Defense Secretary in ICU, White House clueless

Good grief. The octogenarian President of the United States didn’t know who was acting as his defense secretary, and the Pentagon says that while Austin was hospitalized, his responsibilities were delegated to his deputy who was on vacation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior Biden administration leaders, top Pentagon officials and members of Congress were unaware for days that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had been hospitalized since Monday, U.S. officials said Saturday, as questions swirled about his condition and the secrecy surrounding it.

The Pentagon’s failure to disclose Austin’s hospitalization for days reflects a stunning lack of transparency about his illness, how serious it was and when he may be released. Such secrecy, at a time when the United States is juggling myriad national security crises, runs counter to normal practice with the president and other senior U.S. officials and Cabinet members.
Yes let's make this about Biden and not about the guy DYING OF CANCER.

Military organizations are known for succession planning and chain of command.

Does anyone really think the US is going to get invaded overnight because this poor man is dreadfully ill?
So the frivolous blocking of promotions for key military personnel by RWCJ MAGAt hero Tommy Tuberville was good, but the perfectly logical tight security involving the state of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s health during these militarily sensitive times was bad.

Got it…



From all reports, it was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s call on keeping the information surrounding his health inside the Pentagon,- but, yeah, blame President Biden for… "something" ???


👉 BabyBoobs 🤣


From a security stand point, which was the better situation.

No one knowing Austin was in a hospital, or the whole world knowing the most powerful man in the world was incapacitated?

I advised you to leave, but you keep choosing to be humiliated....

BabyBoobs was TOLD that ^ early on in this thread.

BabyBoobs is veeeeeery slow to comprehend.

Austin's 2 in C didn't even know she was supposed to take over because no one told her because Austin didn't tell anyone.

It really is the biggest cluster fuck this admin has done yet. Especially since we've now started lobbing missiles at the Houthis. I wonder what people would think if we'd started doing that last week while Austin was in the ICU.
I could argue that there have been bigger, far more consequential cluster fucks under this administration than this incident, but your point is well taken. The WH has a clean up in aisle 4 to take care of. The Comms team is handling it as best they can. Let it quietly fade from the news cycle, and in a couple of months accept Austin’s resignation for health reasons with gratitude for his service and best wishes in his fight against prostate cancer.
Dude. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I've never once mentioned Austin in this conversation.
Got it. You didn’t know the thread was about Austin being in the hospital without the president and senior national security officials being aware. Did you think it was a thread about Trump’s Covid case?
Got it. You didn’t know the thread was about Austin being in the hospital without the president and senior national security officials being aware. Did you think it was a thread about Trump’s Covid case?
Please get off the struggle bus. I said this conversation -- the one you and I are having. Some people's kids. :rolleyes:
Austin's 2 in C didn't even know she was supposed to take over because no one told her because Austin didn't tell anyone.

You definitely haven’t been following the reporting. Hicks knew authority had been transferred to her when it happened on Jan 2 and she had the necessary communications devices in her possession. There was no lapse of authority.

So there was no lapse of authority, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff was notified on Jan 2nd including General Brown who also knew on the same day that Austin was in the hospital. ✅

Jan 2: “Austin’s and Hick’s staff, as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff — including Chair Gen. CQ Brown — are notified the transfer has occurred via email. Brown learns Austin is in the hospital.”
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Living in San Diego, next to a giant US Marine base, maybe a few subleties of the military world have rubbed off on me that SOME people here are missing.

Military units, at all levels, are TRAINED for a time when the CO is suddenly not available. Like, if he gets killed in battle. Or communications get cut off.

They have successors. They have protocols for when someone is offline.

We weren't in danger of getting invaded or losing a war. This was not a threat to the security of the country.

If you're looking for some reason to criticize Biden, this isn't a very good one.
Austin's 2 in C didn't even know she was supposed to take over because no one told her because Austin didn't tell anyone.

