Do you respect people who sit at their computer all day posting on Lit?


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
I'm serious. Does it matter to you that Joe Shmoe, even if he is funny/intelligent and/or has a sparkling and sexy online personality, happens to sit at his computer all day just posting and posting and posting.
Of course, the same question can be applied to women as well. Does the fact that someone is here 24-7 at all color your judgments of him/her?
Note for all people who claim they do not cast judgments on anyone: Bullshit.
Thanks for responding!

Disclaimer: Joe Shmoe is not a real person and does not refer specifically to any one person who is a member of Lit.
I don't post all day..

only half the day..

then work the other half..
soy un perdedor

I'll admit that I get some pleasure by hanging around and posting. I do have a small excuse in that I work at night--so I spend a lot of time alone. But I've been meaning to post more in some "legitimate" venues--namely, "the Well" where one is less anonymous. Also I should be reading more.

I guess it depends on the attitude. I am cautious of those who take such postings very seriously--whether as a troll, or a Sir Loves-A-Lot sycophant.
I do most of my work on the computer these days, writing, designing, and other things, and Lit is on in the background. I post while working. I'm a multi-tasking demon. I suspect a lot of people are. I don't think anyone here sits all day posting, and nothing else.
This is something that I've thought about myself.

I think it depends on the poster and the reasons they are here. I know a good many of my friends work from home. Using their computers to help earn their living, they work then post a few then work again. Off and on during their day. I don't see that as pathetic but as a short break from the monotony of their workday.
I don't think anyone is on Lit 24/7, period.

I think some people spend way too much time look at other people's post totals an arriving at conclusions that really have no merit.
If they want to sit online all day, whats the problem? Beats hanging out at a bar getting shit faced then driving home.
Thanks for responses. Let me answer my own question. I admit that I find it hard to respect people who seem to spend all of their time on Lit. However, let me qualify this by saying that I am fully aware that my judgments are formulated according to how I see myself. If I had any will power, I would spend far less time on Lit than I do because I am a grad student and am constantly overloaded with work. Yet, I still come here. For me, even as I enjoy posting and reading posts, there is always an underlying sense of disappointment in myself because I am shirking the responsibilities which in reality are very important for me. Therefore, my perception of what is a respectful amount of time to spend on Lit versus what is not is almost entirely based upon my self as a reference - the judgments I cast on myself, etc.

So, as Dillinger asked anyway - what is respect? Is it a statement about the object or is more telling of how the one who judges perceives of themselves?

Anyway, I admit to using hyperbole when I stated that some people seem to be one here 24/7. Of course they're not really here 24/7. Duh. Just seems they're here an awful lot.

Blah blah blah.
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KillerMuffin said:
I don't think anyone is on Lit 24/7, period.

I think some people spend way too much time looking at other people's post totals and arriving at conclusions that really have no merit.
I guess since I'm one of those people who appears to be here 24/7 that it doesn't bother me.

Although, on a tangential note, I had a "thing" with a guy online whose screen name was Joe Schmoe. G-d he was a fucking asshole. Thanks for pouring salt in that wound, Olivianna. Bitch. ;)
I have no respect for anyone here. Crazy weirdos, every last one of you. Myself included. (Copy and paste this in many other threads.)

Just kidding. Mostly.

I used to post a lot during the day, because I had a very boring job with not much else to do.

Now I'm on mostly at night, because generally this is more engaging than watching television.

When I write, it's at the computer. When I listen to CDs, it's on the computer. Guess that puts me in with the other multi-taskers.
First of all it's none of my business to judge people on how they spend their time...

Who am I / are we to judge ?

Second, you've said
people who "seem" to spend all of their time on Lit

Why should I/we ever investigate how much time one spends here ? Guess that depends on my/our individual scale.

Honestly, Olivianna

I don't mind that you're "just" a grad student and not a professor yet.
I don't mind that you "just" somehow wasted your time with studying "useless" things that won't heal the world while construction workers and farmers did somewhat more "creative".

But now that you told me you're "constantly overloaded with work" I somehow feel either your "time-management" skills are somehow underdeveloped or your brain's just too small to get it.

Wonder if that's a proper judgement ????? ;)

Rex :rose:
Well for myself, I know I often just turn on the computer when I'm home and then just let it sit. (Ah, the beauty of broadband.) So say on a Saturday, it might seem like I'm here from like 10 am to midnite, but it's not like I'm just sitting here. I make breakfast, clean the house, do laundry, go out for a bit of shopping, maybe watch some TV, etc etc but from time to time I'll stop in, read a few threads, maybe respond, whatever.

Same thing after work - it's almost 6:30 and I'm here now, but in a little bit I'll be going around to the nice independent bookshop around the corner for a booksigning, then come back and make dinner, have a nice bath, but if I leave the computer on, then I'll be logged in as 'here' the whole time.
peachykeen said:
Well for myself, I know I often just turn on the computer when I'm home and then just let it sit. (Ah, the beauty of broadband.) So say on a Saturday, it might seem like I'm here from like 10 am to midnite, but it's not like I'm just sitting here. I make breakfast, clean the house, do laundry, go out for a bit of shopping, maybe watch some TV, etc etc but from time to time I'll stop in, read a few threads, maybe respond, whatever.

I pop in and out between classes and homework and sleep. not much else going on in my life right now besides that stuff so the outlet of lit is nice to have every so often.