Democrats need a civil war: Believe it or not, it’s the only real path back to power


Literotica Guru
Aug 2, 2005
In April, Bernie Sanders and Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez took off on a bumpy cross-country road trip. Their “unity tour” mostly served to highlight their differences and remind people that Sanders is not actually a Democrat. May it be a lesson to Democrats: Unity requires agreement, which requires debate.

Many expected 2016’s losing party to engage in fierce debate and a bloody civil war. Had Republicans lost, they’d have opened fire on one another in their concession speeches. Democrats took another tack. First, they rehired all their top management; their discredited consultants and decrepit congressional leaders. Then, in the spirit of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, they cancelled the debate.

Barack Obama is another problem. His charm was the glue that held Democrats together. They need to own their mistakes, which, by and large, are his. It’s a tender topic. Democrats in love with Obama prefer defending his legacy to saying what they’d do different. They pay a steep price for letting their feelings cloud their vision.

Even if Democrats woke up tomorrow morning wanting to debate, they might not know how. In the ’80s, Republicans poured hundreds of millions of dollars into right-wing think tanks. Democrats invested their more modest fortunes in pollsters and consultants. To this day, when Republicans make a case, Democrats tell a story, which is sort of like bringing cotton candy to a knife fight.

Democrats waste millions on corporate marketing techniques that work only for the other side. Their technology contains the seeds of their defeat. The 2012 Obama campaign was hailed for its advances in data mining and narrowcasting to niche markets. But saying different things to different people isn’t how you get change. It’s how you stop it. The way you get change is by engaging a whole nation in a single debate.
I aways wondered about the mindset that allows one group to call themselves niggers, but another group cannot call itself Slants...

We need less compartmentalization of thought.
America needs to clean out the Madrassas of the Left. Those centers of learning in our Universities and colleges where the nation's youth are being radicalized in anti-American ideology designed to bring down the constitutional order of the country.

That would be simple. Require that every college who receives student loan money be guarantors on said student loans. If the loan defaults it's charged back to the college.

Suddenly, there is no market at all for worthless degrees.
That would be simple. Require that every college who receives student loan money be guarantors on said student loans. If the loan defaults it's charged back to the college.

Suddenly, there is no market at all for worthless degrees.

Excellent proposal.
That would be simple. Require that every college who receives student loan money be guarantors on said student loans. If the loan defaults it's charged back to the college.

Suddenly, there is no market at all for worthless degrees.

Colleges are sucking at the government's tits devouring as much money as they can and driving up tuitions to get even more.
Absolutely true. But some trophies are bigger and shinier than others.

To some extent sure, but only if you're smart enough to apply them.

I know more than one STEM degree holder sitting around picking their nose because while they can ingest and regurgitate information well they couldn't find their own assholes if you drew them a map AND gave them GPS coordinates.