Bonnie and Clyde's New Reign (reserved)


It's all in ur head
Sep 18, 2022
Clyde Chestnut sat under Hangman's Tree in the middle of Victor's Court at Princeton University staring down at the device he held in his hand. He had flipped it around and had the back cover removed from it, laid on the ground on his Quantum Physics text book which itself was opened to page 347. He also held a tiny screwdriver in his hand and was studying the device so intensely and exclusively, that he didn't notice three of his 'crew' walking towards him.

Peter Sellers chuckled saying, "You still working on that thing? How many times has it got to shock the shit out of you before you give up on it?" Peter was a fellow pursuant of the Advanced Computational Physics Degree and a friend of his since their Sophomore year in school. He held a small laptop of his own and his backpack slung on his back as he walked towards him sitting down.

Clyde smiled saying, "At least once... more."

"Give it up bro! You are wasting your time on that piece of junk that looks like something from the 90's. Didn't that used to be some kind of flip phone?" Juan Soong said as he drew close himself towards Clyde. He also carried a severely overstuffed backpack looking to break apart at the seams and his skateboard tucked under his arm.

"Leave him alone." Imani Jenkins said as she sat down next to Clyde saying, "Or would you want us to start making fun of your dumbass project? I mean... seriously an all in remote drone that delivers mail? You remember what happened with your last test?"

"Hey! That dog got away... with most of it's fur." Peter said before saying, "Point is, we have midterms next week and need to set up a study time. This test is very important. Now I have a scheduler here just tell me when you are free...."

Clyde ignored most of what they were talking about. He thought he had it figured out. He was 95.2% sure he knew what happened during the last test he had had back in his dorm. Of course, he still had to pay for the damages to his room before they would let him graduate this year which he had still yet to figure out. In fact, the only thing that would draw him out of his deep state of concentration was the one thing that happened to be walking on the path just off from them."

Siobhan Lee, though most around campus called her Bonnie, laughed in her harmonic way with Jacob Brant. Jacob was the Quarterback of the Princeton Tigers and quite literally one of the most handsome men to have ever walked the planet. What was worse, was he knew he was talented, popular and handsome. Most women on campus wore his jersey or had posters of him on their wall... and every woman dreamed to be in Bonnie's place as his steady girl.

Clyde raised his eyes at the sound of her laughter. Over a decade ago, he had met her at their Middle school where they had for a time been connected at the hip. They had rarely been separated through nearly all of middle school though as they got older, they grown into different interests. He had found a strong aptitude in science and computers and wound up becoming part of the geek crowd, while Bonnie had gotten into cheerleading and sports and began running with the jocks.

Despite their evolving away from each other, one thing had always been absolutely steadfast about Bonnie. It was that Clyde loved her more than anything else. Yes she was WAY out of his league. Yes she had shown absolutely NO interest in him as of junior year of high school, but none of that mattered. She had grown into a perfect 10 in his eyes and no one and nothing could ever change that. So much so that he had followed her to Princeton.

"You daft boy. Give up on her." Imani said as she followed his eyes towards Bonnie. She added, "You can do better than her. She got nothing but her looks right now and those looks will fade as she gets older."

Clyde just cleared his throat once and turned his eyes back to his gadget. He knew Imani was right but how does someone simply give up a life long crush on his used to be best friend? Even when she had friend zoned him in high school, he had done stupid little things to try and catch her attention, like trying out for the football team, which resulted in him breaking an arm due to an unfortunately problem with not being able to catch the ball.

He ignored his friends banter as he stared at his device and to his shock, one more tweaking of the panel in the back and suddenly, everything inside lit up! He yelled out in surprise and nearly dropped it before realizing what he had done! It had worked!!! The device was powered on!!

Everyone was staring at him in shock saying, "You mean... you got it running again?"

Clyde glanced up and looked at his friends and to his surprise, saw Bonnie and Jacob glancing at him as well. His face turned brilliant red and he quickly put the back cover on the device. He said, "I... I think I got it! I ... I am sure I got it."

"Well... try it!" Peter said as he studied it.

Clyde looked at each of his friends once more, his hands trembling and nodded. He opened the front panel and pushed the glowing red button. Suddenly... and shockingly... everything... stopped.
Siobhan Lee walked arm in arm on the campus with her boyfriend Jacob Brant laughing at a story he'd told her about last game and his naughty joke about her in her cheerleading uniform.

They two of them joined the team around the same time and had gotten attracted during sports meeting and hit it off from there seeing he was just as confident as she was when it came to her looks, popularity and talent , the two were like campus celebrities, most guy envied ed Jacob because they wanted to bang Bonnie and most women were jealous because they wanted to be in her place and with Jacob.

Despite her popularity , Bonnie thought most of the friends she had outside of Jacob had been superficial and only hung around the two for popularity, the last time she had a true friend hadn't been since junior year in highschool with a guy named Clyde Chestnut .

The two had been very close through middle school and even through Sophmore year of Highschool but then she noticed one summer how he watched her and saw him sniff her underwear out of her bag at the beach when he thought she wasnt looking .

She decided to end it there because she knew how he was starting to feel and she was starting to get teased for being so hot and hanging out with a nerd like him, they even threatened to kick her off cheer team if she didn't shape up because she was popular.

She had ignored him all summer and start of Junior year , she acted and looked more mature her body having filled out well during the summer break, she pretended she never met Clyde, she figured it would be better for them both that way, although he did his best to try to capture her attention at times.

She caught glimpses of him at Princeton when she had gotten there, it hadn't surprised her he got in, Clyde had always been a genius, but it did surprise her that he was at her school, a school she killed herslf trying to get into if she was going to be the Journalist she wanted to be.

She spotted him with a group and glanced at the woman next to himmand was brought out of her thought with Jacob kissing her neck.

She giggled " Baby I thought we'd behave on campus" she said and grinned and cause him to chuckle.

" Well I had to do something to get your attention Bonnie you werent focused on me, were you thinking about what we did right before we stepped on Campus this morning?"He said teasingly and backed her up into a tree.

Bonnie chuckled and ran a hand down his chest knowing he liked letting everyone known me had one of the hottest chicks on campus by doing his PDA and he leaned in kissing her right before the time stopped no-one aware of this but it seemed like her and her eyes darted around catching Clydes before things continued.

She was confused having no idea what that was but having a feeling he was behind it somehow. She finished her kiss and chuckled saying " Maybe I was.., come on let get to Literature then we can do happy hour and more "stretching" when we're done" she said flirting and trying to distinguish if that just happened or did she hallucinate from the joint she and Jacob shared before walking.

Absolute, complete, deafening silence...

That was the very first thing Clyde noticed as the device was activated. Every day, a person would hear all kinds of background noise and discount it as just that. Birds chirping, talking among others, car engines purring, even the sound of electricity buzzing in the light bulbs. There was NONE of that. He muttered, "What the fuck?!"

His eyes shifted to his three friends and they all looked like they were sitting absolutely perfectly still. Peter and Juan looked as if someone had hit the pause button on them as they argued about the study schedule. Imani stared down at his device as if studying it. Of course, he didn't understand the truth of things right off and he said, "Did you see that Imani? Look..."

He moved the device closer to her and she didn't move, didn't even blink. Her eyes remained focused on the spot where the device had been. He backed up and said, "
Imani?" Seeing absolutely no response from her, he waved his hand in front of her face and then snapped his fingers at her hoping for some kind of reaction but got... nothing. He touched her shoulder and she seemed resistant to movement as if not wanting to actually be moved. He tried to give her a little push and nothing happened.

He said, "
Umm... guys... something is wrong with..." He turned to Juan and Peter and they stayed exactly perfectly still. He muttered, "What in the hell is going on here?"

Clyde pulled himself to his feet, feeling a growing panic building up in him. What was happening? His eyes scanned the area and spotted something that didn't make any sense at all. A bird seemingly hovering without any kind of support in mid air about 6 feet off the ground. It looked to have a worm in it's mouth and looked as if it was heading back up into the he had been sitting under, perhaps to a nest.

