De-lurk and hello


Mar 22, 2003
Just thought I'd quit lurking and actually say something so...uh...'something', that's stupid. How about. "Hi"
Anyway, go on about your business...don't mind me. I was just feeling rather invisible for a moment there.
Welcome Stilltrying.... :)

Enjoy lit... play nice and you will be played nice with...

Morning girl will give you the lowdown...
Only five posts and you get a smiley from the loverly rubyfruit? Keep up the fine work.
Hello and welcome, stilltrying. I see that you enjoy writing. Maybe you'll share with us one day.

It's nice to meet you.
SaintPeter said:
Only five posts and you get a smiley from the loverly rubyfruit? Keep up the fine work.

Oh stop.

Nice hit-and-run last night, Peteypie. *wink*
Rubyfruit said:
Oh stop.

Nice hit-and-run last night, Peteypie. *wink*


I was sleepy. All work and no play makes SaintPeter a big drag on the weekends.
Well that was quick!
Thank you and hello to everyone

'sweet soft kiss' (great name that!) I have enjoyed Lit so far and I will endeavor to take your advice and 'play nice' at all times.

And Rubyfruit, thank you. :)

SaintPeter, hello to you and I have no idea why the 'loverly' Rubyfruit smiled at me but I'm certainly not complaining and in fact, I smiled right back. (deft move don't you think?)

ohblueyedlady, thank you also for your hello. I do enjoy writing and in fact I have one story and a couple of poems posted so far (not sure how to link to them from here or I would do so...) and more to come if and when I find the time to write something.
Thank you one and all. I feel quite welcomed! :)
That invisible feeling comes and goes, but never leaves for good. Ask anyone around here. :)
You're welcome, stilltrying. Thank you for telling me about your pieces. I'll look for them. Are they under the name you use here?

Edited to say: I found your poetry and story and will read in a little bit. Enjoy your day.
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It's always good to de-lurk and start posting. :)

Welcome to the boards hon.
Thank you one and all...I'm overwhelmed. :)

Now if I can just get over this cold, I might regain enough of my senses to say something intelligent, witty or at least faintly amusing and thereby attempt to justify your kind welcome.
*sniff* *cough* *sneeze*
Andreina said:
...and that's just where i want to be :kiss:

Ever have a craving?

I'm craving the taste of the skin of your neck, the softness of your lips and the feel of your earlobe caught between my teeth.
Georgia Girl said:
Ever have a craving?

I'm craving the taste of the skin of your neck, the softness of your lips and the feel of your earlobe caught between my teeth.

oh how interesting! Uh, don't mind me...but DO go on...
*pulls up a chair and pops some popcorn...*
stilltrying said:
oh how interesting! Uh, don't mind me...but DO go on...
*pulls up a chair and pops some popcorn...*

$10 for watching
$20 for touching

$10 for watching
$20 for touching

Why sure I uh....
shakes open wallet but other than an emaciated moth, nothing comes out
...umm...say, I have an idea! What if I cover my eyes and PROMISE not to peek...can I just sit and listen? :rolleyes:

oh, and hi littlekateyes. thank you for the kind welcome.
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