Dear X:

Dear Ex,

If only you could completely disappear from my life, instead of popping up every now and then and making us both uncomfortable, it would be very nice.


Dear Dino,

If you could only be a regular at Lit instead of just popping in now and then, life would be much more wonderful. :kiss:

Dear BFF,

If it weren't for you, I just don't know what I would do. I love you to little bits. If you were the velveteen rabbit, you would be real a hundred or more times over. I wish I weren't so far away. I can't wait to see you again. I'm so glad that you love me enough to come and get me this weekend and so much that you don't even seem to miss the awsome trip that you were supposed to be taking instead but had to cancel rather last minute.

Thank you for being the best friend I could ever have, for putting up with me, for loving me, and for being asolutely positively dysfunctionally connected to me as if you were one of my limbs.

Much Love,

Amy Sweet.
Dear Somebody,

If only you would think about me as often as I think about you and in the same terms, life would be much more wonderful.

Amy Sweet.
Dear Dino,

If you could only be a regular at Lit instead of just popping in now and then, life would be much more wonderful. :kiss:

Dear Dampersnatch,

You are a nag. :cool:
But I love you. Nagmeister...Nagpie!!! HA!



Dear Dino,

It is quite lovely to see your super self. Not that I have any room to talk.
*long distance squish*

- me
Dear X,

The doctors tell me things that are troubling, and I wonder if I will see you again. I hope that I do because you are one of the best reasons I can think of that I was put on this earth. I love you.

I have to do two papers. And my taxes. And two more papers!!!! I have no time! :mad:
*pets you*

It's okay. You can just, you know, forego sleep. ;)


Dear Kitty-bo-bunny-rabbit,

You are so extra special I can't even begin to touch it. I know you're stressed and busy and at the grindstone. I know you've got a ton of things on your mind. And you manage it all. With much more grace than I think you've ever given yourself credit for. It takes a very, VERY wonderful person to be what you are. And you do it.

In the middle of all these things, you give to me. You give me your friendship and your time and your self. All three some of your most valuable currency.
I just want you to hear that it means more to me than you know. Even though I know you know you didn't have to. Things are right again in Bluey-land. You had a lot to do with that, despite the ebb and flow of moods and feelings. I told you once before you're on that list. Foundations. It's still true. And I thank you deeply and gratefully for letting me tap into you. :heart:

Much love,

Dearest Bluey :heart:

What did I give that you haven't already given to me in abundance? I've just had this profound thought about the two of us wearing our friendship like mirrors that shine the love right back. ;) (Does that even make sense? I'm too tired to figure it out.)

Thank you. I love you too.

Dear X(s):

You two are directly responsible for the flood of erotic writing currently glutting my hard drive. I blame you both equally. You are tormenting that part of my brain that does this.

Please don't stop, because I'm on a roll here. And if you do stop, please stimulate the part of my brain that finishes my annoying fucking novels.

Lust. It's not just for dinner anymore.

Dear Kitty-bo-bunny-rabbit,

You are so extra special I can't even begin to touch it. I know you're stressed and busy and at the grindstone. I know you've got a ton of things on your mind. And you manage it all. With much more grace than I think you've ever given yourself credit for. It takes a very, VERY wonderful person to be what you are. And you do it.

In the middle of all these things, you give to me. You give me your friendship and your time and your self. All three some of your most valuable currency.
I just want you to hear that it means more to me than you know. Even though I know you know you didn't have to. Things are right again in Bluey-land. You had a lot to do with that, despite the ebb and flow of moods and feelings. I told you once before you're on that list. Foundations. It's still true. And I thank you deeply and gratefully for letting me tap into you. :heart:

Much love,


Dearest Bluey :heart:

What did I give that you haven't already given to me in abundance? I've just had this profound thought about the two of us wearing our friendship like mirrors that shine the love right back. ;) (Does that even make sense? I'm too tired to figure it out.)

Thank you. I love you too.


"Dear" / Dearer / "Dearest" X, :rolleyes:

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Dear X
I realize the longer I am gone, just how wrong you were. I realize now just how much YOU manipulated. How you knew just how to twist words to make me believe I was the one that was crazy. How you isolated me so completly.

I am so glad to be gone from you. Though sleep is still elduing me completly and food is not enjoyable yet, I know that in time it will come back. I know that now I'm safe. Without you. I know that I CAN do this. I know that I do have strength. I do have courage. I know that I can now stand up for myself.

I know now that people do care. Maybe you don't understand how people I've never met, people that most I"ve never even seen their face, I can call friends...but I do. They have been truer friends to me than you ever dreamed of. I'm not a broken person. I am cracked. I know that it will take time to heal, but already I am healing. I don't need to "get my head straightned out". I don't need to "come to my senses". I have come to my senses. I left you.

That Dear X....was the best thing I've done in my life. The one thing I finally did for me. I put ME first this time. I had so much suppport to do it, that you will never understand.

Goodbye Dear X. You no longer have power or control over me. I won't allow you to have it again.

Standing strong for myself.

Dear X(s):

I need vitamins, and possibly some Gatorade, in order to keep up with the delicious perviness inspired by all of you. My fingers ache, I kept giggling while cleaning the client's house, and whenever he started trying to set me up with his banking buddy I turned bright red and stammered out something about having more than enough on my hands.

I was only stammering because I had a mental flash of just how much I COULD have in my hands at once, and who it belonged to, and I totally lost it.
And then I turned even redder because I couldn't turn off the way I usually can.

There is something seriously up in my life when I lose my ability to turn off my arousal and walk away without a second thought.

I blame you.:nana:
Dear R.,

Wow, I didn't think you were brainwashed that badly but apparently I was wrong. *I'm* the problem? *I* am trying to solve the problem by finding a balance. *You* on the other hand are contributing to it and can't even see that. Such a shame. I know you think you can do better than me and one of these days I'll give you that chance. Your first day doing my job will be a day when all the stores up here need things taken care of now. Then they can call and scream at you all day long about everything they used to scream at me about.

We don't work for Her Imperial Majesty. She cannot be our #1 priority 100% of the time. We have a responsibility to take care of the needs of all the stores up here as best we can, and we have neither the authority nor the right to tell them what they will give up to her...that's up to them. And if they want to keep their good cars then they are entitled to do that, just as she is, and just as she has always done. But instead of getting that through that thick concrete skull of yours you fall deeper and deeper into her trap. She tells you that I'm the problem because I won't do what she wants all the time anymore, because I do what our manager tells us to do, which she swears ruins her business. And you believe her, you half-witted pathetic slob of a sheep.

Your nickname isn't Your Royal Obtuseness for nothing.

And don't think I haven't figured out that you're one of the gossips. Perhaps you are the primary gossip, the one coming up with the lies that could ruin the lives of myself and my friend. With that, you went somewhere you should not have gone, and it will come back to bite you in your fat disgusting ass. Karma's a horrific bitch when she wants to be.

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Dear Weather Gods:

You can stop with the friggin' rain anytime now. My knee is killing me!