He let his eyes move about and saw Bonnie with her douchebag beau as he leaned her Jacob. He looked as if he was about to lean in and steal yet another kiss from her. It was a scene he had witnessed a dozen times over. He was honestly surprised she wasn't knocked up by the guy as much PDA as they show in public, one could only imagine what they do away from prying eyes. He walked towards them, leaving the mystery of his frozen friends alone for a few minutes. Neither of them were moving too. As he approached them, he made a slow circle around the couple studying the two.

It really didn't surprise him how Bonnie had changed over the years. There had been a wonderful friend and smart woman inside her once, then she grew into her tits and her brains oozed out her ears. It seemed like all that was left of his friend was the least important part, which had been her body. As he finished his circle, he moved his eyes down her body and then down Jacobs.

He smirked as he looked back up at Jacob and then lowered down to his knee a moment....

5 minutes later, he sat back down with his friends, trying to remember exactly how he had been. Somehow, this device slowed time down to an almost crawl. He had spotted a fly and could see it's wings still moving, albeit very slowly. He knew time couldn't be stopped completely and time travel was impossible... but he hadn't expected being able to slow things down. His mind raced with the applications he could put this to use with. However, he had one big problem that kept his heart racing. He wasn't sure it would return him back to normal space.

Studying his device once more, he pushed the button again and suddenly real time came back into play. All the background noise came back into play. His eyes met Bonnie's a moment before her and Jacob kissed. He kept his eyes down as the two turned to walk away and suddenly... Jacob yelled out in shock and then so did Bonnie!!!

Apparently his shoelaces had tied them together which caused him to fall forward, grabbing at Bonnie in reaction! Then as he fell, his pants dropped to his ankles as well as his jean's fly and buttons had been opened and his jeans lowered just over his ass.

Everyone's eyes shifted and began to laugh at the two as they struggled to make sense of what just happened. Clyde stared only at Bonnie and did not smile at all.
"Jacob What the hell?!" Bonnie shouted annoyed as her larger Jock boyfriend landed on top of of her making her dress fly up and his bare ass was out. She waited till her covered up a little bit before pushing him off. " I said not in public!"She said annoyed and stood up and he quickly dud the same not wanting to annoy her.

"Babe it wasn't me I swear! You know me, I dont know what the fuck happened!"Jacob said behind her trying to catch up as she scoffed and began walking off.

She was honestly confused herself she hadnt seen him pull his pants down and nearly expose himself, that wouldve been a huge problem for the two and beyond the pda they normally did. "Whatever let's go" she said irritated and pulling her hot Jock boyfriend away from the stares and laughter and certain everyone saw her pink lace thong and his ass.

She was embarrassed but she knew it would blow over by the end of the day if anything some people might actually want to witness further what could've went on for the two in public.

She was clearly the beauty and brains between the two even though everyone assumed she was a hot bimbo blonde. She glanced at a few people as she passed gaging some expressions before glancing at Clyde and his group who all seemed surprised except him.

Clyde didn't seem to react at all and she was a bit suspicious. She sighed as the chattering of students surrounded them and she dragged through their class barely focused, she felt something was off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what.

They were walking back across campus and she held Jacob's hand telling him they werent ever buying from that weed shop again " It's been freaking me out all day we got a shit batch Jacob" she said annoyed and he nodded in agreement.
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Clyde just sat and watched as the two walked away in a storm. It had served both of them right, doing the bullshit they were doing. Of course, this hadn't been the first time he had seen her PDA'ing with guys. Over the last few years, he had watched her popularity grow more and more and with it, her desire for the most popular man in the school. Of course he had heard all the rumors about her. Even suggestions that she had an OnlyFans account and was some masked Mistress or something. It was all bull in his opinion. He just thought she was really lost in her life. He hoped she would find her way over time.

"Did you see her? That girl got a tight ass!!! A tight one!" Juan said laughing and high fiving his friends. Clyde just kept his eyes locked on her as she darted around the sidewalk. He spotted one last glance cast his way though before she vanished around the corner.

"Clyde. You okay?" Imani said calmly as she nudged his shoulder and smiled.

"Me? Yeah. I'm good. I really am. Did you see that non-sense? Guy can't keep his pants on." Clyde said with little enthusiasm.

"It's funny. I did see it... and I saw your reaction. It was like you were expecting something." She said and then snatched the device from his hand and said, "Did it have something to do with this?" She pushed the button!

Clyde's heart leapt through his chest as he watched her hit the button... and to his utter relief... nothing happened. She pressed it again and again and still nothing. She said, "It looks broken. Here."

He eyed her curiously. How would he know that it didn't work though for her? Was it possible she could have done whatever she wanted with slowed down time and then returned to the same spot like he had? How could you know? He took the device back and slipped it into his backpack and said, "I got to go." He gathered his books and hastily shoved them into his pack and then headed back towards the dorms in the opposite direction of the fraternity and sorority houses on the other side of the park... where Bonnie and Jacob had gone.

His mind raced as walked away. What had happened? Something incredible it seemed. Something amazing! What was he going to do with it? It didn't matter at the moment as his alarm on his phone went off and he checked the time. He quickly shifted directions and headed to his next class Advanced Applicable Quantum Physics. he would have to puzzle out the mystery of his device later....
An hour had passed and Bonnie finally had for off that high and gathered her thoughts her and Jacob sobering up before the two of them headed to cheer and football practice together his team on one side and the cheer squad on the other.

She saw the stands have its usual watchers, most guys wanting to see the practice and others just wanting to see the cheerleaders practice i.n their skimpy uniforms.

She hydrated and as the person whos been cheerleading since highschool and captain had the team do some yoga and stretching. She then started with their standard cheers the team blowing kisses to some of their playsr boyfriends before they each began practice.

She felt normal right now that uncertain feeling had faded and they began practicing the basket toss with her instructing some if the girls how to do it right.

" Ladies the game will be here in two weeks and I need two more of us up inn the air for the formation I want! You guys have to thinknlight dont be afraid of the air us teamates will always catch you on time!" She said to the two girls about to try it " Right Ladies? "

" Right!" Her team chanted back earning a smile from her because everyone knew this was one of Bobbies passions and how hard she worked for a tight team and flawless choreography.
Clyde did what he normally did every Thursday afternoon around 6PM. He stopped by the food court and picked him up a large cherry Mountain Dew and a Hot Pocket, then made his way down to the stadium here he had made his way up into the upper rows of the west side of the stadium. As he made his way to the back supported seats, he set his pack down, bit into his hot pocket then, as he did every week, spit it out because it was still too hot to eat, drank a 1/3rd of his drink to cool his mouth down, cursed at himself and pulled his Advanced Computational Physics book and laptop and opened it up to begin studying.

Of course, he only chose this particular locale because of the amazing sunset view or so he told himself. His eyes wandered down to the field and the cluster of cheerleaders together in a formation that consisted of three of them throwing one of them up into the air about 10 feet before catching her. As it turned out, Bonnie was at the head of the formation preparing to toss some red head ditz into the air. Cheerleaders were all the same in truth, pretty on the eyes and only had one product they could actually sell and that was their body. Did those bimbos not know that the only reason anyone watched the cheerleaders was to catch peeks of their panties and tits? Beyond that, no one except other cheer bimbos gave too shits about their group. It was such as waste of time and energy. Unfortunately, he had finally had to accept that Bonnie had become one of them.

His eyes studied her for a few minutes and he could have sworn she had glanced up at him for a moment, just before she hurled the red head into the air once more.

He heard the men's voices coming from the locker room and leaned back and watched and the all powerful Jacob went running out with his scrimmage suit on along with both the offensive end defensive lines. He took another bite of his hot pocket as they made their way out onto the field followed by a slew of coaches . They would break out and running their own practices depending on what team they were assigned too.

Jacob made is way towards Bonnie and smiled at her, kissing her on the lips once, then slapping her ass as he turned to head off to train. To his pleasure, three of players made their way to the girls and Clyde quickly reached for his time device and studied the scene a moment, then... hit the button. He hadn't realized Bonnie was looking right at him when he had hit the button as he was focused on the rest.

Silence once more. Ultimate silence. It was unnerving how quiet it was an how still everything became. He stood up, holding his little device and walked down the stairs towards the field and towards the girls. He waited and watched a moment to make sure no one was still active and with a chuckle, headed towards the 4 women and 3 men.

