Dear X:

We called each other friends, you and I. We shared intimate things and cared for each other, showing there was a bond of love between us. I looked at you and you looked at me and we knew there was something good that we shared.

I erred on the side of caution and didn't tell you, that was wrong, I know it. I thought there was something stronger between us though, something the trust of a friend would understand and ask me before coming to a descision. In my heart, there are only two words that cry out to you, 'I'm Sorry'.

I can see in your words the hurt you carry, the disappointment you feel. I can only think that if you are feeling so strongly about what has happened, your feelings were strong enough to care. I wish I could stop the hurt and would do what I could to join the gap between us.

I miss you terribly and I'm sure you feel the same in your heart. It's still me, I haven't changed. I'm still the same friend you knew and loved before all of this. Talk to me, let me know what you feel and let's work this out together.

God...this made me sob uncontrollably.
God...this made me sob uncontrollably.

Sorry my words made you feel so sad Lady. I feel just as sad. I miss my friend dearly and wish there was a rememberance of what was, instead of what is. It would make things so much more understandable.
I can't change what has happened, but I can explain it and making sense out of something helps to solve the doubting hurts and the unknown worries go away. But without connection, my words are meaningless letters floating on a screen before your eyes.
The chance for catching up is always a good thing, we've certainly come along in leaps and bounds and now the scenario has changed where we can speak clearly about things and I for one am so glad for it.

I truly want good things for you both, and could not wish to see a dear friend any happier than I have seen in a long time - you, I thank you for this - she deserves the happiness you can give her.

To my old friend, its not been a long while of knowing each other, but the paths we trod were fun and I learned that truth and honesty for myself were something that I never knew I had in me, and for you to encourage me to be me has helped me to be where I am now, so I thank you for this

To you both, be happy, patient, live for the moment and above all.. just happy ;)

To the one I love, these past 6 months have been full of emotions, and there has been times when I was about to break with the strain of the loss of my father, were you not there, I would not like to think what could have happened. For your support and encouragement during this working hiatus, you could so easily push and force but you have loved and understood and shown an unmentionable measure of patience - for this and many other things, I love you :heart:
Where ever you are, whatever you do, you know my love for you will find its way to your heart.
No matter what has been done, no matter what has been said, that love will remain true.
I gave it freely fom my heart to you with no conditions or restrictions, nothing to stand in its way.
You accepted it and believed in it, knowing it was you, that was the reason for it being there.
I made it a strong love, one to hold on to during those moments of weakness.
One that you could believe in and find comfort in, knowing you are held dear.
That love will never die or diminish. It will remain as the day it was felt and given to you.
Trust in your heart, trust in mine as well. They were joined by love and forged into a union.
What is there, will always be. What I feel, will always be given. What is shared, will always be so.
You are my friend, you are a part of me, as I am a part of you.
Remain so with me and never sever what what we have created together.
My love is constant, unwaivering, absolute and above all, True.
10 months of holding my breath, waiting and biting my tongue. And 10 months filled with your lies. I don't even know did I ever knew you...
Today is the day.
Dear X
You mentioned that you'd like to return.
We'd better discuss terms first.
I don't want my mind scrambled again !
Dear X,

Cut it out. I'm not interested in being your friend. You're here to fuck my sister. That doesn't include fucking with me.

I know you're dating her, I know you're sleeping with her, and I'm fine with that. She's a grown woman, beyond my or our parents' ability to control her (not that we were able to even before then). But that doesn't mean you're obligated to make a good impression on me. The simple fact is, I don't give a rat's ass about her. You could be a gentleman, you could be a chain-smoking idiot, you could be an axe-rapist, and that would all be fine with me. Do whatever the hell you want, so long as you leave me out of it. I don't like you, but that's the exact point: you don't need to earn my liking, because I don't like her. I'm not a part of that process. Isn't that nice?--no hoops to jump through, no hurdles to clear, no family to be polite around. You can just be your normal self. You don't have to impress me. You can leave me alone.

