"Daddy?" I Whispered - LITEROTICAS #1 Story Stolen!!!!

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Literotica's #1 Author
Apr 5, 2005


James R Scouries esq.


[SIZE=+3]"Daddy?" I Whispered[/SIZE]
Stephanie seduces her handsome father.
4.52 53,390 4,356,036 Incest/Taboo (English) 02/19/06
Public Comments: 1174

[size=+1]Today I opened my “scouries” author email account. Due to a variety of reasons I hadn’t checked it in over 2 months. First thing I saw was that I had 362 unread emails! So I started opening them. I didn’t get far as I found that three of the first five I opened were as follows:[/size]​

May 30 at 11:05 AM
This message contains feedback for:
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Not sure if account still open but if it is just want the author to know it appears a story of his has been stolen and posted on another story site.
"Daddy" I Whispered is on sexstories.com posted by AngelXSweet.
It has been reported plagiarized but is best for author to know and hopefully contact site.


May 28 at 11:25 AM
Message from: deleted for privacy

You might be interested in checking out
XNXX.com... An author named AngelXSweet posted
your story "daddy" I Whispered as hers. Thought
you might want to know!


May 28 at 8:48 AM
Message from: deleted for privacy

Are you posting stories under the name of
"AngelXSweet" on "sexstories.com"?

[size=+1] I’m sure you can all imagine how I felt when I found out that the #1 story in the long history of the LITEROTICA site had been stolen. YES STOLEN! And after investigating it appears that it was stolen and posted elsewhere by an AHland regular – a supposed author who has never had any real success on this site (even though this person posts ad nauseam here) .

But what a fool this sad excuse for a human being is. Did it really believe it could post the most famous erotic story written in this century and get away with it? A story that has already been read over 4.5 million times since it was published 10 years ago.

And no it isn’t a forgotten story – this year alone it has already been read over 112,000 times! And in the last 30 days it has been “favorited” by literoticans 29 times.


And poor LAUREL and MANU having to see their tireless work on our behalf undermined by fly-by-night sites fed by an unscrupulous, jealous AHland cretin who gets its sole kicks in life from trying to get credit for the work of others.

I have reported this crime to the renegade site involved and hope they are honest enough to remove my story. And I'm hoping the perpetuator of this foul deed has the courage to apologise to me.[/size]​
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No scouries, you favorited yourself 67 times this month. The guy below you got within 13 favorites of catching you so you had to bump it up until you were 50 ahead again. The same bullshit you've been doing for the last three years, which was the last time you posted a story to Lit.

Poor scouries, he can't let it go as a busted deal.
Hi Scouries,

Sorry about your current legal troubles. Hope it gets resolved.

Yeah, some of my stories had been reposted on other sites.

It’s nice that readers tell the author and also leave comments on the reposted story, letting people know that it had been taken.

Personally, it doesn't really bother me that much unless the reposter claims ownership or tries to profit from it. Neither of which has happened to me,so I'm not bothered.
If you can actually prove who did it then why wouldn't you give the perpetrator's name?
This is round two, a few years back we heard how someone stole it and put it on smashwords.

I have no doubt its been stolen, along with countless other stories here and he's by far not the first to start a thread about it, but he is who he is so let the trolling of the troll begin.

another note from LITEROTICAS #1 AUTHOR

James R Scouries esq.

As many of you know I’ve been quite sick over the last thirty months and am only now slowly getting back on my feet.

As a result of my illness I wasn’t able to produce any new best sellers and in fact have not submitted a new story to the site since December of 2012.

So what has happened to my sales since then? My vote totals? My ratings? Comments from readers? Quite frankly I’ve been pleasantly surprised by what has happened over the past three and a half years. I had expected that I would quickly disappear under the endless flood of new stories that hit the site on a seemingly never-ending carousel.


But this tireless woman LAUREL has clearly created a site where the great writers are able to rise to the top and stay there.

My sales figure for 2013, a year during which I submitted no stories and was flying well under the radar, still totaled an incredible 3,150,000+ reads and the wonderful LITEROTICA reading public cast more than 26,400 votes for my stories.

‘Well okay,’ you might say, ‘you submitted stories in late 2012 so these figures were just carry-overs. What about 2014?’ you’ll probably demand to know.

My sales did drop in 2014! As did my votes. But you know what? I still amassed sales of 2,880,000+ during that year and over 20,000 times a kind reader took the time to cast a vote on one of my stories.

“But what about 2015 for crying out loud?” you’re probably asking.

