Do you believe in Magic?

Do you believe in magic?

  • No

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Gum

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters
Lots of music, esp Al Stewart!

"believe in the magic of rock n roll
Believe in the magic that can set you free
Ohhhh, talkin' bout magic

Do you believe like I believe?
Do you believe in magic?"
I have mixed feelings here.

I am open to the possibility of magic - if the music is groovy. But it would have to be really groovy. Extraordinarily so.

I am skeptical that positive feelings (as with those engendered by the viewing of a classic - or "old-time" - movie) can be attributed to magic, and not neurotransmitters such as dopamine.

On the other hand, conveying information about popular music to someone with whom you are not acquainted is clearly evidence that you are beholden to some unseen, supernatural force.
I have mixed feelings here.

I am open to the possibility of magic - if the music is groovy. But it would have to be really groovy. Extraordinarily so.

I am skeptical that positive feelings (as with those engendered by the viewing of a classic - or "old-time" - movie) can be attributed to magic, and not neurotransmitters such as dopamine.

On the other hand, conveying information about popular music to someone with whom you are not acquainted is clearly evidence that you are beholden to some unseen, supernatural force.
Eldrich, one might say.

Yes, I do.

I think if I couldn't believe in even the slightest possibility of magic that the crayon box of my imagination would lose far too many colors.
Aye. It's a cracking game, if far FAR too easy to get addicted to.

Oh yeah! I've been clean about 14 years, but it IS seductive.

IRT the other kind of magic, I would like to believe, but I'm a very skeptical person. Kind of funny, since most of my reading is SF and Fantasy.
Thank you oh so much for getting that song stuck in my head. Love the song, but serious earworm!!

Do I believe in magic? Depends on what kind. Magicians sawing people in half, card tricks, etc? No, not really. Real magic, like magic symbols, spells, abilities like clairvoyance and telekinesis, yeah I definitely believe in that.
Thank you oh so much for getting that song stuck in my head. Love the song, but serious earworm!!

Do I believe in magic? Depends on what kind. Magicians sawing people in half, card tricks, etc? No, not really. Real magic, like magic symbols, spells, abilities like clairvoyance and telekinesis, yeah I definitely believe in that.
Really? I would have put that the other way around. I know for a fact that magicians perform stage tricks.

Symbols spells clairvoyance etc? Nope. Nothing nada. N'existe pas.
mm. "Magic" in the sense of witches and wizards? No. "Magic" in the sense of a supernatural force that causes events that we can otherwise not explain? Yes. To think that something does not exist because we cannot understand it is totally ludicrous and ignores most of the advances of science over the last century. We're always finding new particles and energies we didn't know existed previously. Who's to say there's not some big source of force/energy out there we just don't have the equipment to detect?

All I know, is I'm a total beliver in the "magic" of empathy. Half the reason I'm so cranky, honestly. People's emotions really feel like waves coming off them...getting ALL UP IN MY SPACE. so inconsiderate :p
Clairvoyance and "sixth sense" kinds of things are actually pretty well documented in scientific literature and accepted among the scientific community. It's just that nobody talks about it and nobody really gets funding to pursue it more because it's bad publicity and professional suicide for the researchers involved.
Yes, I do. I've seen small magic in action, and I am not egotistical enough to assume that just because that's all I've seen that there isn't anything bigger.
Yes, I do. I've seen small magic in action, and I am not egotistical enough to assume that just because that's all I've seen that there isn't anything bigger.

Yeah, I've "seen some shit" in my day too back when I played with this stuff very deliberately. Things too big, too specific to be coincidences. I'm not out to convert anyone, or even get cheap thrills from telling stories, so they stay with me and the people I knew at the time.
Yeah, I've "seen some shit" in my day too back when I played with this stuff very deliberately. Things too big, too specific to be coincidences. I'm not out to convert anyone, or even get cheap thrills from telling stories, so they stay with me and the people I knew at the time.

Pretty much. Beyond that, you only believe that stuff if you've seen it.

And I'd rather not see it.
I hope you two realize, my brain is now entertaining itself with the mental picture of y'all summoning little imps and stirring cauldrons. I'm sure this is erroneous, but hell if it isn't entertaining :p
I voted no, because I don't believe in magic in the sense that I'm not a spiritual person at all and I don't believe in the existence of the "supernatural". But some define magic differently, and people talk about "making magic happen" with art or sex, and I feel like I know what they mean.
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There is magic to be found on many different levels. Spiritual magic, the magic of discovery between two people. The magic of the turning seasons, a spider's web, and the magic conjured by hopes and dreams. Yes, even magic of spells, potions and words whispered inside a scribed circle... The magic of psychic abilities abounds.

Ask a child if they believe in magic! Of course they do. It is only when we become jaded that we cease to believe.

I believe, I live it...:rose:
I hope you two realize, my brain is now entertaining itself with the mental picture of y'all summoning little imps and stirring cauldrons. I'm sure this is erroneous, but hell if it isn't entertaining :p

*giggles* Uh.... I never had a cauldron and certainly never summoned imps, but I was (when I was younger) successful with small spells, and I had a makeshift alter of sorts in my secret hiding place. >_>
I hope you two realize, my brain is now entertaining itself with the mental picture of y'all summoning little imps and stirring cauldrons. I'm sure this is erroneous, but hell if it isn't entertaining :p

Hah! I like that image more than the real one. I'll trade ya. ;P

A friend whom I had not shared any details of my spirituality once called me a 'bird shaman' out of the blue, and it took me a moment and a few blinks to realize he was essentially right.

I tell people that birds come to me to die. I don't remember how many I've found that needed someplace safe and warm to breathe their last breath, or ones that simply needed burying.
I do and I don't? I like the thought of magic existing but I can't just believe.
I think that there is a small place in everyone that hopes that magic exists. Why else would we worry, in the ridiculous presumption that it will make a difference? Or engage in sports superstitions (I am compelled to change to another chair if my team is playing poorly)? I think it is that small place of magic-hope makes it easier for humans to enjoy fantasy in books and movies.
A friend whom I had not shared any details of my spirituality once called me a 'bird shaman' out of the blue, and it took me a moment and a few blinks to realize he was essentially right.

What's a bird shaman? :confused:

I tell people that birds come to me to die. I don't remember how many I've found that needed someplace safe and warm to breathe their last breath, or ones that simply needed burying.

If that's a bird shaman, then I'm a stupid suicidal bunny rabbit shaman. Or one of my kids is, cause they're always bringing me nearly dead bunny rabbits so that they can die in a warm place. We've also had one bird and a squirrel.

You all are making me happy I started this thread:heart:

Yay! Is it because we're taking the question seriously or cause we're not arguing?
If that's a bird shaman, then I'm a stupid suicidal bunny rabbit shaman.

^----- This made me giggle enough my fiance gave me an odd expression.

I WISH I had some sort of shamanistic ability with any animal...would make my job a LOT easier xD