Did he say "Papaya" hot dog?


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
islandman said:
I'm going to have to take you out for some Gray's Papaya hot dogs.

I'll be surprised if you don't move back here within a month.
This has so got to be one of those euphemisms I've been reading so much about. We better go to condition mauve.
Hey, I know my plastic from my cash.

Well, at least I know my trailer from my trash.
Gray's Papaya is the name of the place. It's in the west village.

The hot dogs are not made from papaya...
I heard about them on Food Network, not sure I'd like them, but I've heard of them.

it's a papaya chutney, isn't it?
Look, there's a WORLD of difference between a chutney and a hot dog. You can't fool me THAT easily.
LukkyKnight said:
Look, there's a WORLD of difference between a chutney and a hot dog. You can't fool me THAT easily.

awwww hot dogs...

I'd tell ya how they're served here in WV but it always gives you northen people a strange sort of attack.

I lived in VA for 20 years, emi, W.Va is not all that strange to me. In fact, Black Water Falls is one of my all time favorite places.
LukkyKnight said:
This has so got to be one of those euphemisms I've been reading so much about. We better go to condition mauve.

Papaya is one of those tropical foods that seems to go with anything.

That's it, now the Papaya Marketers are moving in.

Condition mauve it is.
LukkyKnight said:
I lived in VA for 20 years, emi, W.Va is not all that strange to me. In fact, Black Water Falls is one of my all time favorite places.

Yep that a gorgeous part of the state!

I love Canaan Valley too, and Cranberry Glades.
they have something they call coconut champagne there~im addicted to the stuff.
peachykeen said:
oh please, in our jaded age, what doesn't?
SUV. Aquarium. Capitol. Trombone. Floppy Disk. Cable-modem. Hornet. Dishwasher. Zepplin. Marimba. I think I can come up with two or three more if you give me some time...
Aphrodisiac said:
" papaya " also refers to a woman's pussy ..

Really? Is that something new?

"Princess Pappuli got plenty papaya,
she likes to give it away." ;)

Ishmael said:
Really? Is that something new?

"Princess Pappuli got plenty papaya,
she likes to give it away." ;)


He was Cuban ... he said something about " ... quiero gustar los jugos de tu papaya"...

And I was like ..... " wha " ...... needless to say that was my first encounter with " papaya " cuban style. :)

So I am thinking its not a new thing , ya know.
Aphrodisiac said:
He was Cuban ... he said something about " ... quiero gustar los jugos de tu papaya"...

And I was like ..... " wha " ...... needless to say that was my first encounter with " papaya " cuban style. :)

So I am thinking its not a new thing , ya know.

The little couplet I quoted was in a song that Dr. Dimento played years ago, and it was old then.

But I hear ya.

Ishmael said:
The little couplet I quoted was in a song that Dr. Dimento played years ago, and it was old then.

But I hear ya.


Oh' ...

I have never heard of this Dr. Dimento ... :(