

Really Experienced
Mar 10, 2002
Hi this is Breadmans wife again. I had a question. We are going to have another couple over here for I guess you could say an orgy. It would be both of the womans 1st time together and all of ours first time with someone else. We all want to do this but we are all very nervous. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to make the situation any less nerve racking? We will all be going to dinner and maybe dancing before anything happens. How to make the first move? I know I cannot do that. Anyone with any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.:eek:
not speaking from experience but two things come to mind:

First, maybe a game? one of those party board games that they have at places like Ann Summers? Might help to break the ice a bit.

Second, if you are occasional recreational pharmaceutical consumers....X.
ExtacyCouple said:
Get drunk!

Maybe not completely drunk but a few drinks to take the edge off could help. I doubt if you want someone getting so hammered, they couldn't see straight!

If you really wanted to get sly, you could always turn the furnace up a few degrees and just have to remove a few articles of clothing to... uh, remain comfortable.

But admittedly I think the nervousness you feel is a good thing. Run with it! It keeps a certain tension in the air that makes it all the more exciting!

Knowing that it's both of you ladies together for the very first time, be that much bolder. I'm sure once you lean over and make a hot little move on her, the guys will be more than willing to join in. By all means have fun! Please let us know if things sizzle & spark and if not, please report back as to what worked, what didn't and what was awkward.

There's tons of us here who've never experienced an orgy but have all sorts of suggestions. Brave folks you be but we voyeuristic types want to know all those little details too. We'd love to know and ride out a fantasy vicariously.

Good luck!;)
Keep in mind also that the other couple will be just as nervous as you.

Another thought would be that instead of just jumping into sex as a group start with a little fooling around with just your spouse and the other couple watching. That will get everybody's blood flowing and then the next thing you know it will be a free for all.

I'd suggest having a couple drinks before hand but not much, report back and let us know how it goes, I hope to one day get to experience something like that.
My partner, SexyGiggles (She's new, so say hi if you see her!), and I are thinking about including another couple. He's been my friend for 10 years, hers for 7. Neither of us really know his gf well.

SG, he, and I all played a little bit a couple weeks ago, starting with body shots. He got to feeling guilty and opted out, but we know he's interested. No idea how his gf would feel, but she's pretty flirty.

How did you approach the other couple? We're not sure how to bring up the idea. We're thinking to talk to him and let him broach the idea with her.

(BTW-- thanks for all the great comments in the 3some threads about preparing yourself for including others in your sex life. We're having some very detailed discussions around it.)
SexyGiggles here with my two cents worth...(based on long talks with DuckLover and my own thoughts)

If you do bring another couple in with you, be sure to have VERY open communication for everyone involved -- make sure there is a code word of some sort, just in case you or your partner (or the other couple) are not comfortable, that way you can have an "out". Also, make sure you set some ground rules -- what can you do, what can you not do, etc.... and discuss them with everyone beforehand so that you don't end up in an awkward position later.

BTW, the body shots were REALLY FUN! It's a great way to get started with someone new in the bedroom if you don't want to go too far at first or if you are uneasy -- keep it simple (i.e., pants stay on/off, no genitals, etc...) and have fun! Nothing quite like two guys sucking your breasts at the same time....

So sit back, relax, and have some fun! :D
Thanks for the ideas PowerDragon! Strip poker is a lot of fun (so is strip Twister!) and a couple drinks rarely hurts.

I think you're right about talking directly to him. Now it's just a matter of timing. Over a beer perhaps one night?

I'll be sure to keep the boards informed of how things go!