He studied the situation. Bonnie stared up at the stadium for some reason, while the football player known as Daryl Tanner who played a Wide Receiver was reaching a hand towards the red head ditz's big tit. Those two were about as horny and unafraid of PDA as Bonnie had been. Another player, Stan firmly held his ebony beauty firmly in his grip, half bent over in a open mouth kiss. The last couple seemed more... shy. He didn't know much about this other guy other than he was the kicker named Caleb and he was holding the hand of a brunette cheerleader and looking quite shy. Of course, Clyde happened to know that the brunette chick was a chameleon and in truth was a bigger slut that... well bigger slut than Bonnie so far as he was concerned.

Clyde decided it was time to have a little more fun. He walked over to Daryl and studied him a moment. He hadn't been able to move Imani during his first freeze but he decided it was worth another try. He took the man's wrist and tugged on it. It didn't move. Then he pulled harder on it and ... it moved. He laughed and moved his hand to Bonnie's breast. He studied Bonnie a moment and hiked her top up and exposed her magnificent breasts for his inspection for the first time. They were ... glorious! He started to reach for them but hesitated. He wasn't some kind of freaky perv. Not really... was he?

He moved Daryl's hand onto Bonnie's breast and squeezed down on it. He then hiked the top up off the red head to expose her tits and put Daryl's hand on hers as well. He had positioned himself nearly perfectly between the two women.

He turned his attention towards the couple in the hard kiss and cocked his head a moment. He would ... leave them alone for now. He then looked to the other 'shy' cheerleader and laughed. He pulled his knife out that he kept at all times... he then sliced through her shorts and top and her string thong which he had had to be quite careful with as not to cut her and tossed the remnants into the trashcan on the edge of the field. He studied the brunette and had to admit, if she hadn't had a body count in the thousands, he might have tapped her too. Who was he kidding? All four of these women were so out of their league.

He stepped back and examined his handiwork. Brunette was naked save her socks and shoes holding Caleb's hand. The third couple he left untouched. And Daryl... lucky Daryl would face the wrath of two women AND with any luck Jacob himself when these girls screamed out.

He chuckled and ran back up to the stands and plopped down about 6 rows further down that he had been. His excitement grew in him to see the show and missed that small detail! He pulled his device out... and ... restarted time.
Bonnie had been happy seeing her boyfriend despite them having tough moments sometimes she really did love him and she knew Jacob loved her. She grinned seeing him half sprint off of the field to talk to the coach she glanced up into the stands swearing she spotted Clyde but was definitely unsure if it was him, he was way in the back on a laptop and she shrugged thinking maybe he was there to get his peek in like then other horny college men not that she or her girls cared.

She felt that odd feeling from earlier, like something was off and she looked down seeing Daryls hand on both her and April's breast and then hear Brittney let out a scream now fully naked. " Are you fucking serious?!" She shouted at Daryl pushing his hand away and April slapped him pissed and took off toward the dressing rooms.

She noticed Caleb seemed to appear out of thin air , like right before her eyes, and freaked out but not before she heard a thud landing on Darryl on his back and saw the two players arguing, the whole incident cause practice to be cancelled for both groups and she was anxious seeing Jacob's face when he glared at her stalking toward her and then pulling her behind him and away from the commontion .

To anyone looking it would seem he was trying to save his girlfriend and protect her but Siobhan was the only one who knew that otherside of Jacob he hid so well and he pulled her beneath the bleachers pissed.

" Baby I don't know what..-" she began but was stopped by him pulling her by her hair kissing her to muffle her yell so no-one heard.

"Shut the fuck up Bonnie, this is the second time you've fucking embarrassed me today..."He said pissed " You fucking him to? You trying to make me look bad to my team? They had plenty of Jokes and opinions about earlier" He nearly growled pulling her hair a little tighter.

" You're such a slut sometimes, you want cock that bad? " He said pissed "Jacob I'm sorry, but you know that wasn't my fault, I dont know what's been happening ..-" she said knowing when he got like this it was hard to calm him down.

"Yeah Right!, i dont know what the fuck's been going on with you today Bon but it's more than that weed we had the same thing" he said in a low annoyed tone " Since you want a cock so bad I'll give you one baby, get on your knees.."

Bonnie looked at him hesitantly and looked around because of where they were "Jacob we cant..i told you , not in public .."but Jacob pushed her down on her knees "Suck it Bonnie, Come on you owe me this.. it'll calm me down.Im going to feed you all the cock you want right here and ill give you more back in my place too if you " he said sliding his cock across her lips and groaning and she just doing as he wished knowing he'd probably get in a fouler mood if she didnt and piss her off just as much.
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"Shit..." Clyde growled to himself as he watched Jacob grab Bonnie by the hair and drag her towards the bleachers. He had done this and Bonnie was about to pay for it. His gut caused him to stand up suddenly but his rational side told him she was only getting what she deserved. If all she was going to sell to everyone was her body, then she deserved what she had coming.

He picked up the device as they disappeared out of sight and paused time once more. Silence deafened him as he thought about what he needed to do next. He ran down the bleachers towards the access ramps and could see the two of them in a darkened shadowy part of the bleachers. He walked over to the two of them and it was obvious she looked afraid of what was about to happen. His suspicions looked to be true. Jacob was a bad guy!

Clyde walked off into another darkened portion of underside of the bleachers where neither could see them and then hit play once more. He fought the urge to yell at him when he pushed her onto her knees roughly and pulled his cock out.

Suck it Bonnie, Come on you owe me this.. it'll calm me down.Im going to feed you all the cock you want right here and ill give you more back in my place too if you

Clyde stared in shock as he basically forced his cock into her mouth and made her suck. He paused time once more. He had gotten her into this mess and now he had to find a way to get her out of it... without causing her more harm. When in the hell did Bonnie seem to lose her spine as she got older? He remembered she was a strong woman who hadn't taken crap from anyone... even him. He still regretted to this day the incident in which he felt triggered the distancing with her catching him with her panties so long ago.

He stood and thought for a few minutes on how to address this, all the while walking up to see Bonnie looking apprehensively up to Jacob with a mouth full of his cock. Her hands were pressed lightly on his thighs as if half heartedly trying to push him off.

Then a distant memory of the stadium came back to him. Supposedly about 40 years ago, a football play named Zach had found himself after a game back up in these bleachers with a crew of bikers. Story was he had owed them money and had been told to throw the game and Zach hadn't. They had pulled him into the darkness, beat the hell out of him still in in his jersey and snapped his neck. Rumor had been that sometimes Zach would come back as a ghost with his head turned completely around. He turned and ran off, an idea hatching in his head.

He slipped into the locker room and was pleased to find a old article about the murder incident in a frame mounted near one of the coaches offices. Zach's jersey was number 27. He raced through the locker room till he found one of the player's jersey numbered 27. He grabbed it and a foot ball helmet and raced back towards the bleachers.

Clyde slipped the jersey on as he ducked into the darkness once more. He would only have one chance to play this out and to get Bonnie out of the danger she was in. He put the helmet which happened to have a visor on it then stood in the shadows where only he could see him. Bonnie's back was turned. He then cocked his head to one side and hit play!

Jacob's eyes widened all of a sudden when a shadowy image of a football player appeared out of no where!

Clyde hit pause once more... took three steps forward and one to the right and his play again! Jacob's eyes shifted suddenly and looked about to scream! Clyde paused once more then too three steps towards him and two steps to the right. He hit play once more.

Jacob let's Bonnie's head go and jumped back in horror! These jocks all were superstitious as it was! Jacob raised a hand towards him, when Clyde paused time once more. He took 3 steps forward and and two to the left once more getting closer and closer! Jacob stumbled backwards, horror in his eyes. Clearly he was seeing the ghost of Brad. Bonnie's head went to turn to see what her boyfriend was freaking out about when Clyde froze time once more. He repositioned himself directly behind Bonnie once more but within view of Jacob.

