Distance Domination-Support Thread

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From your location it sounds like you are in a simular position that I am. 5 hour time difference sucks.

What helps us is vontage. If your man has a land line calls to the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, and Italy are included. If he has a cell then it's still pricy, but there is another solution.

I was spending up to $100 a month on phone cards, so I signed up for vontage and sent the box to him. The box still thinks that it's here, so I can call him and he can call me when ever he likes. :)

It's helped a lot, and unlike yahoo or skype his computer doesn't need be on to get a call.

It's still hard getting time together, but this has helped us. :)
The very first time I met B in person was on Valentine's Day. He bought me a bear that has helped me through a lot of hard times. Teddy has absorbed many of my tears and lots of cuddling. Also when I want to feel especially close I sleep in one of his tshirts which lost his scent long ago. But He will be with me this weekend. I'll swipe a new shirt.
From your location it sounds like you are in a simular position that I am. 5 hour time difference sucks.

What helps us is vontage. If your man has a land line calls to the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, and Italy are included. If he has a cell then it's still pricy, but there is another solution.

I was spending up to $100 a month on phone cards, so I signed up for vontage and sent the box to him. The box still thinks that it's here, so I can call him and he can call me when ever he likes. :)

It's helped a lot, and unlike yahoo or skype his computer doesn't need be on to get a call.

It's still hard getting time together, but this has helped us. :)

Wench, darlin, I think I need to make me a call to vonage. I really should have kept my landline, methinks. I had gotten rid of it at the beginning of the year. I didn't use it, didn't need it, figured my cell would be good. Yeah. I was wrong. How was I supposed to know I'd need to dial out of country? Not that it's expensive, it's just that the money can be set back towards airfares, and the like.

Something of his clothing would help. At least I could pull a shirt over a pillow, and pretend. In the meantime, I've been trying to make skype work. I -think- I've gotten that to work, FINALLY. I swear, computer programs have a plot out against me. I feel a bit like John Connor, sans Arnold. At least I he's given me a few things to do, to keep a handle on the time apart. Not that it helps as much as I'd like. If I do something, read something, even think something within his schematics, it drives me nutso.

I think I'm going to work at cleaning the house. Lord knows it needs it, and I need to keep my mind off of him.
Wench, darlin, I think I need to make me a call to vonage. I really should have kept my landline, methinks. I had gotten rid of it at the beginning of the year. I didn't use it, didn't need it, figured my cell would be good. Yeah. I was wrong. How was I supposed to know I'd need to dial out of country? Not that it's expensive, it's just that the money can be set back towards airfares, and the like.

Something of his clothing would help. At least I could pull a shirt over a pillow, and pretend. In the meantime, I've been trying to make skype work. I -think- I've gotten that to work, FINALLY. I swear, computer programs have a plot out against me. I feel a bit like John Connor, sans Arnold. At least I he's given me a few things to do, to keep a handle on the time apart. Not that it helps as much as I'd like. If I do something, read something, even think something within his schematics, it drives me nutso.

I think I'm going to work at cleaning the house. Lord knows it needs it, and I need to keep my mind off of him.

At 35 cents a minute to call his mobile (which is the only pphone he owns) Calling Jounar was getting very expensive. And it's even more expensive for him to ring me (using his mobile to call my mobile). Even when I had the vontage here it was still around 35 cents a minute to call him. That's why I shipped the box to him. Now he has an Ohio phone number. :D The package I have costs (after taxes and what not) $32 and some change, but I'm thinking about knocking it back to a limited number of minutes as we don't seem to be using more than 500 minutes in a month.

BTW, if you do decide to do the vontage thing, let me know and I can get us both 2 months for free. :D I'll just need an email addy to send you the "vontage invitation".

