Designer Genes

Scentific advance is good. Scientism is not.

My feeling is that if it is possibly preclude genes that result in illness, improove the chance. I have no ethical dis on that one.

Choosing the gender of a off spring? I think it's morally wrong.
I think it's best not to fuck too much with nature.

There are reasons for many of the genes that cause terrible disabillities. If we were to keep them out of the gene pool, who knows how it would upset the balance of life.
I don't believe in god, or worship nature or anything like that, so for me, IF THE TECHNOLOGY WAS PROVEN TO WORK EFFECIENTLY (Important), I would have no problem whatsoever genetically manipulating my would-be child to be more perfect then nature made it. I don't see the problem most people have with it, other than the god factor, which is important in many peoples opinions.