This time when he hit play, he threw a arm up and pointed at Jacob! That was all he needed for Jacob to suddenly turn and race out of the bleachers, abandoning Bonnie to the ghost of Zach! Clyde tried desperately to pause time once more before Bonnie could see him but she caught his eye just as he paused time once more. He wore the visor so it would have to be okay... didn't it?

He raced away from the bleachers and back towards the locker room where he returned the items. He stopped by Jacob's locker and snagged his wallet too and emptied it of cash. An asshole like didn't need cash. He glanced through his items and stole his keys to his Mustang and put them into Daryl's locker where it could be seen as well hoping for Jacob to suspect Daryl of stealing his things.

Finally, after stuffing the cash into his own pocket, let the locker room and headed back up to where his own belongings were and put them all together and headed towards the exit which sent him near where Bonnie still looked blankly at the spot where he had been at. He looked at Jacob too seeing him running off with his dick hanging out. Panic looked to have him fully by the balls.

He chuckled and walked back towards the exit and hit play once more.
Bonnie sat for a second on her knees in hee uniform confused, one moment she had a throat full of Jacob's cock, the next he had pushed her off seeing a glimpse of something she couldn't see at first till the end and she was shocked to say the least spotting the "ghost" and glancing and seeing Jacob's bare was as he took off.

"Coward..." She muttered about him and stood slowly looking the ghost in the eye that seemed somewhat familiar, whatever it was, she was thankful for the distraction and she took her hair down from the ponytail rubbing her head a bit after he yanked it so hard.

Bonnie had grown softer when it came to Jacob, she thought it made him love her more although the two did bump heads quite a bit from time to time , she just didn't like the thought of being alone or unloved, that feeling started the middle of senior year in highschool when her parents divorced, everyone saw it as slutty and promiscuous but her life had satrted to change then with experimenting with differnt things.

She's always been strong and good at hiding her emotion and she knew one day shed make Jacob pay eventually and she would get her revenge, she just needed to come up with a smart enough plan or wait until the opportunity presented itself to her and take advantage of that.

A few people spotted her stepping from beneath the bleachers after Jacob took off fixing his pants as he ran and suspected she might've had something to do with it and she sighed ignoring the stares just as annoyed and humiliated as he had been.

All her things were still in the practice bag on the field and she looked up as she walked her eyes catching Clydes for a moment and saw a smirk on his face which pissed her off a bit, she had a feeling he had something to do with it her instincts were never usually off , it's how she caught him smelling her panties that time, she thought something was

She watched him walk toward the exit and wanted to say something but didn't have the energy to argue with anyone else today. She saw the field was empty and the sands were mostly clear and decided to run a few laps to calm down before grabbing her bag and hearing to the exit and her car seeing Jacob waiting with flowers She was certain he'd stolen from the school gift shop and chocolates apologizing for losing his temper and asking her to drop him at his place because he couldn't find his keys.

She cursed inwardly and greed to take him but was silent on the drive doing a quick drop off before taking off before he suggested she come inside letting him know she was pissed and he would do anything to keep sayingnshe hottest girl on campus because it made him look good too.

She relaxed for the rest of the day but tomorrow she would dinner investigation into Clyde, he was up to something and she just had to figure out how he was doing these things.
~~~ Jacob ~~~

The next morning, Jacob shared a 3 bedroom apartment just off campus alongside his team kicker Caleb and one of the Offensive Guards Seth Reed. With his backpack slung over his shoulder, he opened the door with his key and stepped inside. His shots were absolutely and completely fried after the events of today. There was that fiasco in the park where Bonnie had somehow gotten his pants down to his knees though he still couldn't figure out the who shoelace thing.

He knew that Bonnie was tied to it somehow but how did she tie his shoelaces while she had been standing there kissing him? It just did NOT make sense. However, that was only part of his day. The next was when Daryl made his move on his girl AND his own girl April. He didn't care how it was sliced that was a dick move by Daryl. Of course, Bonnie wore a big ass target on her tight little ass. One hell of a fuck, but she oozed sex and there was no secret that anyone with nuts wanted to put their sausage in her.

Sure, he had gotten pissed... really pissed about it and perhaps he took it out on the wrong person but... that HAD been Zach under the stadium with the two of them! There was no mistake with his broken neck and the way he seemed to magically appear from spot to spot in the blink of the eye. He knew all about that ghost story but, until today, thought it had been a load of horse shit.

Fortunately, he had been able to mend fences with Bonnie with his gifts and apology and she had been gracious enough to give him a ride home though he knew someone had stolen his keys. His car was still out front locked, so he doubted someone had stolen it, he had to have just misplaced his keys.

In the end, it had been a really fucking shitty ass yesterday and hoped today would be better. He tossed his pack on the desk in his bedroom and peeled out of his shirt and headed to the shower. Tomorrow would have to be a better day than today.

~~~ Clyde ~~~

Clyde waited till he saw Seth opening the door to leave the apartment the next morning and froze time just right so he could slip inside his apartment and hide. He had to get to know this Jacob fuck sickle a little more to decide what to do with him. It was obvious the man was popular, handsome, fit, and an asshat. The man would had to pay. He sat quietly in the closet of the condo and had watched as Jacob had slipped into the bathroom. He peeked out and once the rolling steam came over the top of the door, he pressed the device and stopped time.

Stepping out, he walked to the bathroom and slid the door open. The steam seemed to move around and away from the path of the door as he peeked in and saw Jacob in the shower. It was fortunate the curtain was only translucent and not transparent. He turned and noticed the mirror over the sink was covered in steam and a new idea came to him.

He walked to the mirror and using his fingertip wrote, 'Touch her again and die!!! 27'

Clyde then walked towards the kitchen and opened up every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. He had seen enough of those paranormal shows to know how to screw with a person's psyche. I pulled out a long butcher knife and returned to the bathroom, closing the door a moment, then facing the door. He drove the knife into the door eye level, then slipped out of the bathroom once more, closing the door behind him.

He headed back to the main door to the apartment and opened it... freezing as he spotted Caleb frozen in place, just about to put the key into the door. He shrugged... the damage was done now. He slipped past him and headed away from the apartment back to campus.

Clyde wanted to check on Bonnie... so he made his way to the food court where everyone was sitting and it noticed Bonnie sitting at a table with the clearly distraught brunette who had found herself naked on the field. It was evident she was trying to calm her down. Bonnie, though a bimbo by reputation and apparently dumb as a box of bricks, had a heart and cared for her friend in her time of distress. He looked down at the device once more and pressed play once more to return time to normal speed.

