Do you own your body?

Over 70% of Gen Z is pro-choice. Only about 10% are diehard anti-abortion.

Non-partisan polls have consistently shown that 62% of Americans say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. The number is even higher for younger Americans. Almost 73% of Americans ages 18 to 29 support legal abortion.
I DO think things will "get better".

Somewhere between 10 and 17% of Gen-Z is authoritarian anti-abortion.
Upwards of 70% of Gen-Z recognizes anti-abortion legislation for what it is: control of women.

As Boomers inexorably shuffle off the mortal coil, the demographics are overwhelming tilting pro-choice.

The times, they are a-changing.
The main thing is to create a society where women want to have babies and kids, especially financially (i.e. to create a society where they can afford to bring up kids). It's strange how both liberals and conservatives have no interest in it. They expect to keep grinding people down financially in the interests of "business".
Somewhere between 10 and 17% of Gen-Z is authoritarian anti-abortion.
Upwards of 70% of Gen-Z recognizes anti-abortion legislation for what it is: control of women.

As Boomers inexorably shuffle off the mortal coil, the demographics are overwhelming tilting pro-choice.

The times, they are a-changing.
The capitalist establishment will then find new scapegoats, probably the immigrants fleeing climate disasters.
Meanwhile, on Wat's political thread, his followers are posting and high-fiving images of guns being inserted into the vaginas of women.

Talk about timing...
Nothing to disagree with here:

A bill passed by Kansas lawmakers would make it a crime to coerce someone into an abortion
ABC|8 hours ago
People who make physical or financial threats against others in Kansas to force them to get an abortion could spend a year in prison and be fined up to $10,000 under a bill approved by state lawmakers ...

Except maybe a stiffer penalty.

This one I'm not so sure about.

Tennessee Senate OKs a bill that would make it illegal for adults to help minors seeking abortions
ABC|6 hours ago
Republican Senate lawmakers in Tennessee have advanced legislation making it illegal for adults to help minors get an abortion without parental consent ...
Meanwhile, on Wat's political thread, his followers are posting and high-fiving images of guns being inserted into the vaginas of women.

Talk about timing...
Yet my little sissybitch Wat still gets pissy when I refer to his armory as his collection of steel peener substitutes.
You mean Trump relinquished Federal authority on the issue of abortion and gave it back to the individual states?
Yes, just like the Confederacy attempted to do in order to enslave another group of humans. How did that work out?
I doubt he owns half of what he claims.

I don’t doubt it…

Wat obviously has a lot (little?) to overcompensate for, so I suspect Wat has a whole fucking armory full of the biggest, blackest guns available.


👉 Wat 🤣

I don’t doubt it…

Wat obviously has a lot (little?) to overcompensate for, so I suspect Wat has a whole fucking armory full of the biggest, blackest guns available.


👉 Wat 🤣

I think not, they brag about what they want to buy, but bitch and complain about the price of ammunition. Ammo's no more expensive today than it was 20 years ago when look at it through the inflationary cost. But since their wages haven't kept pace with inflation, ammo costs them more.

If they can't afford the ammo, then logic dictates they can afford the weapons....

Around the time I bought a collectors hang on the wall 10 gauge black powder shotgun ($3000.00) , they were all whining about wanting to buy (I think) an M1 Garrand. It was like $1200.00 bucks and they said it was too expensive...
I don’t doubt it…

Wat obviously has a lot (little?) to overcompensate for, so I suspect Wat has a whole fucking armory full of the biggest, blackest guns available.


👉 Wat 🤣

lol it was $500.00 bucks.......

No kidding. Retail prices are damn near $500 now.
You people sure think $500.00 bucks is a "lot of money"..

I just dropped $3000.00 (CND) on an 1886 JP Gemmer 10 gauge double barrel that is deactivated and will just hang on my wall.

You fucking guys are pathetic.
Yet another state working to take away women's bodily autonomy.

Iowa asks state Supreme Court to let its restrictive abortion law go into effect​

Iowa has asked the state Supreme Court to let its blocked abortion law go into effect and uphold it altogether, disputing abortion providers’ claims it infringes on women’s rights to exercise bodily autonomy

The law, which bans most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy and before many women know they are pregnant, was in effect for a few days last July. A district court judge soon after put it on pause for the courts to assess its constitutionality. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds appealed the decision with the state Supreme Court’s permission.
I think not, they brag about what they want to buy, but bitch and complain about the price of ammunition. Ammo's no more expensive today than it was 20 years ago when look at it through the inflationary cost. But since their wages haven't kept pace with inflation, ammo costs them more.

If they can't afford the ammo, then logic dictates they can afford the weapons....

Around the time I bought a collectors hang on the wall 10 gauge black powder shotgun ($3000.00) , they were all whining about wanting to buy (I think) an M1 Garrand. It was like $1200.00 bucks and they said it was too expensive...

Fair enough…

Still, those bois may very well have burned through their retirement nest eggs buying up the biggest blackest guns they could find while overcompensating for their…*ahem*…"deficiency", and are now gun rich, but money poor…

🙄 😳 😑 🤣 🇺🇸

Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom​

One woman miscarried in the restroom lobby of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room couldn’t offer an ultrasound. The baby later died.

Animals receive better care.