...Of course, part of why the two of you get along so well is because you both enjoy being assholes to people just because you can. So maybe I shouldn't expect anything like respectful behavior from either of you.
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keep writing mom/son
11/01/09 By: Anonymous
u r a new comer in literotica. but u need more experince about mother son incest. mom/son story should not to authoring shortly, it is need to discript completely about mothers naked body specially ass and asshole. and it is more excited if boy get his toung on his moms asshole and kiss her asschick because every teenage boy have fantasized about see a woman nude butt or exploring anus specially his mothers. mom/son story need to proceed like a novel, not too fast like this. mother son subject is a best than anything in incest story-how a teen son get close to his own beautiful mom passionately, nothing more excited like this. in future i will be give u more story idea or plot about mother son, u will keep writing.

Gee, thanks for the advice. Having been here only 6-1/2 years and having written only about 300 stories, I guess I am pretty new. I can see how extremely literate you are, so I will definitely heed your advice on writing stories in the future. :rolleyes:
Dear Pam Grier,

I just want you to know how cool I think you are, Pam. I had the chance to watch you in 'Jackie Brown' again after a long time, and I have to tell you that your performance and your bad-ass attitude inspired me. You rock, baby girl!

I still remember, how can I forget

September 17, for a girl I know that's Mother's Day.
Your son is going to leave, at that's where he will stay.
Wind on the weather vane, tear in blue eyes say to me,
As Falstaff sings a sorrowful refrain, for a boy on Fiddler's Green.
His tiny knotted heart, well I guess it never worked too good,
The timber tore apart and the water gorged the wood.
You can hear her whispered prayer, the men at mass they always lean, same as it moves your heart, moves a boy on Fiddler's Green.
It doesn't know a soul, there's nowhere that he's really been,
No, he won't travel long, no, not on Fiddler's Green.
Balloons are filled with rain, as children's eye turn sleepy,
Falstaff sings a sorrowful refrain, for a boy on Fiddler's green.

Sleep well Joshua, we love you
Dear X,

Are you stupid or what ?. You blame me for denting your car (I concede that I did), but did you not see my reversing lights - both times ?. Did you have to open that bloody door as I backed into the parking space ?

Do you know nothing about Safety ?

Dear X:

The sex is amazing, but that's not why I love you.

The reasons I love you are beyond counting, eyond measuring, and have no logical basis at all.

Dear lyrics,

Why is it required that you rhyme?! I can't rhyme to save my bacon! *cry*

Songwriting: one part "Oh, that would be a good thing to write a song about," two parts "Shit, now I need some words. And a tune. Shit. Fuck!"

without love,

Dear Mr. Perfectionist Self,

You know, these creative experiments would go a lot better if you didn't fear failure so much.

Just, y'know. Just sayin.

~your sanity
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Dear X,

Thank you. A new door has opened in my life, and I have been so excited to step through it. Everything in life comes with trade offs, with costs. You have stepped aside and closed the door that held me to our old life, and you did so with a smile, even though we both had tears.

I am free now, as frightening as that is after so, so many years together. I am free to live my life for myself instead of in a supporting position to you. Together we will finish raising our children, and we will continue to offer each other the support that we deserve from one another.

But we are both free of the pain that we brought to one another. We are both free to explore this terrifying life that lies before us. We can lean on each other for support and encouragement, but our lives will soon be our own.

I love you. I never stopped loving you, nor did my love ever flag or falter. We have never cheated on one another, but the pain that comes from two disparate lives trying so hard to be one is too difficult, too painful to bear.

I have found another. I didn't believe it would be possible, but as our tie together became so unbearable, she arrived and brought light, hope into my life. She has given me the strength and the resolve to carry on. She is my light, and though we are only just beginning our relationship, I love her with all of my heart.

There have always been others who wanted a relationship, and some of them were...intriguing to me. Many times I've felt the pull of sexual heat, but never once have I even considered acting on anything because of my love for you. What is raw sexual passion without love?