After nearing 4 years, I have a tendancy to slip into his accent. Especailly when I'm talking to him. :eek: It drives my mom completely mental. *giggles*
At 35 cents a minute to call his mobile (which is the only pphone he owns) Calling Jounar was getting very expensive. And it's even more expensive for him to ring me (using his mobile to call my mobile). Even when I had the vontage here it was still around 35 cents a minute to call him. That's why I shipped the box to him. Now he has an Ohio phone number. :D The package I have costs (after taxes and what not) $32 and some change, but I'm thinking about knocking it back to a limited number of minutes as we don't seem to be using more than 500 minutes in a month.

BTW, if you do decide to do the vontage thing, let me know and I can get us both 2 months for free. :D I'll just need an email addy to send you the "vontage invitation".

After nearing 4 years, I have a tendancy to slip into his accent. Especailly when I'm talking to him. :eek: It drives my mom completely mental. *giggles*

I'll have to ask him what he thinks about that. I'm all for it, though. I can afford $32 and some change way more than I can afford to send my cell bill through the roof. And I'd feel a hell of a lot better about his calling me. I don't want him to waste his money (though, he'd tell me it was money well spent!) If he's okay with it, I'll let you know. You're not all that far from Pennsylvania.
I'll have to ask him what he thinks about that. I'm all for it, though. I can afford $32 and some change way more than I can afford to send my cell bill through the roof. And I'd feel a hell of a lot better about his calling me. I don't want him to waste his money (though, he'd tell me it was money well spent!) If he's okay with it, I'll let you know. You're not all that far from Pennsylvania.

There is a vontage based in the UK if he wants to set it up there and send the box to you so you have a number that's local for him. :)


Jounar has been such a God send these past few days. I had him on the phone sunday as he welcomed me home and i tucked him into bed, monday we IMed, and today we were on the phone most of the day. He still hasn't said much other than trying to keep me grounded, reminding me that freaking out won't solve anything, and that he loves me and supports me, and misses me. I think his "love ya loads and loads" and "I just wish you were here"s have kept me from going to a bad place while I'm struggling with this work issue.

I love him so much. :heart:
Jounar has been such a God send these past few days. I had him on the phone sunday as he welcomed me home and i tucked him into bed, monday we IMed, and today we were on the phone most of the day. He still hasn't said much other than trying to keep me grounded, reminding me that freaking out won't solve anything, and that he loves me and supports me, and misses me. I think his "love ya loads and loads" and "I just wish you were here"s have kept me from going to a bad place while I'm struggling with this work issue.

I love him so much. :heart:

I am glad y'all got to talk most of the day. I know how just having Him on the line and chatting about silly day-to-day stuff mixed with i love you and i miss you can make everything right with the world. Being able to tell Him verbally instead of through text what you are going through and feeling, the emotion behind the words, and hearing his heartfelt responses. There is nothing like a nice long phone conversation. :rose:
i have a question for you all:

What do you strive to do when your Sir is going through something major...that you can't really do anything for/about?

What do you do? What do you say to Him?

Talk amongst yourselves LOL.
i have a question for you all:

What do you strive to do when your Sir is going through something major...that you can't really do anything for/about?

What do you do? What do you say to Him?

Talk amongst yourselves LOL.

You support, you listen, you talk. Venting is probably what is needed the most and the old adage of taking it out on those you love often comes to the fore. Daddy had a time of it a while back and it was very hard on both of us, but we have come through it. The key was communication as it always is. Be there when he needs you to be there, STILL be there when he doesn't want you to be, simply hover, wordlessly and with love. He needs to know that when the fan is turned off and is dripping shit, when the dust settles, the one person he will see standing there with pride and love is you.

Good luck to you and your Sir, I hope you both weather the storm sucessfully.
i have a question for you all:

What do you strive to do when your Sir is going through something major...that you can't really do anything for/about?

What do you do? What do you say to Him?

Talk amongst yourselves LOL.

