What would you do... (BIDEN EDITION!)


The Dude Abides
Mar 28, 2023
...if you found yourself having Quantum Leaped/Gabriel Over the White House'd into the body of Joe Biden. It is Feb 20, 2021, you find yourself seconds away from taking the Presidential Oath of Office.

To make this one interesting, we're going to say that you only have 120 days to do whatever it is that you want to do before Biden gets his body back. However, you have a Cohort of Praetorians in the form of your Secret Service Security Detail, who will protect you and carry out your orders no matter how depraved your rule.
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Dumb thread
Oh, c'mon. Don't tell me that a chance to mount severed J6er heads onto the White House Perimeter fence is something you would pass up.

Or, how about MTG? Next time Large Marge says something stupid about you, instruct Capitol Hill Police to chain her dumb ass to the bumper of one of their patrol vehicles and physically drag it back to Texas. :D
Oh, c'mon. Don't tell me that a chance to mount severed J6er heads onto the White House Perimeter fence is something you would pass up.
Yes, even dumber.

Or, how about MTG? Next time Large Marge says something stupid about you, instruct Capitol Hill Police to chain her dumb ass to the bumper of one of their patrol vehicles and physically drag it back to Texas. :D
You and AJ should fight a stupid match to see which humor is worse. You might win
Whatever, loser. Probably wouldn't even end your reign of terror in a Boebert/Ivanka threesome. :rolleyes:

Anyway, what I would do:
No wonder these hypotheticals scare you. Even if you did somehow vanquish your enemies and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters, it would probably be they who end up ravaging you.
If I have my memories and plans but Biden's brain to do the thinking, I can't be certain of doing anything at all. Keeping control of bowels would be the goal for any day.
Before you did anything you'd need to get a brain transplant and have your sphincter strengthened.
...if you found yourself having Quantum Leaped/Gabriel Over the White House'd into the body of Joe Biden. It is Feb 20, 2021, you find yourself seconds away from taking the Presidential Oath of Office.

To make this one interesting, we're going to say that you only have 120 days to do whatever it is that you want to do before Biden gets his body back. However, you have a Cohort of Praetorians in the form of your Secret Service Security Detail, who will protect you and carry out your orders no matter how depraved your rule.
I’d do pretty much what Biden did. 120 days is not enough to get anything substantial done policy-wise and I wouldn’t want to trash Biden’s rep for the long haul.