Dear X:

Dear Literotica,

Thank you. Since I was sixteen you've always been there to help me through some very difficult times. Thanks to you, I discovered that I'm a writer. Now I'm twenty-scheven-haif, and thanks to you I've actually become a writer. You've given me people to read my stories and tell me they don't suck, and you've given me people whose stories were good, just needed a comma here or then.

I never wanted anything from you but to be allowed to hang out in front of you. Even though I treated you like a liquor store, you've given me so much.
non lit related, kinda
Dear X,
Yeah I saw you online last night and yeah, I saw message you've left me. And yeah, I didn't reply to your email and message on purpose. It was hard.

I'm OK. But you've lost the right to call me 'honey' long time ago, stop picking my scabs and let me heal.
keep writing mom/son
11/01/09 By: Anonymous
u r a new comer in literotica. but u need more experince about mother son incest. mom/son story should not to authoring shortly, it is need to discript completely about mothers naked body specially ass and asshole. and it is more excited if boy get his toung on his moms asshole and kiss her asschick because every teenage boy have fantasized about see a woman nude butt or exploring anus specially his mothers. mom/son story need to proceed like a novel, not too fast like this. mother son subject is a best than anything in incest story-how a teen son get close to his own beautiful mom passionately, nothing more excited like this. in future i will be give u more story idea or plot about mother son, u will keep writing.

Since you are so highly literate, I will be sure to watch for suggestions. :rolleyes: How did you know I am a new author here, with only about 300 stories? :rolleyes:
Dear X,

We're almost three weeks into the new year. How many nights this year have you driven home drunk? How many mornings did you wake up with a hangover?

Dear X
So, as Anon, you choose to denigrate the work of an author ?
Are you qualified to criticise ?
Your personal fantasy of Mother/Son is nothing new, but drooling about it seems to me to be, erm . . . "unstable".

Dear X

I thought of you both today. I held it together this time. Normally I’m good at not seeing your reflection in the mirror but you both caught me with my guard down and I choked.

I know it wasn’t fair and telling myself it wasn’t meant to be doesn’t work anymore. I’ve noticed you have both skipped from my heart to my mind and live there now. I don’t mind, honestly I don’t. Just stay warm and safe.
Dear X,

I know we aren't on the best of terms and haven't been for a long time. I know we've both hurt each other in various situations for various reasons, and are both too obstinate to apologize for it. In all likelihood these rifts will never be fully healed; there are just too many years of pain, anger and bitterness on both sides.

But none of that matters right now. You are hurting, in a terrible situation without much hope for anything resembling a good outcome. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and I'll keep hoping that something gives and you can have some peace. And if you want to talk, I'm here.

Dear X,

I know, you don't think of me that way. I'm not expecting you to. And I know the surgery wasn't likely to be life-threatening; they probably didn't even put you under. But you can't expect a guy to not worry about a girl he's in love with, especially not when one of our mutual friends goes under after surgery this weekend and doesn't come back up again.

Shit happens; we learned that the hard way this weekend. And I want you to know--no obligations, no expectations, no nothing--that I care.

And I'm glad you're still alive.

Dear Gizz,

I really do hope you're sleeping right now, 'cause you need it. I'm sending lots of good luck wishes your way, and lots of love. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Love always,

Dear Friends on Lit,

You guys have been wonderful over the past week and I have no way to thank you enough. :heart: But during all of this I was smacked upside the head with the reality of how fragile life really can be, and I've seen and am experiencing all the regrets a person can have when someone they love dies so suddenly. So I'm writing this to all of you to remind you: please let your friends and loved ones know how you feel about them, how much you care about them. Don't ever let yourself feel like you haven't expressed your feelings enough. There's no such thing as too much here.

I love you all,
Dear X,

Are you trying to get me to commit suicide by telling me that you have a girlfriend and can offer me help? You, one of the most pathetic sob stories I have ever, are telling me that you have a woman, and that is supposed to inspire me to ask you for help? I just don't see it...
Dear X,

I am sorry, i know you don't believe me, but i am. Main thumse pyaar karthi hoon, i mean that. There is nothing more I can say, it is as simple as main thumse pyaar karthi hoon.

<3 me.


Dear Suzy,

We miss you already, Grand High Pubah. Thank you for your friendship, your laughter and your light. I hope that wherever you are now, you are ripping the piss out of everyone around you, and that you are no longer suffering in pain. Look after your family from where you are, they miss you dearly. I miss you too.

One last thing, please, there's someone i need you to look after for me, you know who i mean. She's hurting a lot for another reason, because of me. Please tell the powers that be, if you can, to look after her for me.

Rest in peace, Safety Betski.

xx N
Dear broken- build- in- lighting-so-I-can't-just-change-a- bulb for fish tank retarded manufactures, whos fucking idea was it?!
you fucktards. 8 days and still not here. :mad:
Get a bloody move on :mad::mad:

hissing owner of a broken- build- in- light- so I can't- just- change- bulb fish tank.
Dear X,

You have no idea how affecting you are. Are you 100% sure you will be ok stuffed tightly in that box?