For the most part I am his escape, his escape from whatever in his day to day world is effecting him. I am available if he wants to talk but mostly my job is to distract him. I tease (sexually and otherwise) or kid around. I make him laugh or make him hard, or both. :) Either way he gets to forget about whatever situation is overwhelming him at the moment. And that is what he wants from me at the most.
For the most part I am his escape, his escape from whatever in his day to day world is effecting him. I am available if he wants to talk but mostly my job is to distract him. I tease (sexually and otherwise) or kid around. I make him laugh or make him hard, or both. :) Either way he gets to forget about whatever situation is overwhelming him at the moment. And that is what he wants from me at the most.

This is kind of how we work as well. Though, most things he handles a lot better than I do.
Good morning all :kiss::kiss:

Well Daddy and I are about to start 3 weeks with little or no contact, this is probably going to be our hardest time to date and I am not looking forward to it in the slightest, but then neither is he. So I apologise in advance for being a moody mare, we both have things planned, Daddys principal one is that his daughter is getting married, I will have friends and my home life to keep me occupied but its still going to be hard.

Huggles to all those missing people.

Sorry you and your Daddy are going to have a long time without contact. B's phone went dead while he was at a party and after four hours couldn't take it and went home to charge it. By that time i was a basket case ....Couldn't take 3 weeks.

Hugs to you in your difficult time.


Tomorrow starts a mini vacation for B and i. He is coming down to spend 3 nights with me. Because of a certain life complication, we have never spent a whole night together. Tomorrow night will be our first time to fall asleep in each others arms and wake up the next morning still there. :cathappy: :nana:
Hugs for you all.

It is hard being in a LDR but god, in so many ways it is so rewarding. I so want to feel his arms around me, his kisses and all...but I realize that with my Sir, I may know Him much better than I have every known anyone before, because we take time to talk. Really talk. Honestly and knowing that it's okay to cry at times...or to just not be able to say anything because you just need a moment to gather your thoughts. I can't wait to see Him in October. To be able to truly snuggle with Him.
Well with my store selling it looks like they are trying to take away my vacation anyway so I'm glad in a way that the visit was already decided that we would put it off. Otherwize this whole situation would be just that much worse and incourage me to do something even more stupid.

But I'm really missing not having a date to look forward to. I need a goal. Something to keep me looking forward to, and to ease me when things get overwhelming. *sigh*

On the bright side I've been able to chat with him every day this week. :heart: That's rare enough, but even more rare is that I've been able to hear his voice all week. It's helped so much durring this time when life is crazy. He's so good at keeping me grounded.
Well with my store selling it looks like they are trying to take away my vacation anyway so I'm glad in a way that the visit was already decided that we would put it off. Otherwize this whole situation would be just that much worse and incourage me to do something even more stupid.

But I'm really missing not having a date to look forward to. I need a goal. Something to keep me looking forward to, and to ease me when things get overwhelming. *sigh*

On the bright side I've been able to chat with him every day this week. :heart: That's rare enough, but even more rare is that I've been able to hear his voice all week. It's helped so much durring this time when life is crazy. He's so good at keeping me grounded.

Good going looking at the optimistic side of things! That extra disappointment would have made everything so much worse, so maybe it's for the best no that you didn't have to deal with all of that at the same time.

I totally get you about the goals, and the calming influences. I'm in the middle of serious upheaval at the moment (as in trying to move internationally completely on my own on a super short schedule) and am not handling it well at all. At least getting to talk to him keeps me at least a little sane. I wish there were more set goals that didn't involve such stressers, though.
Good going looking at the optimistic side of things! That extra disappointment would have made everything so much worse, so maybe it's for the best no that you didn't have to deal with all of that at the same time.

I totally get you about the goals, and the calming influences. I'm in the middle of serious upheaval at the moment (as in trying to move internationally completely on my own on a super short schedule) and am not handling it well at all. At least getting to talk to him keeps me at least a little sane. I wish there were more set goals that didn't involve such stressers, though.

I have all but given up on moving internationally. Just doesn't seem possible with out a wedding, and that's probably at least a few more visits away.

