Crank Yankers

I was talking to a friend with this on in the background. I look over to it and see Kermnit the Frog fucking Miss Piggy while she's bent over on what was a mock up of the Sesame Street set where Oscar the Grouch lives.

That messed my end of the conversation up. Couldn't think straight for a minute after that.
flawed_ethics said:
I look over to it and see Kermnit the Frog fucking Miss Piggy while she's bent over on what was a mock up of the Sesame Street set where Oscar the Grouch lives.

That messed my end of the conversation up. Couldn't think straight for a minute after that.

Yep, I was dozing, almost asleep and hubby goes "look! look!" was almost disturbing enough for nightmares. I did give a full body shudder and an "ughhhh.."
It's kinda like stopping to see an accident.....

or watching the Anna Nicole Show..

You know you shouldn't watch....but you can't help it:D
Mountain Man said:
It's kinda like stopping to see an accident.....

or watching the Anna Nicole Show..

You know you shouldn't watch....but you can't help it:D

precisely! :p
I love that show.

"so tell me, you must be an expert in caulk" <---rich uppity guy with an english accent talking to a hardware guy on the phone

(I cant remember the hardware guys response)

but then the rich guy asks him about the taste of the "caulk" (say it fast) and he wants to know if it has a weird taste.

and the hardware guy says, "um, could you repeat that last question,please?"

I havent seen the episode, I only saw the previw. But it was just too funny.
Well, not verbaitam, but:

(rich guy) "So, you don't have any experience with putting caulk in your mouth?"

(hardware guy) "No sir, I wouldn't recommend it."

"Well then, being that's the case, which do you find has more staying power: Black caulk or white caulk?"

And it goes on like that...
flawed_ethics said:
Well, not verbaitam, but:

(rich guy) "So, you don't have any experience with putting caulk in your mouth?"

(hardware guy) "No sir, I wouldn't recommend it."

"Well then, being that's the case, which do you find has more staying power: Black caulk or white caulk?"

And it goes on like that...

lol...that's too cool. hehe

Does anyone know when they air the replays for this show each week?