Define for me Child Pornography in laymans terms non legalise


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
I'll be back in 9-10 hours or so to see what all y'all define it as and ask questions to make sure I understand it completly.

Thanks in advance for your add

Child pornography is videos, photographs, drawings, or other graphic representations of "children" that lawmakers interpret to be sexually explicit or intended to be erotic. Children are defined as anyone under 18 years of age as well as characters defined as being eighteen years of age.

I do not believe that the written word comes under the context of child porn. I have read erotic novels and other stories featuring individuals who were under 18, and to my knowledge they were purchased legally. Standards may be different in Canada.

I'm not sure of the position of audio, but I believe it would fall under the same category as graphic representation.

On a side note, it is considered to be the legal responsibility of the viewer to determine whether or not any model or character is in fact 18. Saying you thought the character/model was really of age will not hold up as a defense.

The exclusions are anything with artistic, medical, or technical value, I believe. A book on pediatric anatomy will not get you arrested, nor will a copy of Romeo and Juliet. "Art" however, is highly subjective, and critics of any artwork containing nude children are most likely going to suspect the worst.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
I'll be back in 9-10 hours or so to see what all y'all define it as and ask questions to make sure I understand it completly.

Thanks in advance for your add


Well, this is MY personal definition:

Any material depicting a child (as legally defined in your locality) in a situation which can be construed as obscene or pornographic (again, as legally defined in your locality).

Part of the problem is the differences in legal perceptions of age of consent, obscenity and so on - a situation which may be perfectly legal in one country, state, etc. may well be illegal in another.

Again, this is my definition, and I am no law student... so don't take it as gospel, please?
In the U.S. and Canada, a child for these purposes is considered to be anyone under 18, even though actual age of consent varies by area. I believe it's 16 where I live.

So if I FUCK a 16 year old, I'm fine, but if I take a picture of her naked, I'm going to go to prison and not be happy at all.