Story accepted, two days from now


yet another
Jun 30, 2019
This is something I haven't encountered before at this site. I submitted a story two days ago (May 14), and today I saw that the status changed from 'Pending' to 'New'--but the publication date is two days from now (May 18). As far as I know, every other story of mine was scheduled for one day after the 'New' flag was added. I am not complaining about this; as always I am content that the story met all of the site's guidelines. This may, however, indicate conditions that the site folks are dealing with. Has anyone else seen an acceptance for more than one day in advance?
It happens sometimes. Laurel is probably just balancing out categories so they are spread out.
I have that with my Writing Exercise 2 submission that I expanded into a full (well, 750-word) story. I requested for the publication date to be 5/16 at the earliest (so that @nice90sguy would post the guessing results first), but it got approved yesterday (5/15) with the publication date as tomorrow (5/17).
It happens sometimes. Laurel is probably just balancing out categories so they are spread out.
I have seen this also. As long as she can accept my stories, Laurel can post them whenever she likes. My stories she hasn't accepted are available on AO3.
Yep, can confirm, it's happened to me multiple times. As others have said, I think she does either on days when there are far to many stories and your's might get buried if it's far down the list, or else in a category that's not very active, so there's new content every day.

It's a bit annoying to get the thrill of seeing your story going 'new' onto to realize that the date is not today, but it is what it is.