His eyes locked once more on Bonnie and he tipped his head once trying to reassure her before turning and getting in line to buy a chicken sandwich as Chick-Fil-E.

~~~ Jacob ~~~

Jacob nearly fell in the tub when he heard Caleb yell from the other room, "WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! JACOB!!"

He killed the water and spun around, opening the curtain to find to his horror a butcher knife that had NOT been there a moment before flicking back and forth on the back of the bathroom door! He grabbed his towel and said, "Who is there?!?!"

Caleb knocked on the bathroom door going, "Are you okay?! What fuck happened in here?!?!"

Jacob grabbed his towel, peeking around to see if anyone was in the bathroom when his eyes caught the message on the mirror! They widened as he saw the number 27! ZACH!!! The ghost Zach followed him home!?!?! This time he did fall into the tub before scrambling out of the bathroom, running right into Caleb, knocking both of the men into the ground. It was right then that Seth opened the door to find a very naked Jacob on top of a very shocked Caleb!

The two on the ground realized what it looked like and he jumped up and wrapped his towel around him once more! He then spotted the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen and his face went white! That is what fucking ghosts do!!! No way he was going to stay here!!! No WAY at all! Shit!!!

He raced to his bedroom and hastily got dressed and Seth and Caleb tried to get answers from him. Jacob ignored them both and raced out of the apartment still putting his shoes on! Where was he to go?! What was he to do?!! Without thinking, he decided to go to the only other place he had felt safe... and began to do a flat run back to campus to where Bonnie's room was! No fucking ghost was going to stop him from being with his girl!
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Imani heard about the incident at the sports team practice yesterday from a friend of hers and she had also heard the rumor that Bonnie and Jacob had gotten into something sexual under the bleachers yesterday and she sent him off running.

She sighed looking into her laptop as she had her iced coffee in the cafeteria, she had no idea what Clyde saw in that bimbo, sure she had a hot body, everyone fantasized about it men and women she was sure, she was blessed with genes most women would pay for, full lips and curvy figure and from the way guys talked about her, some she was sure just voicing their fantasies, she probably was a good lay and she doubted they were far off because she's witnessed her flexibility at games, but there were far better options for him than some sleazy cheerleader, options like.. well her.

She had known Clyde way better than that woman, in fact she was certain the two knew nothing about each other at all honestly, she knew Clyde had mentioned attending the same highschool as her but she was certain for sure he mentioned her being a cheerleader and track star then too and she knew girls like that cared about nothing more than their popularity, bodies and reputation.

She saw her sitting at a table in the Food Hall chatting with Brittney another one of the bimbo cheerleaders and trying to console her as she was crying about something and she rolled her eyes knowing those cheer girls were always in some drama and turned her head spotting Clyde walking in with his head of course turned toward Bonnie.



Bonnie had hardly been able to sleep last night getting texts from some of the girls about practice, her crazy day with Jacob and the incident , she hesitated smoking that day thinking it had literally seen Clyde appear from thin air and witnessed a ghost, she thought she had just really needed to get her shit together.

She had ran into Brittney her co captain and Celebs Girlfriend. Everyone assumed Brittney was the shy quiet type but she knew if she had a few drinks what the woman was capable of and it was exactly why Caleb had dated her.

She grabbed her daily iced caramel macchiato with almond milk from the Food halls Starbucks and got extra special treatment because they workers there were just excited she came and they could get a view up close.

She of course didn't pay a dime but she wasn't selfish and always put it in the tip jar anyway because she didnt want those drooling guys to lose their job giving out free things.

She sat with Brittney as she began crying about how embarrassed she was and how Caleb was so sweet with her wishing she could relate but consoling the cheerleader none the less and agreed they could skip practice for two days or so till everyone cooled off , and to her advantage, she coukdnfind outnwhatnthe hell was going on.

She glanced up seeing Caleb stare at her as he came in and tip his head a bit at her before standing in line and she wonder if he knew she noticed he was up to something and was catching on.

She wanted to say something but how would that look with her randomly speaking with a Biophysic nerd out of the blue and she spotted his little girlfriend glancing her way and smirked knowing he was probably there to meet her yet probably still hung up on the smell of her underwear and she could probably bet he might've tasted it too, he'll she was uncertain how far he could've gone if she hadn't gasped alerting him she was there that time.

She was brought out of her thoughts with a text from Jacob "Babe are you awake?, I'm at your place open up"

What the he'll was he doing there that early she thought and frowned slightly "Sorry Brit, I have to go get Jacob, he's misplaced his car keys" she said and the girl nodded after calming down and she stood frustrated grabbing her small purse and drink and heading out to the student lot to her car.
~~~~ Jacob ~~~~

Jacob paced back and forth by Bonnie's door, absolutely scared out of his mind. That HAD been Zach who he had seen under the bleachers and that HAD been him with the message and the knife and the drawers! There was no other explanation! His head darted about fearing that the ghost could be here now. He had watched them ghost shows like... ghost pals and Dead beat ghosts and a dozen others. His mom had obsessed about ghosts when he was in high school with an obsession that his dad's mom haunted the house they had lived in.

Could all of that bullshit had actually been true? Did they really exist? What other explanation could there be? If he did anything to Bonnie that Zach didn't like, what would he do to him? He managed to put a big fucking knife from the kitchen and drove it into the door so what else could he do?!? He said, "Zach... I... I promise I will treat her right. Can you ... can you hear me?!"

A pair of cheerleaders he didn't know wearing spandex and halter tops walked past him seeing him talking to apparently no one and the rumors began again.

~~~~ Clyde ~~~~

Clyde studied Bonnie a moment as she left. He wanted her to see him so if any accusations came at him, he had an alibi. He was starting to love that little device. It was impossible for him to be in two places at the exact same time... wasn't it?

As she left the food court, his eyes turned back to Brittany. He recalled one evening in which that little tramp had humiliated him. About three months ago, he had finally gained the courage to ask out this girl, Amanda to a movie. He had built up his courage, talking with Imani and his boys. Then as he was about to walk up to Amanda at the coffee shop, rose in hand, Brittany had verbally decimated him in front of Amanda and Bonnie and a number of the other girls on her squad.

So as far as he was concerned, Brittany was a target... a big target. She fucked his head up... and it was time he fucked with her as well.

Taking his Chick-Fil-A meal in hand he turned and walked towards a booth. He hadn't really noticed Imani or he would have sat down with her instead. She was a buddy to him. She had been there to help him deal his obsession with Bonnie but as a friend mostly.

He set his pack down and his tray of food and froze as Brittany got out of her own booth on the other side of the court to begin gathering her things to leave. Dozens of people sat about eating and talking and playing MAGIC... no one paid attention to old Clyde. And then he hit the button to pause time once more.

The loud chatter and laughter went immediately silent. That silence was so unnerving! He looked at Brittany and smiled. She was partially bent over the table looking in her little handbag. He reached into his bag and pulled out a pair of sharp scissors and laughed.

An instant and an eternity later, Clyde sat back down, tucking the scissors back into his bag. He didn't realize he had been standing when he paused time so if anyone was watching when he started it up again, it would look as if he instantaneously went from standing to sitting. He pressed play.

Brittany screamed out once again as she found herself completely stark naked save her 4" heels she was wearing and her thigh highs! She had no idea her clothes were now taking residence in the trashcan 3 feet away from her. The scream from Brittany drew every eye onto her admittingly stunning body and cat calls and whistles began! She grabbed her purse, trying to use it to cover her ass while her arms covered her breasts and she ran as hard as she could out of the food court once more!

Clyde began to laugh hysterically as he twirled the device he was going to start calling 'The Time Stopper' in his hands. Oh yes, he was going to LOVE fucking with people.
Imani had watched Clyde observing Bonnie even as she left the food court his eyes had been watching her which she did admit made her a little jealous because she tired to throw subtle hints at times that other women would love to date him.

One time her talk went too well and he had worked u the courage to ask out this girl Amanda in onemof the campus coffee shops and that cheer bitch Brittany had told him off and teased him about what he wore in front of the whole cafe , Both the girls he liked and some of her cheer minions laughed at it.

Thinking Back she didnt think she saw Bonnie laugh she thought the woman seemed more annoyed then anything and then ordered the squad it was time to go after, maybe it was her was of being nice or sparing more humiliation though she did nothing to stop it although Imani doubt she could've.

She saw his focus shift to Brittney, what was Clyde thinking, did he have a thing for that one too? If that was his type, she wasnt sure she could get out the friend zone easy.

She saw him walk and settle in a booth and she sighed figuring he must not have seen her because that wasnt like Clyde to ignore someone he knew. She was about to stand and go join him when she spotted the device he had been skeptical about the other day in his hand and wonderd what he was doing with it there? Was he experimenting with it? She had a feeling it did something she just wasnt sure what

She glanced down at her screen a few seconds and then back up and heard Brittney scream then looked around seeing her nearly fully naked and Clyde was now sitting down, she heard a rumor about that happening in practice but there was no way that was possible but him sitting that fast had freaked her out especially when he had just been standing her mind definitely couldnt be playing tricks on her like that.

She saw Brittney gather her things quickly and flee out of the cafteria and saw how amused Clyde was as he twirled his device and knew that he definitely had something to do with it.

She couldn't resist gathering her things up to go join him and ask, she had so many questions.


Bonnie was concerned about the amount of texts she got frommJacob on the way to her place, he was concerning her and she sighed knowing he could be irrational sometimes.

" Jacob what's wrong baby I thought you were resting today?" She flinched for a second as he came toward her afraid hed do soemthing but he lifted her and hugged her kissing her and telling her how much he loved and wouldn't hurt her.

She was so confused she didnt know how to react , but then he started talking to someone she couldn't see, hell she wasnt even sure Jacob saw it telling whoever he was going to treat her good. It was complete turn around from him demanding a blowjob from her yesterday.

"Hes definitely on a bad trip.." Bonnie thought as she let him in her place. He began going on and on about Zach the ghost and the stadium and a few other things.
She got a text from his roomates too, last thing she needed was people thinking hes lost his mind, he was head of the football team! She kissed him to calm him down and said "Ok baby i believe you, just.. stay here with me today.. ive already told the coaches practice is cancelled a few days" she said thinking hopefully by then everyone could pull their shit together on both teams.
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~~~~ Jacob ~~~~

"Did you hear what I said?!?! I am being nice to her!" Jacob said calmly as he looked about her apartment. His nerves were frayed to say the least. As he and Bonnie sat down on the couch he said, "You have to believe me baby. I know this is going to sound incredible but... please believe me!"

After Bonnie nodded, he said, "You remember that ghost story about Zach. That kid that got killed back in the 60's?! How he supposedly haunts the spot where he was killed? Most people think it's bullshit right... but... but... butitsnot! I saw him! I saw him under the bleachers in his old football uniform and he... he tried to attack me! That is what freaked me out baby."

He glanced to the water bottle in her hand and he snagged it and took a long drink before saying, "I... I was taking a shower... you know... And... well Caleb yelled out which scared me. I opened the curtain and Zach had left a warning on the mirror... and and his jersey number. Baby... there was knife jammed into the door! A big one! He was warning me he would haunt me and kill me if I hurt you. Please, I am begging you to believe me. I am sorry about yesterday! I didn't mean it! Please forgive me!"

Hearing about the cancelled practices, he nodded in agreement saying, "Yeah... good idea. Umm... I should talk to the coach. We need a ghostbuster or something... like one of those paranormal teams or something!"

