Democrats win control of the United States Senate


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
AP calls the race for Cortez-Masto over Laxalt in Nevada!
This guarantees the Democrats have at least a 50-50 tie.
If Warnock defeats Herschel in the Georgia runoff, Joe Manchin becomes Senator Irrelevant. 51=49

Fun fact: Under-30 vote turned out in record numbers in Nevada, voted 64% Democratic, and more than cancelled out the Age-60+ vote that has traditionally elected Republicans.
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Tofu, yuck. I’ll change it to a prediction.

I predict gov’t gridlock, infighting so nothing gets done and the best outcome for the average American.
The recent two years of legislation has been the best outcome for the average American.

Roads, microchips, internet, small business.

None of that has been gridlock.
Johnny Depp was in Rihanna’s fashion show, it almost crashed the website. That’s good for America.

Johnny Depp was in Rihanna’s fashion show, it almost crashed the website. That’s good for America.

Government inaction leads to default, lack of armor for our troops in harm's way, lack of funding for Medicare, social security, border security...etc.

Sounds fun when libertarians do their karaoke leadership porn...not so much in practice
Government inaction leads to default, lack of armor for our troops in harm's way, lack of funding for Medicare, social security, border security...etc.

Sounds fun when libertarians do their karaoke leadership porn...not so much in practice
A girl up there wants you to pm her. I believe she would be more fun than trying to convince me of anything.
Gov’t gridlock. Best outcome we could have hoped for.
No, it would/will be a Republican takeover of the House that would provide gridlock trouble. Republicans/Trumpers have overconvinced themselves about gridlock since DoNothingConstructiveTrump left the White House. With a tighter Senate than we now will have, the Biden administration has actually gotten through a massive amount of legislation despite Republican stonewalling. More work has gotten passed through and initiated in the last two years than over the last two decades. Go check that out for yourself. You seditionists have let your own propaganda fool you. That doesn't make it fact or fool anyone else paying attention.
No, it would/will be a Republican takeover of the House that would provide gridlock trouble. Republicans/Trumpers have overconvinced themselves about gridlock since DoNothingConstructiveTrump left the White House. With a tighter Senate than we now will have, the Biden administration has actually gotten through a massive amount of legislation despite Republican stonewalling. More work has gotten passed through and initiated in the last two years than over the last two decades. Go check that out for yourself. You seditionists have let your own propaganda fool you. That doesn't make it fact or fool anyone else paying attention.
Does this mean we are dating now?
AP calls the race for Cortez-Masto over Laxalt in Nevada!
This guarantees the Democrats have at least a 50-50 tie.
If Warnock defeats Herschel in the Georgia runoff, Joe Manchin becomes Senator Irrelevant. 51=49

Fun fact: Under-30 vote turned out in record numbers in Nevada, voted 64% Democratic, and more than cancelled out the Age-60+ vote that has traditionally elected Republicans.

I trully didn't expect it.
I thought that Biden's warmongering & economies destroying Ukraine measures would help Republicans win.

Shows that Americans fear Republicans a lot more.

I feel for Americans.
They must feel stuck, having to choose year after year between two shitburgers.
Lol.... you're the one making the argument. Either support it or stfu

wonder how crow tastes. there's nothing plump about them like pheasants and it's not like they eat organic. o_O
I trully didn't expect it.
I thought that Biden's warmongering & economies destroying Ukraine measures would help Republicans win.
As much as America has invested in Ukraine, the war played very little role in domestic politics. On every single poll purporting to measure midterm priorities of Americans, Ukraine was never once mentioned that I saw.
Know the great thing about this forum? I am a genius here compared to those from both Parties that blindly don't see reality.

I projected losing the House in 22. And then the Senate and Presidency in 24. I also said it was possible the Senate could flip in 22. I am glad it didn't. This speeds the process along without causing direct violence. So tell me Democrats...why are you celebrating losing the House? Talking like you won this election? Can't you see...both Parties lost? The American people surely lost. How is this a victory? Now...if by some miracle, you maintain control of the House...then you can claim victory.

I stand behind my 24 predictions. The Democrats have no policy. They have no plans. They are reactive instead of proactive. You can't keep promoting legislation designed to bolster the stock market and not help the average citizen. You can't expect women or the younger generation to stay involved if you don't give them results. So tell me bright are the Democrats gonna protect women's rights? Tell are you gonna get true climate change policies enacted? What's the timeline here? 50 years from now?
Know the great thing about this forum? I am a genius here
First this .... ^^^

Then this .... vvvvv

The Democrats have no policy. They have no plans. They are reactive instead of proactive. You can't keep promoting legislation designed to bolster the stock market and not help the average citizen. You can't expect women or the younger generation to stay involved if you don't give them results.

Dummer n dum.