Dear X

Stop fucking with me, with my family, with our family. Stop shit stirring, stop interfering, stop with the 'poor me' act, and STOP MAKING ME SO FUCKING ANGRY.

Dear X,

Why are all the entertainers that enlivened my teens and twenties dying off?

They're not that old. Some are barely older than I am.

Who now has the fire and passion that they used to bring brightness to the 1960s?

Was it just the colour they brought to the drabness of bomb-shattered London?

Or am I just getting old?

Dear X
In the name of any deity you like or respect, will you stop making with the stupid thread entries and multiple identities ?. If you want to play games with folks' minds, go do it elsewhere.
You're just cluttering up the computer with your foolishness.
In other words, you dumb cluck, PUSH OFF.

Dear X,

I'm not sorry you don't like what I did and all the gnashing of teeth, wailing and lamenting on your part won't change it. I'm tired. Tired in a way I've never felt before. I don't know the cause. Maybe I'm really sick and don't know it. Maybe I'm just finally worn down by all the crap and drama people have tried to heap on me.

I'm not sorry I took away your "online home away from home". Your being homeless isn't my problem. Your trying to heap it on me is. You aren't alone in doing that.

Yes, I shut the boards down. For good. Yes I've severed your access to all your coveted messages. No, I don't regret it. I don't dread turning on the computer anymore. I don't wake in the middle of the night and immediately worry about what disaster has caused 50 people to message me demanding my attention.

But the worst? The worst was all the people that wanted to use me. I was tired of having a PM box full of messages and not one of them from anyone that had a motive beyond using me to make them feel or appear more important.

So I did what I threatened. You all should have known I'm truly a man of my word. I always did what I said I would and turned out to be exactly the one person I claimed to be. But now I'm gone and I've taken your playhouse with me.

I'm now somewhere else with a new name. It's someplace nobody would ever think of looking. My PM box is empty in the morning. That's not a bad thing. Maybe someday it won't be that way and it will be something I won't cringe at. There are all new people to meet and learn from and about. Maybe even someone will be interested in getting to know me for me instead of pretending to be a friend just so that I can "tell you who XXX really is since I can see their IP".

So screw you all. I'm better off alone than I am around you. The domain is locked. The site is down. In fact, the database and backups are wiped. The code is deleted and the license is transferred. The emails won't go through and that one screen name I used won't ever be used again. I won't be looking for you and I'm sure you won't be looking for me since I'm no benefit to your games.

I'm just another nobody now and I think I like it.
Dear P,

This is where it all began four years ago. Yet in a way, as we've both said so many times before, in some way or another, we've always known one another.

I did not think I would find someone so incredibly to love - someone I can respect and admire and feel safe with, someone who understands me inside and out, someone who I wish to share my world with, and ultimately build a future with.

So much to say . . . though the words are hard to find. The feeling is there, and always has been, so deep, so true, so . . . magnificent. I have always been, and always will be deeply in love with you.

So much to say . .. though . . it feels like I've already said it all. Feels that all I can offer you are cliches, even though I mean each one entirely.

Know this - even the horrible times with you, I would not trade. Even the sometimes self-doubt and pain, and ache to be together, I would not trade, because it is Ours. We own it.

The moments when you are mine - the days and nights when I fall asleep in your arms, and you awake in my bed - those moments are my dream.

You are mine until three days past forever. Four years may seem like a life time, but it's only a glimpse of what heaven can be.

I love you. Always.
Dear P,

This is where it all began four years ago. Yet in a way, as we've both said so many times before, in some way or another, we've always known one another.

I did not think I would find someone so incredibly to love - someone I can respect and admire and feel safe with, someone who understands me inside and out, someone who I wish to share my world with, and ultimately build a future with.

So much to say . . . though the words are hard to find. The feeling is there, and always has been, so deep, so true, so . . . magnificent. I have always been, and always will be deeply in love with you.

So much to say . .. though . . it feels like I've already said it all. Feels that all I can offer you are cliches, even though I mean each one entirely.

Know this - even the horrible times with you, I would not trade. Even the sometimes self-doubt and pain, and ache to be together, I would not trade, because it is Ours. We own it.

The moments when you are mine - the days and nights when I fall asleep in your arms, and you awake in my bed - those moments are my dream.

You are mine until three days past forever. Four years may seem like a life time, but it's only a glimpse of what heaven can be.

I love you. Always.

you are and will always be my F+3, my soulmate and the keeper of my heart.
Thank you for four incredible years and for being my love.

I love you,
Your P:kiss::heart::rose:
Dear deceased X,

Why did you choose our park in which to expire?

You may have died "with no suspicious circumstances" but your death has affected our attempts to renovate the park to be a safe place for our community.

A large police presence, yards of "crime scene" tape, and news crews on a bright Saturday morning when Junior Football teams should have been playing don't reassure those members of the public who already have unreasonable fears that the park is a dangerous place.
