Do you reckon that whilst Bush is...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
concentrating most of his mind(?) and a fair sized portion of America's armed forces in his forthcoming invasion of Iraq, that now is the time for al Qaida to make another devestating terrorist attack?

I'm of the opinion that the blithering idiot President is going to precipitate a wave of terrorism against the United States that's going to go on for decades. He seems hell-bent on setting the entire Islamic world against us. Actually, the whole world outside of Europe would be more accurate.

The stance of North Korea will soon be adopted by other nations. The only thing that Bush respects are ICBMs. And thus we enter a new era of Nuclear (or as the President says Nuculler") proliferation.

This administration wants to enslave the whole world. And, we the American people are going to bear the brunt of his folly. As it stands now, I'm hesitant to travel abroad. Thankfully, I don't look have to worry about being singled out as Amerikkkan as much as some.
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The terrorist attacking targets was always a possibility whether we kill sadamn or not. But Americans can do more than walk and chew gum at the same time. So don't let your little commie heart be troubled.

But sadamn will be dead and soon OBL will be too!
Viper Vic said:
The terrorist attacking targets was always a possibility whether we kill sadamn or not. But Americans can do more than walk and chew gum at the same time. So don't let your little commie heart be troubled.

But sadamn will be dead and soon OBL will be too!

Commie? Me a commie?

Normally I would politely correct your error, but after reading your comments on Saddam and bin Laden I realise that you're probably suffering from some sort of delusionary problem.

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p_p_man said:
Commie? Me a commie?

Normally I would politely correct your error, but after reading the your comments on Saddam and bin Laden I realise that you're probably suffering from some sort of delusionary problem.



Soon two heads (sadamn and OBL) will be on a pole to be displayed for the EU to enjoy. And many thanks will be given to your great PM Mr. Blair. At least someone in "Old Europe" has some good sense.

France can go get fucked. If they get ostracized by the rest of the world and go broke, they can just eat cake. They are terrible pussies.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Wow, do you work at being that stupid? Seriously, do you?

It comes naturally. I wish I had gone to college so I would have been indoctrinated in leftist bullshit like you. Then I might be more enlightened and become an appeaser and an apologist for really cool failed ideas, like you.

But unfortunately I didn’t go to college, so I am self taught in stupidity. Just think how much better off you would be if you hadn’t wasted your money and time to become what you are now: A hate and blame America first pussy.
Viper Vic said:
And many thanks will be given to your great PM Mr. Blair. At least someone in "Old Europe" has some good sense.

Our Mr Blair is at the moment in the middle of his own war. This one is a fight for political survival.

There is still a slim chance that the UK will withdraw from a shooting match if the UN doesn't pass a second Resolution. If Blair decides to go ahead with Bush anyway, his future as a leading politician will be very much at risk.

He is facing a massive revolt from his backbenchers who submit that the case for war 'has not been proven' and an even bigger revolt from the electorate, witness the 1,000,000 plus protest march a few weeks ago. Daily polls show that support for the war is declining all the time.

He has a lot to consider before giving the order to go in...

p_p_man said:

He has a lot to consider before giving the order to go in...


He only has retirement and being right to consider. So what if he is out of office? He can earn a splendid living giving lectures and knowing he was a huge part of ridding the world of terrorism.

You that turned on him will have what?
Viper Vic said:
He only has retirement and being right to consider. So what if he is out of office? He can earn a splendid living giving lectures and knowing he was a huge part of ridding the world of terrorism.

You that turned on him will have what?

You're thinking small time...

He doesn't want to be some worn out speaker on the the lecture circuit, he has bigger plans than that...

Notably the President of the European Union. But with his pro-Bush stance he's not going to get very far with that either. The boy has problems.

Viper Vic said:
He can earn a splendid living giving lectures and knowing he was a huge part of ridding the world of terrorism.

If you think invading Iraq will end terrorism, you should award yourself a doctorate (in stupidity) Bush is setting up Americans as targets globally for decades.

In some respects this allows the gov to ignore human rights at home, tax you all to fuck and generally line their pockets. Great.

No more safe foreign Travel for you guys.

stay at home and get arrested for looking arabic, after unlimited torture confess and get executed, brilliant how do I emigrate.
p_p_man said:
concentrating most of his mind(?) and a fair sized portion of America's armed forces in his forthcoming invasion of Iraq, that now is the time for al Qaida to make another devestating terrorist attack?
I'm sure there will be a significant al-Qaeda uprising.

I predict, in fact, that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will very soon demand a toilet to shit in.

p_p_man said:
If Blair decides to go ahead with Bush anyway, his future as a leading politician will be very much at risk...

He has a lot to consider before giving the order to go in...
You're thinking small time...

He doesn't want to be some worn out speaker on the the lecture circuit, he has bigger plans than that...

Notably the President of the European Union. But with his pro-Bush stance he's not going to get very far with that either.
Who's thinking small-time?

You're suggesting that the Prime Minister of Great Britain make decisions not based on what he thinks is the right thing to do, but on what effect it will have on his own personal fortune.
Byron In Exile said:
Who's thinking small-time?

You're suggesting that the Prime Minister of Great Britain make decisions not based on what he thinks is the right thing to do, but on what effect it will have on his own personal fortune.

Now that's a statement of the naive if I've ever heard one.

p_p_man said:
Now that's a statement of the naive if I've ever heard one.
So you think Blair should put himself first and principles second?

You don't have a leg to stand on when you talk about Bush.
Byron In Exile said:
So you think Blair should put himself first and principles second?

I don't think anything of the kind...

It's just the way politicians are...

They're in the business for the power not for altruism...

p_p_man said:
It's just the way politicians are...

They're in the business for the power not for altruism...


Ssshhh......fuck man, everyones gonna know now!
Byron In Exile said:
Then do you think Blair should put principles first and himself second?

Yes but he doesn't...

Never has done...

Byron In Exile said:
Then why is he siding with Bush if he wants to be President of the EU?

He's hoping for US support in his bid...

Just shows you what a big error of judgement he's made doesn't it.

Bush isn't exactly Europe's No 1 pin up boy at the moment...

p_p_man said:
He's hoping for US support in his bid...

Just shows you what a big error of judgement he's made doesn't it.
Well, if all that's true, it's certainly dumber than anything you've accused Bush of.
Byron In Exile said:
Well, if all that's true, it's certainly dumber than anything you've accused Bush of.

Yep. Us Brits are just realising just how dumb the man can be when he goes down the wrong route...

Hopefully he'll do his usual U-turn soon...

cliffchuff said:
If you think invading Iraq will end terrorism, you should award yourself a doctorate (in stupidity) Bush is setting up Americans as targets globally for decades.

I believe that was the plan with OBL pre 9-11. Nothing has changed, except a lot of dead terrorist ,with less places to hide.Look for more dead terrorist in the near future.

Keep calling fighting the terrorist a dumb idea. Hilter killing himself seemed to have worked pretty damn good.It stopped the death camps and went a long way to ending WW2.

If you kill enough of the little fuckers and take their money, they will become very ineffective. Unless they could get their hands on some of Sadamn's WMDs. Hopefully the WMDs will be gone next week.