Do male rapists want to impregnate women?


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Do men who rape women desire to father children with them? Does anyone really believe that any violent rapist has the slightest thought that they could be conceiving a child through the act? Is that really their motivation? :confused:
I can't even begin to attempt to understand the motivation behind violently raping a woman, nor do I want to.
Rapists are sick fucks whose last thought on their minds when raping women is how much they want to have a baby. It's about dominance, power and hurting women. But, maybe there's some real men on Lit who can explain it better that me. After all, I'm just a woman who's been raped. What do I know?
Do men who rape women desire to father children with them? Does anyone really believe that any violent rapist has the slightest thought that they could be conceiving a child through the act? Is that really their motivation? :confused:

If they do, then how can they be a "legitimate rapist" cause you know that a woman's body shuts down in cases of legitimate rape.
if you picture the stereotype of a dirty man lurking down a dark alleyway, trying to accost unwary strangers? no.

if you look at the far more common rapist, the guy who wants her and can't get her, or the guy who had her and refuses to let go? well actually, yes. they could quite happily live with a reason for the object of their obsession to be tethered to them for life. they might decide they can make good use out of a living pawn.

silly you!
Do men who rape women desire to father children with them? Does anyone really believe that any violent rapist has the slightest thought that they could be conceiving a child through the act? Is that really their motivation? :confused:

wow.. a question from renard about sexual assault that doesnt try defending the perpetrator...kudos for you

oh wait....

Would they want to pay for a child for 18 years? Doesn't seem very likely.

Well, if you got pregnant, you know you wanted it. Or so I've read.

Yes, I understand that's part of the GOP platform these days, although mostly unwritten and until recently unspoken. Quelle surprise.
Why does the OP seem so invested in rape and the motivations behind it?
Do men who rape women desire to father children with them? Does anyone really believe that any violent rapist has the slightest thought that they could be conceiving a child through the act? Is that really their motivation? :confused:

In my fantasies they do! But in my fantasy-mind its not really rape since I'm somewhat consenting and into being dominated by animal passion. I doubt real rapists are forcing their victims to orgasm by control, etc. Thus fantasy and adult role-play are safe and real life acts of violence are punished by law. It would be absolutely horrible to be attacked by a stranger or someone we know. How these male or female victims move on with their lives at all is amazing. I doubt rapists connect mating for conception with the violent act of total control, but there is that 'ol ethnic war shame thing... God what a sick world. :eek:
I hereby theorize that Renard is that most pernicious of perpetrators, the "infiltration rapist".

He DOES seek to increase the level of mindless patriarchal conservatism by impregnating his victims with what he believes to be "good pious seed".

This is precisely why he opposes abortion under all circumstances because it would foil his plan to control the world.


That this is patently ludicrous has done not a thing to deter him.
Do men who rape women desire to father children with them? Does anyone really believe that any violent rapist has the slightest thought that they could be conceiving a child through the act? Is that really their motivation? :confused:

Does it matter?