The other...yes, there is that attraction, that heat, but she is filled with a light that assures me that even were we to remain apart, not touching or being with one another sexually, we would remain together. We are already the best of friends...and that was when I knew.

I know that feelings of love can be transitory, especially when one is as screwed up emotionally as I have been, but it was when I realized that she had supplanted your position as my best friend that I knew my love for her was true. That was when I told her, and that was when I felt the fullness of life return to me after so many years.

I know that there are others in your life, others who desire you and maybe even love you. I don't know what your feelings are for them, but now you are at least free to explore those feelings and act on them as you see fit. We are both free. We can start walking forward, maybe not hand-in-hand as before, but beside each other as friends.

Be happy.
Dear X,

What on earth possessed you to wander around spreading the environment with your cold, flu (or whatever else it might be). Worse still, at a time of maximum infection ?

Your selfish, stupid, blind idiocy has so far cost me several night's sleep as well as the inconvenience of hot & cold flushes, chesty cough that sound more like a bicycle dynamo, a stuffed-up nose and the exact opposite.
To add to the above the cost of the various medicines required to alleviate some of the symptoms.

I hope your cough /cold /flu or whatever stays with you for the next few months and causes you even more grief.

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Dear X,

A little sad that I never got my cock in your ass.

That could have been a lot of fun.

Dear X,

I'm just going to have to trust you and believe what you tell me is true. But, if I find out you've been lying to me, I'm gone. Been there, done that and I refuse to do it again.
I'm... shell-shocked. So tired and sore and weary. I love you so much it hurts- and it is going to keep hurting. Every word you write, every word you say, is going to shred my soul a little bit more.

I didn't need to see that status change. I didn't need for you to turn what was already killing me into that. I need to do this, I know that, because right now I can't even see straight or think clearly about us. But there are no shades of grey for you, and I'm apparently going to be another fade to black chapter in your life.

Would you even respond if I came back, clear and calm and back on equal footing, and asked to talk it out? Or am I just already that woman who fucked you over, like all the rest of your exes?

Dammit. You didn't have to make this like this. Maybe I started it, maybe I'm in the wrong, like always, but do you have to twist the screws that much more?


I'm sitting here in the dark, watching in fascinated, tearful, ironic horror as you continue to do exactly what you called and asked me not to do. Chain-smoking and listening to Melissa etheridge, watching you make a mockery of anything approaching respect. I retreat here, and spill textual blood into this forum, and wish, wish, wish, that I was strong enough to turn it off and walk away. But this is as close as I can get, and I watch from the other side of the digital barrier as you break my already bleeding heart a little bit more, and a little bit more. I don't think you'll ever realize that this hurts me more than anything else that came before.
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Reba McEntire says it better

Everytime I turn the conversation to somethin'
Deeper than the weather
I can feel you all, but shuttin' down
And when I need an explanation for the silence
You just tell me "you don't wanna talk about it now"
What you're not sayin' is comin' in loud n clear
We're at a crossroads here

If I'm not the one thing, you can't stand to lose
If I'm not the heir to that heart of you
If you don't get drunk, on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this
Then I guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone

With you I've always been wide open
Like a window or an ocean
There is nothin' I've ever tried to hide
So when you leave me, not knowin' where you're goin'
I start thinkin' that we're lookin'
We're lookin' at goodbye
How about a strong bout a strong shot of honesty?
Don't you owe that to me?

If I'm not the one thing, you can't stand to lose
If I'm not the heir to that heart of you
If you don't get drunk, on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this
Then I guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone

Consider me of being real
Consider me the past
Consider me a smile in an old photograph
Someone who used to make you laugh

If I'm not the one thing, you can't stand to lose
If I'm not the heir to that heart of you
Then I guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone
Consider me gone
Consider me gone
Just consider me gone (whoa oh whoa oh)