Did you ever want to do THIS?


Jul 29, 2000
Be one of those people who could tune a piano so well, and was so on, they knew exactly how much to turn the thingies and everything?

"Give the 3rd thing in a quarter inch turn... now look... two keys to the left there should be a glass eye...."

I know nothingabout pianos, but I think that'd be pretty cool.
Its an incredible skill tuning a piano. I wish I could be that in tune with the instrument to do it so well.

I once detuned a piano though - does that count?
No, but I always wanted to have sex with the person who could do this. Odd that you'd mention it. :D
There's a William Trevor short story called "The Piano Tuner's Wives." He's one of my favorite authors. It starts like this:

Violet married the piano tuner when he was a young man. Belle married him when he was old.

There was a little more to it than that, because in choosing Violet to be his wife the piano tuner had rejected Belle, which was something everyone remembered when the second wedding was announced. "Well, she got the ruins of him anyway," a farmer of the neighbourhood remarked, speaking without vindictiveness, stating a fact as he saw it. Others saw it similarly, though most of them would have put the matter differently.