Although we've moved from winning the lotto to sueing mcd's. :rolleyes:
I have all but given up on moving internationally. Just doesn't seem possible with out a wedding, and that's probably at least a few more visits away.

Although we've moved from winning the lotto to sueing mcd's. :rolleyes:

At least that's a little more sure-fire than winning a lottery!

This move would be much more manageable for me if it were moving towards him, but it's not. It's just moving because my contract and time here is up, and it's time to get back to where I'm from. While at least that's the same country he's in, there's so much uncertainty and lack of any sort of plans that it's making me anxious. We're no where near the point of moving together or anythng like that, but IF that were the case then at least there would be more definites in the picture.

Moving iternationally is not easy, nor is it fun. My recommendation, if you ever do, is to just scrap just about everything you can and make a fresh start. Especially with cars. Good gracious shipping a car is a hassle!
At least that's a little more sure-fire than winning a lottery!

This move would be much more manageable for me if it were moving towards him, but it's not. It's just moving because my contract and time here is up, and it's time to get back to where I'm from. While at least that's the same country he's in, there's so much uncertainty and lack of any sort of plans that it's making me anxious. We're no where near the point of moving together or anything like that, but IF that were the case then at least there would be more definites in the picture.

Moving iternationally is not easy, nor is it fun. My recommendation, if you ever do, is to just scrap just about everything you can and make a fresh start. Especially with cars. Good gracious shipping a car is a hassle!

*giggles* I've thought about this move so thoroughly that I have all of my stuff categorized (either on paper or in my head) into 3 categories:
-Things I have to take with me
-Things to go into storage here to be shipped later
-Things to scrap.


Surprisingly enough to me I can part with a lot more stuff than I thought I would be able to. What's going to be a bitch is shipping my sewing equipment! :eek: Of course, I could always sell that stuff and buy new also. As long as I knew I could replace it right away, I could deal with selling it. Cash is easier to take with me than a sewing machine.

I'm still exploring options, though not as diligently as I once was. We are at a point where living together isn't completely out of the question, but getting married might be a bit too big a step. Then again, with the economy over there being what it is, it's just not a practical move at the moment. *sigh*
*giggles* I've thought about this move so thoroughly that I have all of my stuff categorized (either on paper or in my head) into 3 categories:
-Things I have to take with me
-Things to go into storage here to be shipped later
-Things to scrap.


Surprisingly enough to me I can part with a lot more stuff than I thought I would be able to. What's going to be a bitch is shipping my sewing equipment! :eek: Of course, I could always sell that stuff and buy new also. As long as I knew I could replace it right away, I could deal with selling it. Cash is easier to take with me than a sewing machine.

I'm still exploring options, though not as diligently as I once was. We are at a point where living together isn't completely out of the question, but getting married might be a bit too big a step. Then again, with the economy over there being what it is, it's just not a practical move at the moment. *sigh*

Understandable. Whatever you ship, chances are you'll have to be parted with it for several months anyway while it's in transit. But seriously good job on the list! You've got things together enough that when the time DOES come, you're ready for it and don't have to stress as much.
Understandable. Whatever you ship, chances are you'll have to be parted with it for several months anyway while it's in transit. But seriously good job on the list! You've got things together enough that when the time DOES come, you're ready for it and don't have to stress as much.

When I get my mind set on something, there's usually not much that can stop me. *giggles* In this case, the voice of reason (aka the domly one) is holding me back. :rolleyes: Why does he have to be so damn practical. *giggles*
I loved it when my shipping arrived.

It was so good opening familar things. All the things that reminded me of home.....I'd even forgotten I had some of them! :eek:

It was like christmas :)
I just wanted to send some love to everyone. My boyfriend (now Master too) have been in a LDR for 5 years and it's only recently that we've started to explore this fantasy which was orginally mine but he's really taken to it.
It can be hard, but it's worth it :heart:
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