Daschle - Gore 2004


Literotica Guru
Jan 26, 2002
What a great Presidential ticket these two would make! :D

Give phantom foreign policy another 4 years. I bet Al Qaida could reorganize by then.

Let's see we'll just let the special interest groups and Lawyers run the country.
Great job Hillary is doing in NY. Her home state. lol.

These people run for power and influence not for the betterment of the country.

JMHO Randy
Bush is a poor diplomat, he is a partisan to the extreme, his knowledge on foreign affairs is lacking, and he refuses to address domestic issues. What is he good at? Why is he in the white house? I guarantee 2004 there will be lines and lines at the booths to kick him out, he's a one trick shetland pony (war). I'll vote and campaign for his closest contender, no matter what the ballot says.
bored1 said:
What a great Presidential ticket these two would make! :D
They'll lose. Either way you line them up.

70/30 said:
I guarantee 2004 there will be lines and lines at the booths to kick him out, he's a one trick shetland pony (war). I'll vote and campaign for his closest contender, no matter what the ballot says.
And there will be longer lines of people to reelect him.

If he loses, I'll buy you a bottle of Maker's Mark.

Same shit, new day.

Blah blah blah

"Hillary Bill Femnazi Blowjob Daschle obstructionist blah blah blah"

My kingdom for an intelligent political debate...
Laurel said:
Yeah, but Tipper would whup Laura in the lime Jello pit. :D

Uh-oh... That would leave us with the Bush girls and the Gore girls in a beer chuggin' contest to decide the winner!
And you though the choices in 2002 sucked? That's fear of the unknown vs. fear of the known.

Daschle? The guy who talks to Americans like he's Mr. Rogers?