~~~~ Clyde ~~~~

Oh this was going to be a LOT of fun! Clyde stuffed the Time Stopper into his pack which set next to him and began to unwrap his chicken sandwich. He peeled back the ketchup and dipped one of his fries into it and was taking a bite when Imani walked over with her books tucked into her arms. His eyes met hers and he smiled warmly! He said, "Hey! Did you see that shit over there with that cheerleader girl? Weird! Have a seat... want a fry?"

Bonnie listened to his story and knew she had caught a glimpse of what hed seen but it made no snes for the player to haunt just him he was definitely freaking out over nothing she thought.

She heard him promise to treat her right and plead with her and chuckled inwardly thinking she was greatful for whatever the fuck it was bothering him, she knew one thing, it definitely was not a ghost.

She was going to suggest something else it could be but had no explanation for it herself, she had been fully suspicious Clyde had something to do with it though, did he know how Jacob treated her behind closed doors or in private? No that woukd be impossible and if he did shed be embarrassed about it because everyone know her to be strong, bossy and a bit bitchy at times although whennshe actually did care about somethingnshe had a big heart.

"I um.. i can speak to the coaches about it babe... We'll handle it no worries" she said knowing if he went on like this with them they may send him for some sort of brain evaluation or something. She would suggest a new practice place, perhaps the huge basketball court the school had when they werent practicing, itd put him at ease and lighten the enviornment at least.or so she thought.



She saw Clyde tuck the device away and contemplated asking about it right away, she was curious about what it actually did and had a feeling Clydes genius had invented something that noone else had and could be used however the person wanted.

She saw him smile at her as she approached and she felt her heart flutter a bit and smiled back hearing him mention what happened to the cheerleader " Yeah that was wild! I heard they disappeared yesterday too from a friend is she like buying disolving material?" Imani said and sat taking a fry he offered and sitting across from him .

She eyed the backpack, but she didnt want to start with questions until she was fully certain what she saw.
~~~~ Jacob ~~~~~

He sat on the couch, his eyes unfocused, his thoughts random and uncertain. Bonnie must think he was an absolute lunatic right now raving about ghosts. It had all started with Daryl and his bullshit move to grope his girl. He had heard Daryl talking about Bonnie and how he wanted to slip his cock in her. Daryl hadn't know he had heard but he did. In a way, Daryl was quite jealous of him in many ways though the two of them were the chosen men on campus with him passing the ball and Daryl running it.

Since that moment, everything seemed to unravel! Treating Bonnie so badly... the stadium, finding his keys to his car missing, the junk that happened in his bathroom. Everything happened right at that moment. Now, he had to get his act together. He knew he was unraveling but who wouldn't with everything he had experienced in the matter of a single day?


A heavy pounding on Bonnie's front door yanked him out of his thoughts and he spun to look at the door. He was almost afraid it was the next action by Zach.

He watched Bonnie peek through the peephole and them mutter something to herself and opened the door. He heard Daryl's voice in his smooth cocky tone, "Hey baby! Damn mama you be looking good! You see my boy Jacob? Caleb said he be running to town."

Jacob stood up as Bonnie stepped back and pointed towards him. Daryl took a step in and looked like he was about to grab his girl's ass once more before locking eyes with Jacob saying, "Hey... found these in my locker. Not sure how they got their." He dangled the keys by the keyring on his finger.

"My car... you stole my car keys?!" Jacob said clearly leaping to conclusions.

"What? Me? Nah man. I found them there. If I stole it, why would I bring them to you bro? You trippin." Daryl said trying to blow off the comment and glancing back at Bonnie and her low cut top. He gave a very appreciative look at her goods before shooting his eye back to Jacob.

"You grope my girl... you steal my car keys... you come to my girl's home... now you groping her with your fucking eyes?!" Jacob said as he crossed the room towards Daryl.

The Running back quickly dialed in and the threat in the room as Jacob approached. He began to tense up preparing to scrap when Bonnie stepped between them saying, "Enough! Jacob! Enough!"

Jacob, on the other hand tried to move his girl out of the way, saying, "Give me my fucking car keys and get your fucking eyes off my girl!" Anger was quickly escalating in him! This was Daryl's fault!

He wasn't sure what happened other than Bonnie seemed to fall back into Daryl and his team mate seemingly in an effort to keep her from falling backwards, reached up and grabbed her... by the tits once more! That sent Jacob into a frenzy as he reached back and punched Daryl square in the nose! There was a sickening crunch on contact and Daryl threw Bonnie aside! Soon both men were scrapping hard in the living room of Bonnie!

~~~~ CLYDE ~~~~~

Clyde laughed at the idea of dissolving material! As stream of soda came out his nose as the suggestion, which only caused him to laugh even harder. He grab a few towels trying to pull himself together when he said, "No... it wasn't ... dissolving material. Though why would anyone want something like that is beyond me. How practical could dissolving material really be... a new kind of toilet paper mayber..."

He shook his head and said, "No... it wasn't dissolving material... it was me."

His heard suddenly leapt up into his throat at the words that came out of his mouth! SHIT!!! He hadn't meant to say that! Imani's head cocked in that curious way and as if she was a dog on the hunt suddenly.

"That device?" She said and then added, "From the park?"

Suddenly the funny was gone and things got real serious real quick. He glanced about and noted no one else seeming to pay any mind to the two of them. He looked back at her and studied her a moment. Should he tell Imani about his little discovery? What did that mean if he did? Perhaps she could help him find a more practical use for it rather than stripping a woman of her clothes...

He hesitated a moment when one thing came to his head. He trusted Imani. He trusted her more than he trusted just about anyone else. She was his friend... probably one of his best friends. He knew she wouldn't intentionally hurt him... right?

He reached into his pack and pulled the Time Stopper out and said, "Yes... it's this. I called it.. the Time Stopper."

"It has a name now?" She said sarcastically.

He merely smiled and pressed the button once. He took a moment to swap places with his backpack before pressing play once more. Seeing her eyes suddenly and alarming shift from where he had been to where he was was a bit satisfying. He raised a hand saying, "It's okay. It's okay. Yes... I can stop time... I am still working on the dynamics here but essentially I can slow down time to a point so slow that it looks like it is still. Obvious you can't stop time entirely... but you can slow it. Anyways, let me show you again."

He felt her hand touch his forearm as he pushed the button once more. He said, "Wait... how will I prove it to you?"

"I don't ... know..." Imani said as she suddenly moved! Clyde nearly leapt out of his seat in shock!!!! Imani... was in stopped time with him!?!?!

