Cyberstalking and general ass-hattery


Really Experienced
Feb 3, 2013
Due to cyberstalking and general ass-hattery (is that a word?) I have moved my blog to a different location.

I know some people from here were reading it, and I didn't know how to let people know where to find it without letting the cyber intruder also know.

So ... If you would like to keep reading it, PM me and I will give you the new address.

I don't know if this is a weird way to go about this, I just didn't know what else to do.
Due to cyberstalking and general ass-hattery (is that a word?) I have moved my blog to a different location.

I know some people from here were reading it, and I didn't know how to let people know where to find it without letting the cyber intruder also know.

So ... If you would like to keep reading it, PM me and I will give you the new address.

I don't know if this is a weird way to go about this, I just didn't know what else to do.

I'm really sorry that this happened. Best of luck to you in your new, safer site.
Thanks, Satindesire, and thanks to you who have responded so far. Starting over really sucks, I was just starting to feel like I was developing a readership, and now I have to start over.

Oh, and if you come across another blog somewhere that seems eerily similar to mine ... mum's the word!