Dear X:

Dear All of you motherfucking X's,

Fuck each and every one of you. fuck you for making me beg, fuck you for making me "prove" that I have the right to go in and see her, fuck you for making my kids cry, fuck you for NOT letting her kids visit her and fuck you because that woman is my spouse - whether you motherfucking assholes like it or not!

*hugs tight* :kiss::rose::heart:
Dear All of you motherfucking X's,

Fuck each and every one of you. fuck you for making me beg, fuck you for making me "prove" that I have the right to go in and see her, fuck you for making my kids cry, fuck you for NOT letting her kids visit her and fuck you because that woman is my spouse - whether you motherfucking assholes like it or not!

Dear X,

It's getting on toward 2 years since the last time I saw you.

After we had dinner, you were jonesing to head to the Shenago to begin that night's performance of Queen of the Bar Bitches. I had an inkling as I walked out the door that I was not coming back.

How many nights since then have you spent perched on a stool drinking yourself stupid?

Dear All of you motherfucking X's,

Fuck each and every one of you. fuck you for making me beg, fuck you for making me "prove" that I have the right to go in and see her, fuck you for making my kids cry, fuck you for NOT letting her kids visit her and fuck you because that woman is my spouse - whether you motherfucking assholes like it or not!

Dear X,

Try going through my boss from now on, because I can guarantee I won't be answering my phone for you anymore.


Dear X,

I'm here when you need me but if I ever need you, you are nowhere to be found. I'm tired of feeling used and uncared for; I am your friend but you are not mine. So find some other poor sap to be your sounding board because I'm through.


Dear X,

For the love of god PLEASE be aware of whether or not your clothes are straight!! NOBODY wants to see your ass crack hanging out of your 300-pound ball of fat!!! I had to wash my eyes out with soap and alcohol and bleach my brain when I got home and I still feel sullied and unusual. And don't even get me started on my appetite, because I haven't had one since about eleven this morning. Weight doesn't matter, I've seen people as obese as you take far more pride in their appearance and look good. YOU, on the other hand, look exactly like the fat slob that you are and that was just reinforced today!!!

I hate Mondays because you make me physically ill.

Dear X,

You're an attention whore and it's boring.


Yes I am. Sorry :(

Dear X,

I'm here when you need me but if I ever need you, you are nowhere to be found. I'm tired of feeling used and uncared for; I am your friend but you are not mine. So find some other poor sap to be your sounding board because I'm through.


I found that out about who I used to call my best friend. Unfortunately, it took me ten years to do something about it. I hope you figured it out faster than I did. But really any time is better than never.
Dear Mouse,

I promise I will blend into the background and keep my mouth shut tonight and not be a soccer mommy. Just take that skinny little runt DOWN! Okay, I promise to try to stay quiet? :eek:

Dear X,
I'm so sorry that you seem to think that your TV program and your ramblings are so much more important than the things that I am trying to do are. I know you don't like my writings. You've made that clear. I know you don't like my opinions either. That has been made clear.

My turn to make something perfectly clear. I will have my own opinion. I will write what I want to write. I am an adult and I'm not going to be talked down to like I am a stupid child. If you don't like what I write, then don't read it. If you don't like my opinion, then stop asking for it.

When I say "I'm writing a scene, please give me 10 minutes", please have the common courtesy to be true to your word and leave me alone for that 10 minutes. That way, I can write my scene, proofread it and then I will be available to listen to your inane ramblings for as long as you need.

When you ask my opinion on something. Be prepared. My opinion may very well differ from yours. That does not make it right nor wrong. It is however, my opinion. Stop telling me that the only opinion that counts or is right is the opinion you give me to have.

If I seem angry and fed up. That's because I am. I have reached that point where I just don't care anymore if you like me or not. You obviously don't like me. We are now agreed on something.

Sincerely and with no malice,

ETA: Damn that felt good to write!! No matter she will never see it!!
Dear X,

I was under the impression that you were a very good manager; apparently I was wrong. You see, a good manager will admit when he fucks up and not blame it on everyone around him. He will see that a problem has occurred and will jump right in and try his best to work with everyone around him to deal with it as quickly as possible, not waste time yelling at his subordinates and throwing the whole place into confusion. You are good at giving directions and you are good at mediating problems between co-workers. But what I saw there today just cost you every ounce of respect I ever had for you. *shakes head sadly*

Dear X;

Get off the high horse. I realize it's a sensitive subject for you, but you quoted me out of context and ascribed a position based upon a single response.

I DO know what it's like. I've been there. In fact, I still feel it sometimes.

So take your own advice, will you?

Dear X:

Today is the day I take my life back. I will shrug off this cloak of grief that has been my constant companion for 11 days, and I will NOT cry for you anymore. I will put a Band-aid over the wound in my heart and move forward. I can't change how I feel, but I can change what I do about it.

You want to turn your phone off? Fine. I turn mine off too. I will not wait for you to call. I will not look for you. I will not let you hurt me with your absence anymore.

Yes, oh, yes, I screwed up. I know that. I've admitted it, and I've apologized more than once. I don't know what else I can do. You can forgive me or not. The choice is yours. Perhaps you could take a look at your own part in all this, as well. I didn't get to this place alone.

I will move forward. I will have friends. I will have fun. I will let you go if that is what I need to do.

You may never read this, and that is fine. I write it for myself.

I love you, but I take my life back today.

Dear all you X's.
If I get one more damn PM asking me "why so sad" I'm gonna reach through the monitor and choke the living shit out of you. It is a damn username. It doesn't mean I'm sad. It doesn't mean I'm an angel. Please go fuck yourselves. It wasn't funny the first time and it isn't funny the 1000th time either.

madangel (There is that better!!):mad:
Dear all you X's.
If I get one more damn PM asking me "why so sad" I'm gonna reach through the monitor and choke the living shit out of you. It is a damn username. It doesn't mean I'm sad. It doesn't mean I'm an angel. Please go fuck yourselves. It wasn't funny the first time and it isn't funny the 1000th time either.

madangel (There is that better!!):mad:

Dear gladangel,

At least they don't ask you 'how damp?'