Bonnie sipped her drink seeing Jacob has been lost in thoughts about something and she was just relievd he relaxed a bit before she heard a loud knock on the door and wondered who it was and stood to go answer the door.

She peeked throught the door and saw Daryl on the other side and his eyes landed right on her boobs and her outfit and he had no intention of hiding that he liked what he saw telling her how good she looked.

She sighed thinking his timing was terrible because Jacob was in the living room and probably still pissed he grabbed her breast.

"Jacob is here with me .." she said stepping to the side so he could see and she wasnt sure that was such a smart idea because he stepped inside of her apartment his eyes still on her before acknowledging Jacob and saying he found his keys in his locker and didnt know how they got there.

Bonnie actually believed him, alot of weird shit has been going on that she couldnt explain but before she could say anything Jacob had reacted accusing Daryl of stealing them.

Daryl tried explaining but the idiot couldnt stop drooling over her and she knew it would get bad quick because Jacob was hotheaded. "Baby calm down please.." she tried to say to calm him but he kept coming "Enough! Jacob! Enough!" she said and stood between the two but he was pissed trying to move her out of the way pushing her a little two hard and she felt her self falling back.

She felt Daryl catch her and was shocked her chose to catch her by her breast which seemed to set Jacob off and she was suddenly flung aside like a doll and the two were fighting hard in her living room.

"Wait guys stop please!" She said attempting to break it up and apparently her two male neighbors heard the commontion thinking she was being attacked and rushed over and the two helped break up the fight and seperate them.



Imani watched his amusement in her response and was surprised when he admitted up front that it was him who had done it.

"That device.. from the park?" She asked knowing it had something to do with it and she watched him glanced around to confirm they werent heard and he pulled out the device from his bag.

She couldnt help but chuckle hearing his name for it "It has a name now? She said aaracstically and he began to explain the device to her. She saw him smile then suddenly was in the spot his backpack was in a matter of seconds . She was so confused about it and he assured her it was ok before telling her he was working on the dynamics and what it did and wanted to demonstrate again while he held her forearm.

She heard him ponder how to prove it to her but she saw everything around her stop , people mid drink, some people paused in walking and she was stunned "I dont know.." she answered his pondering and saw she startled him

"What.. is this new?"she asked because of his shock "This is Crazy have to be seriously careful what you with least until we get more data, ill help if you need me to" she offered
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~~~~ Jacob ~~~~

"You called the cops on me?!?!" Jacob screamed at the neighbor who had pulled him off of Daryl. The man backed up as Jacob spun around about to face off with his new contender!

Daryl, on the other hand, stopped immediately as he was pulled away. He glanced over at Bonnie and started to walk over to her. She looked like she had hit the ground rather hard and he said, "Bonnie! I am sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?!"

That caught Jacob's attention with Bonnie getting hurt and he spun back to Bonnie and raced over to her, dropping to a knee next to her looking into her eyes. He saw a cut on her temple from where she had hit the coffee table edge it seemed. He was amazed she had been able to get up after that at all. He spun towards Daryl yelling, "You tried to kill my girl!"

He made a leap at Daryl with the sound of electrical charge suddenly hit the air and Jacob froze in mid rush! One of the neighbors buried a tazer into his side and was holding it! Daryl yelled, "Stop it! Don't hurt him!" Daryl rushed the neighbor knocking him back and sending the taser flying. Jacob collapsed on the ground as Daryl turned back to Jacob saying, "You okay?"

Jacob lay there trembling as if fresh off a seizure and unable to speak. Two more men raced to the scene, this time in police uniforms trying to sort this out!

~~~~ Clyde ~~~~

Clyde smiled and said, "Of course I am going to be careful.... but don't you see the possible practical uses for this." He slid the backpack to the table and got up once more. He glanced around the silent food court of frozen people and said, "Someone could... use it to instantly stop crime. Say... you got bank robbers who burst into a bank with their guns. All you have to do is stop time, take their guns away, removed their masks and bind them, before starting time back up and boom. Crime stopped and no one is hurt!"

Clyde was getting excited as the two walked through the frozen silent food court, snatching fries off of trays and saying, "We could do anything... ANYTHING I wanted to in here!"

Seeing the doubt in her eyes, he said, "Okay... tell me... you are standing at the side of a road and you see a car barrelling out of control towards a group of kids. You saying you wouldn't be tempted to stop time and get those kids and anyone else out of the way? We could be heroes here!" He snagged a large drink from someone's tray and took a big swig from it before putting it back in place.

He said, "If I can figure out a way to mass produce this... the potential is limitless!"

Bonnie looked around at the commotion, things were getting out of hand quick, the two were seperated but Jacob was not calming down and she saw he now turned to fight her neighbor who was a few years older than them.

Her head was spinning and she had no idea why until she sat up a little and Daryl came over apologizing and saying he didnt mean to hurt her. She sat up touching her temple not even realizing she was bleeding and she saw Jacob fly off the handle again accusing Daryl of trying to kill her.

She realized how strong those players were , they outweighed her for sure, but she didnt realize just how strong until she tried getting in the middle of the two.

"Jacob wait baby he didnt - "started her sentance but then she heard the tazer and they all froze a second and Daryl stop the neighbor yelling at him then tackling him.

Daryl and Jacob's frenemy relationship confused her sometimes and she saw him ask if he was ok but her neighbor had already shocked him once it just hadnt registered that quick.

She saw two more men rush in were cops and another person follow was an emt . She was about to get up but felt dizzy and the woman sat her down and all she knew was her neighbor had called cops and now three of them might be have some rumors flying, they all had to go to the ER now and that the hotheaded football players had irritated her.



Imani walked around with him amazed at what she was witnessing and listening to Clyde as he told her all the possibilties it could be used for and stopped him at nearly taking a bite of someone's burger as he walked around eating.

"I think while this device can be used for good , it goes the same for it being used for bad Clyde, its sort of messing with fate a bit, and you havent tested it completkey , who knows how its effecting your body ? We have to factor all of thise variables in." She said thinking of it scientifically then stopped and looked at him as he spoke about mass producing it.

" No way .. that would be a very bad idea, can you imagine how many crimes people would commit and get away with? It would be chaos Clyde... i think you should keep this secret... or at least what it does.. if the wrong hands got on it you coukd get into big trouble just think about it rationally" she said gently knowingnher friends invention was mindblowing but potentially very dangerous.
~~~~ Jacob ~~~~

He paced back and forth in front of the ER curtain where he had been ordered to stay while the nurses and doctor examined her. He swore he had heard one of them ask if she was in any kind of domestic danger and he felt like leaping in yelling NO! However, Bonnie said it for him that she wasn't.

It was only then did the escorting police officers finally depart and go on their way. Daryl said, "Listen bro... Let me drive you to your car and you can get it and come back here."

Jacob stared at him a moment and finally nodded. He spoke through the curtain, "I am going to get the car."

He heard Bonnie say, "Okay."

That was it. Not Okay baby or okay hun. She was definitely pissed with him. He looked to Daryl and they both walked away.

30 minutes later, Jacob had pulled into the parking and headed back inside saying through the curtain again, "I am back baby. Please... I am sorry."

