demon summoning gone wrong

AS the wafting aroma of garlic emanated from the kitchen, Christophe set the table and pulled out a nice bottle of white wine.
"Here, have a taste. It's my special alfredo sauce," she said, offering him a spoon full of the sauce.
He licked the spoon. "I know there's something extra in it, but I can't quite place it," he said,
"It's Russian," she explained. "It's made from either wheat or potatoes and water. Very strong straight." She placed the pasta on two plates for them, as well as generous slices of garlic bread.
Christophe ate slowly, savoring each bite, all the while sending Tessa little flirty images to keep her mind occupied.
When he was finished, Christophe got up and began heading ot the bathroom. "That was great," he said, "i'm going to get your bath ready."
Tessa soon entered the bathroom, completely naked, having left her clothes in her bedroom. "It ready, yet?" she asked.
"It is, and so are you," he said, glad that she felt comfortable enough around him now to be naked without being asked. He offered her a hand to help her in.
"Thank you," she said, stepping into the tub and laid back in it. "Oohhh that feels good," she cooed.
Christophe began massaging her, starting at her shoulders and working down the entire length of her body. Then , he soaped up a washcloth. "Where you you want me to start?"
He worked down to her shoulders, then her arms. He moved to her feet, massaging them as he cleaned.
He worked his way up her legs, just barely cleaning her things, before moving on to her back, then her stomach. He wanted a torturous buildup.