Well there’s no denying that sales were down. But still remarkably robust given the fact I’ve submitted nothing new since 2012. Sales in the year totaled over 2,100,000 units and perhaps even more surprisingly the votes keep coming. 19,000 votes were cast on my stories in 2015! Which proves that my stories are continually drawing new readers – a new generation of LITEROTICANS that are drawn to my writing.

So this means that, since my last submission, my stories have attracted over 8,100,000 million views and over 65,000 votes! And that's not even including this years excellent figures. Just in May of this year I had 299 "recent activities" (comments and favoriting) which I appreciate very, very much.

Many lesser authors have attacked me on the various FORUMS over the years. This constant harping has never bothered me because the people who really matter to me – readers everywhere – have been consistently kind to me and supporting of my work. And I want to start by thanking them for the pleasure their enjoyment of my writing brings me. Their comments, votes, emails and favoriting of me makes all my work worthwhile.

Your thumbs must have gotten a lot of workout during your illness. Apparently they weren't affected.
Just found these figures on a post I made on a thread back in March 2013. Interesting to compare them with the present figures (see post #1 above).

An awful lot of readers have found, read and enjoyed this story over the last three years - THANKS!!!


"Daddy?" I Whispered
Stephanie seduces her handsome father.
4.53 40,629 3,183,712 Incest/Taboo (English) 02/19/06
Public Comments: 982
Do you have a theory on how your stories still manage to get the attention of readers after all these years?
Way too young

Just found these figures on a post I made on a thread back in March 2013. Interesting to compare them with the present figures (see post #1 above).

An awful lot of readers have found, read and enjoyed this story over the last three years - THANKS!!!


"Daddy?" I Whispered
Stephanie seduces her handsome father.
4.53 40,629 3,183,712 Incest/Taboo (English) 02/19/06
Public Comments: 982

Incest? Taboo? How about ILLEGAL?
That girl is WAY too young!
Incest? Taboo? How about ILLEGAL?
That girl is WAY too young!

In the story? Or are you talking about the picture he keeps showing? I couldn't get past the beginning of the story, but as for the pic, I would have to assume she's 18 or whoever took it is in deep shit.
I wouldn't care less about this Scouries person were it not for the disgustingly shameless and sickening self-promotion! Plus, are they really under the illusion that not every "read" represents someone who liked it? Or even got past the first sentence?
I wouldn't care less about this Scouries person were it not for the disgustingly shameless and sickening self-promotion! Plus, are they really under the illusion that not every "read" represents someone who liked it? Or even got past the first sentence?

The point for him is he wants you to think everyone who clicked it read it.

Fact is at this point a few hundred thousand views at least are him clicking on it himself, his illness was probably carpel tunnel form hitting F5. :eek:
If he feels the need to do that, carpal tunnel isn't his only illness.
Thank-you for your explanations.


James R Scouries esq.

Here’s another interesting comparison. It shows the figures for my bestseller ”Ohhh Mommy,” I Groaned as of March 2013 and as of June 2016. It does show how much staying power a well written story can have on this site. Sales of almost 2 million over a 39 month period while garnering another 10 thousand votes!

[size=+3] “Ohhh Mommy,” I Groaned[/size]


March 2013

“Ohhh...Mommy," I Groaned He deflowers sister, impregnates mom.
4.57 24,095 4,640,667 Incest/Taboo (English) 12/17/06
Public Comments: 587

July 2016

"Ohhh...Mommy," I Groaned He deflowers sister, impregnates mom.
4.56 34,431 6,617,763 Incest/Taboo (English) 12/17/06
Public Comments: 757
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It's amazing this bogus phony can type after clicking his own vote button so many times...and he might as well go ahead and do that, since he was CAUGHT doing it. So, why not, right?
There is only one thing you have that can't be stolen from you...your integrity. If you lose it, you did it on your own.
Of course, he should know that. His integrity was gone long ago.
Having watched Scouries' reptilian antics for a while now, and feeling more and more soiled every time I chance across him, in regard to this matter, I find myself looking for a fuck so I can not give it...
A Related Concern

Having watched Scouries' reptilian antics for a while now, and feeling more and more soiled every time I chance across him, in regard to this matter, I find myself looking for a fuck so I can not give it...

I would also hate for readers to get the impression this is widespread among Lit authors, causing readers not to vote at all. THAT should also greatly concern the owners of this site.
I would also hate for readers to get the impression this is widespread among Lit authors, causing readers not to vote at all. THAT should also greatly concern the owners of this site.

Please quit posting on this tread and let it sink out of sight where it belongs.
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