The curtain slid open and a large elderly black woman stared up at him! His eyes shifted to the bed and her elderly husband laid in the bed. His eyes widened saying, "Where is BONNIE?!?!"

~~~~ Clyde ~~~~

"You are probably right. We should keep this secret. Umm... yeah." He snagged another chicken sandwich from someone tray who had just left Chick-Fil-A and began to munch on it. He looked at all the people saying, "He then set down on one of the counters where one of the cheerleaders wearing a lock cut top was leaned over talking to the guy taking her order. There was no doubt she was doing one of those peek and eat. The girl, some Asian chick, he had to admit had some nice tits.

He hesitated when she cleared her throat though he smiled to her saying, "You say we need to test this out? How? I don't think it hurts my body because I feel great! But you are the experimentalist, tell me how we should experiment with this thing?

Bonnie was tired from the pain meds they had given her for her headache and the stiches and overwhelmed from the dramatics of the day with Jacob and Daryl with her somehow ending up the most injured from it after trying to break them up.

She had gotten questioned multiple times from various people asking the same question in different ways if she was in any domestic danger and she answered no ever time until the police finally left. She was pissed at both Daryl and Jacob for losing their tempers in her place and she was just ready to go home, she knew he went to grab the car so she decided to grab a light snack from the vending machine after they fully evaluated and released her and by the time she got back she heard Jacob demanding to know where she was to an elderly couple and the nurse.

"Im right here Jacob" she said so he relaxed "Come on lets go" she said and grabbed his hand wanting him to bring her home and knew she would have to make it up to her two neighbors somehow for helping or even getting involved but she knew she had to do it privately because Jacob would be pissed. She was annoyed however by the neighbor that tased him, it just escalated the situation more but she would have to forgive it for now.



Imani shook her head seeing he took a bit of someone elses sandwich and then sat on the fast food counter as he told her it didnt hurt him at all and asked for her opinion since she was the experimentalist.

" Well i see you arent effected since youre the user, and now that im here , we know you can bring other people with you in this space of slowed time, and im guessing when you do whatever here, everything resumes as normal , except its not for us, but... how can we know factor in not getting stuck in this flux, are our bodies and organs speeding up to the period of time when we get back to normal or is it slowed and reacting as it usually would if time wasnt frozen. Theres just so much to factor in i wouldnt know exactly where to start itd take months of research, i think my mainnobjective is making sure the prototype if properly stabalized" she said
~~~~ JACOB ~~~~

The drive home was tense for him. He wanted to reach out and apologize, beg forgiveness, but silence felt more appropriate at the time. He went to reach for her hand as he drove and her pulling her hand away had been enough of a clue for him to just shut up and drive.

As he pulled in, he looked to her and said, "Do... you want me to come... come in?"

She was halfway from getting out of his car and froze. She hesitated a minute and said, "No Jacob. Go home."

He watched her get out of the car and head inside. He dropped it into drive and raced off. He didn't head straight home at all. He needed to get some of his anger out of his system so he turned his car towards the Speedway. He needed a new kind of adrenaline rush to get through this.

Besides, no WAY he was going home just yet...

~~~~ CLYDE ~~~~

For a minute, he just stared at her and then slid off then counter and walked over to her saying, "Take my arm."

As she did, he pressed play and the world restarted. He headed back to the table with her and sat down. As she sat down as well, he tucked the Time Stopper away saying, "When you touched my arm you came with me into stopped time. What would happen if you hadn't touched me when I hit play. I think that is the inherent risk here. Even if I pressed play and immediately paused again, how much time would you have lived waiting on me to return?"

He pulled out a notebook and started jotting notes down.

"Look at those two... bunch of brain nerds..." A skater looking guy with his long blonde hairsaid to his crew of 5. The entire crew looked about the same with long grungy hair and greasy skin.

Both him and Imani looked up and over at them in irritation.

Clyde reached for his device and he heard Imani say, "Clyde No..." When time stopped.

He got up and walked towards the guys and studied them. What to do... what to do? He took a minute to glance about and smiled when he saw it. He walked over to the beautician's shop and pulled out a pair of long scissors. When he returned, he began cutting all their hair off... all 5 of them, tossing the hair in the trash. He had no worry about getting caught so he took his time. Once that was done, he then walked over to the Disney store and pulled out five pink T-shirts with Minnie mouse on them and proceeded to cut off their shirts and put them into the pink ones. He then took some of Minnies hair bows and slapped them onto their heads. He then tied their laces together where one lace of one guy's was tied to the lace of anothers. He removed their skate boards and set them one on top of the other on the tallest guy's head. He studied the scene a couple more minutes and then cut off their jeans till they all looked like they wore Daisy Dukes shorts. He really didn't care so long as they pay.

FInally, he sat back down at the bench returning to the closest position he could get into and pressed ... play.

Bonnie felt a little bad for being so upset with Jacob but she needed some space to make sense of what was happening and Jacob and his temper hadn't helped anything today, she would just speak with him tomorrow.

She knew she'd have to wear a headband to cover up the stitches and was happy after tomorrow the few following school would be closed for holiday, the members of the team's were on edge and she wanted to figure out a way for them all to relax outside of practice.

She decided to take a relaxing bath and get some rest and would figure things out in the morning.



Imani held his arm as he instructed her to take it and she saw things around them begin to move again , she still couldn't believe what the device did and how smart he was to invent such a thing and admitted that the bigger risk was her not grabbing him when he restarted time and how long she'd be stuck there if he didn't and knew he was right they had to factor in the results of that.

They both began writing notes immediately and they heard the sly insult passed at them before they looked up in irritation. She saw Clydes annoyance and tried stopping him as his hand was on the device but she knew it was too late.

When times tasted again she saw the state of the skateboarders and gasped then the guy who insulted them looked her way " It was her! She did it that bitch is a witch I've seen her in the chemistry lab!" She shouted loud enough for a few people to look her and Clydes way and she sighed knowing it would take a few weeks for that to die down now at least.

His buddy's turned looking at her and Clyde and the stack of skateboards fell on all of them the group started to untie each other stating they had to get out of there and people around started to look and chuckle.

She glanced at Clyde and sighed " You really have to be careful where you use that, too many people around is risky and they will start to wonder and get curious she said and glanced at her watch " Well speak more later I want to catch some of that Physiology Professors lecture" she said hoping Clyde didn't cause anymore trouble today.
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~~~~ JACOB ~~~~~

"Excuse me there sir.... " TAP TAP TAP

The next morning, Jacob's eyes flickered open as he woke up in the front seat of his car and looked towards the officer standing next to his car, flashlight in hand, beam aimed at him. He raised his hand saying, "Wh...?"

"Excuse me there sir, you know there is no overnight parking here at the Speedway right? I need to you leave please." The officer said through the window.

Jacob nodded as he checked his time seeing it was 0600 and the sun was just cracking over the horizon. He said, "Yeah... sure... no problem sir. Didn't mean to be a problem. Just was really tired."

He fired up his car and headed back to the place he dreaded. It was Friday morning and tonight was the big Princeton State football game with Yale. He had slept like crap... and tonight was the big rivalry game. It was supposed to be televised and watched around the world. Princeton and Yale had had a rivalry that dated back since 1873 and was a bit of an iconic legend in the college league. It was a home game so that was going to be good. He just hoped that Zach didn't make an appearance for sure.

He slipped into his apartment and hesitantly looked about seeing his roomies were still sleeping. The knife was gone, the message was gone and the drawers were all closed. He headed quickly to his room and grabbed a change of clothes and his books for the day. No way he was going to shower in that room again for a while. He left without incident, heading to the locker room to clean up and get ready for the day.

~~~~ CLYDE ~~~~

The next morning, Clyde's eyes flickered open while he laid in bed. He felt really guilty about what he had done last night after he had walked Imani back to her home. They had studied for a couple of hours before having to break away. Imani worked as a professor's aide for Professor Lockwood, Relativistic Electrodynamics 305. It was considered one of the most challenging courses in the entire physics program which is why he had felt so horribly guilty for what he had done.

They have a test coming up 10AM today and to be honest, he didn't feel very comfortable with this... so... he froze time as he walked her past the campus building where the professor's office was, snuck into her purse and stole her keys to the professor's office, headed inside, walked into his office and pulled out the test questions. He took his time and copied down all the questions to the test, NOT the answers, he justified to himself, then quickly put everything back in place, and locked everything back up and came back to her slipping her keys back into her purse. He then repositioned himself behind her where he had been and pressed play once more. She didn't even seem to miss a beat though and caught up to her.

After he dropped her off, he came back home and studied out all the answers as thoroughly as he could. He had been getting a B in this course, but he needed to get that up to an A to get to the next level. He knew it was technically not the right thing to do, but he hadn't got the answers, just the questions themselves so that wasn't entirely bad... right?

Tonight was the big rivalry game anyways and the campus was usually highly charged so any oddities could be contributed to that. Besides, he had BIG plans tonight for Bonnie and Jacob... Jacob had better fly absolutely straight as a fucking arrow today and leave Bonnie alone. If he saw even so much as a scratch on her, Jacob was going to pay...