Correct me if I'm wrong "long posters"


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
Last night in an attempt to get to know some GB members that have started posting again, I made a thread. Someone suggested that I just keep my eyes and ears open and I would learn everything. Well I've been here a little while and this is what I think is going on. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Kyle is married to Jinx but there is a lot of sexual tension with Islandman.
Dolf is the queen of the GB and everyone seems to want her arse.
Someone named karen is actually an old guy named ken.
WQ is secretly wanted by the men of GB but she intimidates them.
Sean and Rory are a lot alike.
Lancaster likes breast milk.
Bronzeage is the King of the GB.
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Last night in an attempt to get to know some GB members that have started posting again, I made a thread. Someone suggested that I just keep my eyes and ears open and I would learn everthing. Well I've been here a little while and this is what I think is going on. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Kyle is married to Jinx but there is a lot of sexual tension with Islandman. *
Dolf is the queen of the GB and everyone seems to want her arse. **
Someone named karen is actually an old guy named ken.
WQ is secretly wanted by the men of GB but she intimidates them. ***
Sean and Rory are a lot alike. ****
Lancaster likes breast milk.
Bronzeage is the King of the GB.*****

there's just too much wrong with those statements to bother correcting them all.

But I'm bored, and yea...

*Islandman just likes to troll me because he is jealous that my ferrets are amazing. Oh and he loves me. And trolls me because that love is not returned.
**Not queen, and I think it's a battle between byron and byron for her.
***WQ is a racist most of us hate. The ones that like her are trying to suck her dick
**** I don't see that at all. And Sean is a Brit
***** He's king of pedestals.
I should have mentioned Tryharder is nice. Even though some have said she is a whiner and an idiot.:(
WQ is secretly wanted by the men of GB but she intimidates them.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that this is a joke. Although much of what I say about WQ is taunts, she really is a very unattractive person.

Also, Sean and Rory are not similar at all. Not even close. Rory and Badbabysitter are much more similar.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that this is a joke. Although much of what I say about WQ is taunts, she really is a very unattractive person.

Also, Sean and Rory are not similar at all. Not even close. Rory and Badbabysitter are much more similar.

I didn't mean it as a joke.
I should have mentioned Tryharder is nice. Even though some have said she is a whiner and an idiot.:(

People say that because your being nice is a dumb shtick. Saying things like "I like you even though you're mean to me" is stupid. You don't like people that are always mean to you. Be yourself. People will either like you or not like you, but they won't be annoyed at you for playing games.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that this is a joke. Although much of what I say about WQ is taunts, she really is a very unattractive person.

Also, Sean and Rory are not similar at all. Not even close. Rory and Badbabysitter are much more similar.

Agreed, I might cop to an occasional thought about dolf's arse, but WQ? Nah. And I enjoy Sean.
I should have mentioned Tryharder is nice. Even though some have said she is a whiner and an idiot.:(

Add to that: nascent attention whore.

Without posting selfies involving household implements, your days here are on a path to Brutish & Short.
I didn't mean it as a joke.

In that case, it and you are stupid. I try to hold back with you, but that is a wildly idiotic thing to say. This isn't kindergarten; we don't stick gum in each other's hair. If I like someone, I'm going to like them. Why would some anonymous person intimidate anyone?

Fuck, that is a stupid thing to say.
Let me help you a little.

pink is nice but can be a bitch. Most people don't believe this because this side of her doesn't come out often. Her bestie is KRC. pink loves many things among those are crocheting, NFL football and Nascar.
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Agreed, I might cop to an occasional thought about dolf's arse, but WQ? Nah. And I enjoy Sean.

I don't mind Sean either. He's not an idiot. Rory is a troll, but he's an entertaining one. WQ, though, has no redeeming features that come to mind. She's admittedly racist, she lies and she brags constantly. She is certainly among the least attractive women here.
Let me help you a little.

pink is nice but can be a bitch. Most people don't believe this because this side of her doesn't come out often. Her bestie is KRC. pink loves many things among those are crocheting, NFL football and Nascar.

She refers to herself in the third person, a sure sign of being on psychmeds.

Although he advertises animal charity causes, she maims her pets.

Fat ugly welfare mom in a trailer who tops up her huge food and booze budget by doing $10 blowjobs in tavern parking lots. (just ask KRC)

Mostly a total liar, except for the being a bitch part.
I don't mind Sean either. He's not an idiot. Rory is a troll, but he's an entertaining one. WQ, though, has no redeeming features that come to mind. She's admittedly racist, she lies and she brags constantly. She is certainly among the least attractive women here.

Yes. Yes. Yes.
I don't mind Sean either. He's not an idiot. Rory is a troll, but he's an entertaining one. WQ, though, has no redeeming features that come to mind. She's admittedly racist, she lies and she brags constantly. She is certainly among the least attractive women here.

Is she still busy extinguishing all the fires in Australasia with her little kidley bean?