It really is the biggest cluster fuck this admin has done yet. Especially since we've now started lobbing missiles at the Houthis. I wonder what people would think if we'd started doing that last week while Austin was in the ICU.
lol this is so stupid on so many levels.

Well no one lobbed missiles last week now did they? If they had,that would just show Austin was still functioning in his role and doing his job from the hospital, right?

As to your first point, if Austin was still working remote,from the hospital, no one would tell her to take over. When she needed to take over,Austin told her.

I love how you guys try and make a mountain out of a mole hill....keep up the good work!!

So there was no lapse of authority, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff was notified on Jan 2nd including General Brown who also knew on the same day that Austin was in the hospital. ✅

Jan 2: “Austin’s and Hick’s staff, as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff — including Chair Gen. CQ Brown — are notified the transfer has occurred via email. Brown learns Austin is in the hospital.”

It's like you insist on being Lit's best fucktard. FROM THE ARTICLE:

Austin undergoes a “minimally invasive” prostatectomy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C. He is under general anesthesia during the procedure. The Pentagon doesn’t inform the White House or Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks,

So, the linky you provided does TWO things;

1. Undermines your statement that he "never lost consciousness." This is false, Austin was under general anesthesia during his procedure. In lay terms, he was "out" while they operated on him. Local anesthesia is used whenever the patient remains "awake," not "general."

2. Hicks was NOT notified at the time that command had transferred to her.

Basically all you've done is prove that you're willing to lie and say anything in opposition to the truth.
It's like you insist on being Lit's best fucktard. FROM THE ARTICLE:

So, the linky you provided does TWO things;

1. Undermines your statement that he "never lost consciousness." This is false, Austin was under general anesthesia during his procedure. In lay terms, he was "out" while they operated on him. Local anesthesia is used whenever the patient remains "awake," not "general."

2. Hicks was NOT notified at the time that command had transferred to her.

You missed the time of his surgery- in December, not January. The controversy is what happened after Jan 1.
I could argue that there have been bigger, far more consequential cluster fucks under this administration than this incident, but your point is well taken. The WH has a clean up in aisle 4 to take care of. The Comms team is handling it as best they can. Let it quietly fade from the news cycle, and in a couple of months accept Austin’s resignation for health reasons with gratitude for his service and best wishes in his fight against prostate cancer.

Some people have a live and let live philosophy. I don't. He needs to resign or face courts martial.
So you are “no one”?

I'm not criticizing Biden for anything other than being the worst possible inhabitant of the Oval Office. If you think that me saying Austin needs to be courts martialed is criticism of Biden, you need to audition for the part of the scarecrow in the next Oz remake. You're a natural for not having a brain.
You missed the time of his surgery- in December, not January. The controversy is what happened after Jan 1.

You've gone full on sgt spidey.

The controversy is that Austin didn't tell anyone AT THE TIME. We only found out about it in January.
You've gone full on sgt spidey.

The controversy is that Austin didn't tell anyone AT THE TIME. We only found out about it in January.

Friday, Dec. 22

Austin undergoes a “minimally invasive” prostatectomy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C. He is under general anesthesia during the procedure. The Pentagon doesn’t inform the White House or Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, but certain operational authorities are transferred to her. The White House is not informed of the transfer of powers.

So the big pearl clutching is that although the pentagon knew Austin was briefly sedated for a minimally invasive procedure the White House was not informed. Again, no lapse of authority.✅

Austin was REQUIRED to report for duty every morning unless he was given leave. Failure to report means the person is AWOL or 'absent without leave."

Here’s another comment you made that shows you’re out of your depth.

Austin was active in a conference call with Biden on Jan 1 and passed his authority on to Hicks on Jan 2. Not AWOL even by your standards.
Here’s another comment you made that shows you’re out of your depth.

Austin was active in a conference call with Biden on Jan 1 and passed his authority on to Hicks on Jan 2. Not AWOL even by your standards.

Are you STUPID or something?