Danny McBride, Seth Rogen & Elijah Wood recreating the B-Boys

Methinks the only person who will find this interesting is Botany Boy.

What are you doing slumming through these parts?! I thought you were going to cook up some late lunch for the PG.

Shame on you.
Aww look at my two favourite stalkers together. It's like watching The Two Ronnies.
I've noted that you're directing quite a few of your posts to me lately.

I'll say it again: I don't like guys. Sorry, it's just a preference thing.

It's like poking an anthill with a stick. Don't read too much into it.
I liked it. Might watch it again just to catch the people I missed the first time around.
I love the Beastie's. But this video I just don't get. I've found them to be so revelatory and authentic over all these years but despite some minute undercurrent of that old Beastie magic, this video is not up to snuff. The clip is a few years stale now and I would have written it off but it keeps circling back when someone says how brilliant it is (sorta like the movie "friday"). So I watched it completely through for the first time. Well this is a bit of a lie because when the improv "Can't untie the knots" segment -which is goddamn tedious- was going on then segued into the dancing.... I started to fast forward. I only stopped when I saw them all peeing.

I need to come clean here about something - I don't really like Seth Rogen's material. Really it stretches to much of the alumni of 'Freaks and Geeks'. That pulls in a lot of the Apatow crowd, then add Will Ferrell - tragically unfunny - and I don't care for the whole mess. Anchorman, Knocked up, Superbad, any of the Sasha Baron Cohen stuff, Pineapple Express, and these are just the ones "I had too see omg they are so funny!!" ....all miserable. Green Hornet was insufferable, and Observe and Report was especially gross. I always tell people that this opinion is due to bad wiring in my head, not so much a statement on the material to hopefully not offend and steer clear of the labels "snob" and "asshole". Frankly I've accepted that it really is me.

So maybe this is why I'm cold on this video? I don't know. I'm hoping for some genuine insight here. I feel there is some statement about the evolution of the band under there trying to claw it's way out, but it's crushed under the weight of a very self-indulgent peepee joke.

Disclamier: I love to throw beer and pee on stuff.