Cyber two chicks simulataneously


Literotica Guru
Jan 31, 2003
Cyber two chicks simultaneously

No doubt about it keeps me hard for hours, but how do I keep my chick from being jealous while I fuck her friend a good long time ? By the way my chick is the one who is suggesting the threesome.
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Okay, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about here. However, if your girlfriend is the one doing the suggesting, then why should she get jealous?

Okay, so now I am totally confused....
I'm way confused here. You're going to cyber one, and make the other wait. But your girl (is she one you're cybering) suggested it, and you're afraid she's going to get jealous? Why not just multitask?

So chicks aren't jealous in cyber? Unlike the tactile world this is good news.
Re: alright

Zurich said:
So chicks aren't jealous in cyber? Unlike the tactile world this is good news.

I didn't really mean to come off in a rude manner, this is the "how to" board, my apologies and I didn't attempt to address your question.

However, I just can't think of myself getting jealous in a cyber situation. I would tend to think that that would be letting things get out of hand. I would be worried about myself.
It pisses me off to no end when I'm talking with someone and I know I don't have their complete and utter attention. It's a waste of my time. If I'm talking to someone it's because I have something to say and I expect them to focus on me. If you're busy say so and we'll end the conversation. It's not a question of jealousy, more a question of what I consider polite and good manners.

Since your woman has suggested you do this, then I'd assume she's up to dealing with any jealousy that might crop up. You can always fall back on "Well, you told me too!" should she get mad later on.
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Zurich, there are those of us who might have something to offer, but you are not explaining yourself clearly.

Does your girlfriend want you to cyber with a friend of hers while she reads over your shoulder? Does she want you to cyber with her and then also cyber with her girlfriend at the same time? Does she want you to have a multi-person session, where she is able to "see" what is happening as well? Is this girlfriend strictly online, or is she r/l?

I'm still hopelessly confused, here.

But, Reverie, I totally agree with what you are saying. And that is perhaps why this gal doesn't do the cyber thing anymore.

You mean no one here can read my mind? wink wink. Now that I know cyber chicks aren't the jealous type, I'm just looking for suggestions on how to do this.
Re: cyber

Zurich said:
You mean no one here can read my mind? wink wink. Now that I know cyber chicks aren't the jealous type, I'm just looking for suggestions on how to do this.

Not only CAN'T people read your mind, I don't think they can read your posts! And of this is some oddball way to find out if cyber women are jealous types, why not just ask them?
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Learn to stitch a coherant thought together & ASK! That's what these boards are about.:rolleyes:

My thanks to all you chicks who took some time to answer my post even though you might not quite understand what I'm asking. If anyone has cybered two females at the same time, let me know how you did it.
you know - that is what chat rooms are for!

Actually - you can have cyber orgies in chat rooms if your fingers are fast enough on the keys and not busy elsewhere.

"Cybering" as such is meaning a load of different things to different people ... so I guess if you are just at the "talking dirty" stage you can easily manage a "threesome", given you find willing partners. If you want to have one hand down your pants a threesome may be a bit of a stretch really as far as typing velocity goes to keet the "spirit of the conversation" so to speak.

I would suggest it is only making sense if all aprticipants are present "on scene" - so either go and open a private chat room eg. here at Lit and have all three (or more) join the conversation, or use a multi-participant conversation IM program (most regular ones alow multi-party chats, like ICQ, MSN or such)

Please be aware that - just like a real life threesome - it is a small ridge between sharing equally and involvindg all present or something happening between two people with one person watching (and feeling left out in the worst of cases) ... and don't mistake cyber-threesomes for masturbation bachgrouns music - you will be BUSY typing and following the preoceedings on the screen so don't complain!

Motivation and Feeling:
I guess it can work well if it "falls in place" randomly, eg. you and your girl friend are in the same chat and another interested female up for a cyber threesome is spotted. In that case it is a "one chat stand" so to speak and jealousy shouldn't be an issue if you just "loose" the third party afterwards in cyberspace to never return again. (just don't tell your gf later it was better than doing it with her, ok!)

Or if you really have someone specific in mind invite the woman to join you on a messenger prog or make a "date" for a specific time in chat. Though in those cases I wouldn't completely outrule jealousy as specially with you and your gf obviously actively partcipating online it may be considered as "real" as a real physical threesome with all the issues that come with it.

Hope that helped and is along what you are after - and do me a favor, ok?! I am not a chick, and even less a cyber chick, ok!
*clapping and bravos*

Reverie said:
It pisses me off to no end when I'm cybering with someone and I know I don't have their complete and utter attention. It's a waste of my time. I don't really like it when I'm just IMing with someone and I know they're chatting with other people. If I'm talking to you it's because I have something to say and I expect them to focus on me. If you're busy say so and we'll end the conversation. It's not a question of jealousy, more a question of what I consider polite and good manners.


Ohhhhh so very very true. Thank you Reverie

Not just with cybering though. I consider chatting via this machine to be the same as normal discourse. I would not carry on 2 or 3 or 4 conversations at the same time in "real" life so I don't when I'm chatting on here. Being in a chat room is different. It's more like an around the water cooler discussion.

just my Canadian 2 cents worth


I see some good advice here. I can't cyber one chick let alone two w/o jackin' at the same time. Looks like I'll have to learn typing with my toes, keyboard on the floor. Hecate, apology for saying chick so "thanks, dude" for your help. Any more instruction will be appreciated.
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Zurich Zurich Zurich...

115 posts, and you're STILL asking about cybering. 3 of the same thread on the GB, and now this one here.

I certainly hope you get your cyber rocks off so you can leave the rest of us in peace.
Re: cyber

Zurich said:
I see some good advice here. I can't cyber one chick let alone two w/o jackin' at the same time. Looks like I'll have to learn typing with my toes, keyboard on the floor. Hecate, apology for saying chick so "thanks, dude" for your help. Any more instruction will be appreciated.

And here I was under the impression that Hecate is a gorgeous blonde WOMAN that is very much a Dominatrix ... who knew she was a dude?

You know, it seems rude to me to do what your asking, and really who's to say that she's not doing the exact same thing while talking to you? How would that make you feel?

If you wanna jack off, stick to one woman, or if either of them are up to it, open your own private chat through any of the IM's that you all have and have a threesome.

My two-chick cyber never panned out. My girlfriend hasn't mentioned it since I posted it here. Thanks anyway.
In my opinion, cybering just isn't all its cracked up to be. I would rather watch a video or be with a lover. Its hard to type and play ;)
Yeah I did that ... I can't get off by cybering with one female ... and I actually expected to get off while doing it with two :rolleyes: ... I mostly do it hope that I will bring some pleasure to my partner ... It's fun to make some one cum ... public play is even exiting :D
I've found fucking one chick ElecTronically is more than enough right now.
Re: Zurich

PowrDragn said:
You bring this old proverb back from memory:

"A fool speaks before he thinks. A wise man thinks before he speaks."

Just some food for thought :)


No shit? And "He that waits upon fortune is never sure of a dinner."
If you have to worry about her jealousy over probably isnt a good idea at all.