Do any of you have the George Foreman grill or the Ron Pepeil(sp) thingamagig...


The Libertine
Apr 25, 2002
Or do you buy any of that stuff advertised in informercials?

My friend has a george foreman grill and loves it..he says it really does "trim the fat" off certain things...
I don't own one, but I have several friends that do. They rave about them. I've heard nothing but good things about the GFG.
I love the george foreman grill. I got one when I got married and The thing worked like a charm, not just at trimming the fat but cooking quickly. Seven minute chicken, gotta love it!
I don't buy from infomercials, because I've found them to be contrived & deceptive advertising. It doesn't mean that all of the products are without merrit.

I've never known anyone with a George Foreman grill that wasn't happy with it. I've enjoyed food prepared on them every time I had it.
My mother bought me a similar grill over almost two years ago. It sat in the box in my kitchen until this May when i knew she was coming to visit. Once i actually used it, i loved it. The grill and the microwave make dinner possible in 15 minutes or less.
I bought my George Foreman grill like back in April from Sears... the only thing I don't like is it doesn't have a temperature control. I grill salmon steaks on it, by the time the top is black and almost looks burned.. the insides are still a little slimy. I hate that.

The only thing I've bought off an infomercial was the Winsor Pilates video set. Even then I saw the infomercial and ordered off the net.

Something seems so QVC about buying from infomercials..
I have something similar, the fat just runs away from any meat I cook, and the vege's I've tried are all very tasty.

I also use mine to toasted sandwiches, cheese melts and meats warm up beautifully.
