if someone has a good question or criticism. For those, I really wouldn't expect such commenters to ever come back to look for a response.
WARNING: If you consider same-sex sex as icky, read no further!

The rest of the story.

First response, "What the fuck kind of person writes this shit?"
Heh, yep. Actual (tame) example from my collection:
Author's Note: Trans, incest, romance. Any of those make you feel dry, go elsewhere.
"What do you think of the cutie over at the bar?"

And then the first comment:
When you put out stuff like this, it makes me wish for an “Ignore Author” button.
(Non-tame example unavailable. Those meet the delete button :p)