Crime rates are pretty low

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004

I'll see if I can find what crime rates are for the last two years but usually it takes a little while since it can take months or sometimes years for trials and convictions to happen. Any numbers for 2021 should probably not be trusted as they will be adjusted up as more convictions happen.

This is one of the things I despise about the media, sure the Right is the worse at it but its not like anything you're likely to stumble over is going to tell you that as a whole crime is down. Yeah we're an uptick, people who have been locked inside for nearly two years, are low on funds and then the stress of not having a clue how bad Ukraine is going to get. Plus those damned supply lines and high gas and inflation. Still I'd be willing to bet we're still better off than we were a few years back. If you're panicking over crime as whole stop. We're pretty safe right now.
I used to be chair of a Residents/Police forum to discuss crime in our town. Most was graffiti and low-level criminal damage. But one woman complained at every meeting at the high crime rates in her area. there had been five reported incidents of minor nuisance - in 5 years!

What she objected to was her neighbours' children playing football in the streets. They were between the ages of five and seven but she thought they were too noisy! The complaints stopped when she moved away to a rural location where she complained about cockerels and foxes.
Yeah but while stupid she wasn't a member of the government or media. I hope. I just keep seeing between the usual suspect like MJT and Boebert and the rest that crime is skyrocketing.

I'll see if I can find what crime rates are for the last two years but usually it takes a little while since it can take months or sometimes years for trials and convictions to happen. Any numbers for 2021 should probably not be trusted as they will be adjusted up as more convictions happen.

This is one of the things I despise about the media, sure the Right is the worse at it but its not like anything you're likely to stumble over is going to tell you that as a whole crime is down. Yeah we're an uptick, people who have been locked inside for nearly two years, are low on funds and then the stress of not having a clue how bad Ukraine is going to get. Plus those damned supply lines and high gas and inflation. Still I'd be willing to bet we're still better off than we were a few years back. If you're panicking over crime as whole stop. We're pretty safe right now.
For years I have used that website to demonstrate that more punishment leads to less crime. Previously, last year's crime rates would be posted at the beginning of each new year. I suspect that the people maintaining the website did not want to post crime statistics for 2020 and 2021 because they did not want to make it clear that demoralizing and constraining the police led to a rise in the crime rate.
Our local TV station is fond of headlines about particular crime offences such as kidnapping soars 50% year on year (from 2 to 3) and one in each year was a custody dispute between parents who wanted to take their child out of the county against a court order.